Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 459 Several Chen Xuan Appeared At The Same Time

"My God? What's the situation? Where did Chen Dada go? Or is there a problem with the drone? Why does the captured picture look foggy?

"That's right, and there is still water vapor. Could it be that the drone accidentally fell into the water?"

"This kind of problem should not exist. After all, these drones have been specially tuned to only capture people's figures, and the pictures just now are quite normal.

If the branches were scratched suddenly and fell into a puddle somewhere, there should be an earth-shaking feeling in the picture, but none of these~ there is. "

"It makes sense, what the upstairs said makes sense, this question is worth pondering.

Or did Chen Da come to a misty forest? Oh, my God, what am I talking about, it should be impossible for the forest to appear. "

"It's not so absolute. Maybe the term foggy forest is really correct. Look carefully at the pictures taken by the drone. Are the trees all blurred and completely shrouded in smoke?"

"My heaven and my earth, what is this place? It's too unreal, right? I'm really worried that if Chen Dada keeps walking forward, he will just pass through like this, hahaha..."

"The buddy upstairs has a big brain, but everything in the world is possible, haha, just kidding..."

The audience in the live broadcast room held this stalk, and all of them spoke freely.

So it seemed that the entire live broadcast room was very lively. After all, this situation was seen by other sales methods.

At least their anchor will not go to such a magical place.

Rhubarb, who was lying on the spot waiting for Chen Xuan to come back, didn't know why, but actually felt dizzy in his head, as if the surrounding sky and earth were constantly circling around it.


"Rhubarb, what are you doing..."

"Rhubarb, come and eat!"

"Rhubarb, look, this is the Sansheng Pill you've always wanted, why don't you hurry up and get it!"

At this moment, Rhubarb was surprised to find that there were several Chen Xuans around it, and those Chen Xuans were talking to him, or kept calling its name.

...asking for flowers...

It is hard to tell which one is the real Chen Xuan after getting so many rhubarb.

I just felt that these voices sounded again and again, as if they were going to knock its brain out.

It made Rhubarb feel particularly uncomfortable.

With the sound of bang, Da Huang, who was still sitting on the ground, fell directly to the ground, as if he was asleep or in a coma.

Fortunately, such a picture was not seen by the audience in the live broadcast room, otherwise they would have gasped one after another.

After all, this situation came too suddenly.

As for Chen Xuan, who was walking in front, sensed something was wrong in the air, and quickly tore a piece of cloth from his clothes, and then poured some water from the bamboo tube he carried with him to wet the cloth. .

He quickly covered it under his nose.

"I didn't expect there to be miasma here. A place the size of a palm is really a small sparrow with all five internal organs. There are all kinds of weird things."

Even though Chen Xuan covered his mouth and nose, he still muttered a few words to himself, and his whole body was still calm and calm, without any panic or embarrassment at all. .

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