Although Zhou Xintong hadn't had much contact with Chen Xuan before, he still saw him when he was bullied by John and Lao Bai.

Compared with the submissive and timid look of the past, Chen Xuan's eyes are now full of flatness, and even the aura emanating from his body is different.

It has to be said that this kind of Chen Xuan seems to have an unusual aura, which will unconsciously attract people's attention.

So Zhou Xintong stared at Chen Xuan intently while dragging her brother, feeling like a nymphomaniac at the moment.

"I got into a fight with you today. Don't you want to catch fish? I'll play with you slowly. I have plenty of time! Let's see who suffers."

690 didn't expect that Zhou Xun on the other side was still cursing, as if he was trying his best to argue with Chen Xuan.

And Chen Xuan, who was catching fish, didn't pay attention to that guy, but turned his head to look at Zhou Xun. In an instant, Zhou Xun, who was about to continue talking, was stared speechless in an instant.

He just felt that the look in Chen Xuan's eyes that looked at him just now was like ice in winter, which made all the blood in his body freeze at that moment.

As for the sentences that were still thinking of various words to scold Chen Xuan in my mind, they were all frozen together, and I even forgot what I was thinking (ccai).

And Zhou Xintong also noticed Chen Xuan's eyes, and felt that those eyes were particularly domineering, especially the dark pupils were like the deep night sky, and people could never guess the emotion of the owner of these pupils.

Seeing that the brother and sister finally calmed down, Chen Xuan took the fish onion and walked towards the other side.

As for the few lively fish in the grass, Chen Xuan directly strung them up with a weed, and directly made a string of fish skewers.

Even though the fish were still struggling, they were helpless when facing that weed.

What is even more surprising is that those weeds were easily broken, but the fish on the skewer looked so solid when held by Chen Xuan, like silk thread.

You must know that these movements were all made by Chen Xuan in a slow manner in the face of Zhou Xun's constant interference.

Even Zhou Xintong was speechless and sighed for this super powerful hands-on ability.

After leaving the two brothers and sisters, Chen Xuan instantly felt that his ears were much quieter, and he caught two more fish casually, only then did he feel that today's harvest was almost the same.

"Rhubarb is ready, let's go back!"

Chen Xuan, who was standing by the lake, said, and the rhubarb that was still under the lake broke out of the water with a splash.

This sudden movement made Zhou Xun and Zhou Xintong brothers and sisters who were standing on the shore very uncomfortable.

Especially Zhou Xintong, a little girl who hid directly behind Zhou Xun, completely disbelieving that a tiger would come out of the lake.

As for Zhou Xun on the other side, he was not much better either. If Zhou Xintong hadn't been standing behind him, he might have fallen to the ground with a limp foot.


The big yellow guy climbed up from the lake where Zhou Xun was standing, and even yelled at him, while the hair on his body was dripping with water.

Rhubarb shook the water on his body indiscriminately again, and in an instant, all the water droplets swayed towards the two brothers and sisters like sharp arrows, which made Zhou Xun unexpected and unable to dodge in time. .

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