Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 284 After These Guys See Our Evolutionary Mecha, They Won't Be Scared To Death, Right?

"Didn't I not think of it..."

The heavy-shield silicon-based lifeform scratched the back of its head in embarrassment,


Vettel gave the order to attack, and surrounded and suppressed the three fleeing insect nests.

"Terry, lock the worm nest where the black box is located, and we will kill that worm nest first!"

"Okay! Chief Vetter!"

The spaceship-shaped silicon-based life instantly turned on the scanning system, and scanned all the three fast-moving insect nests in the void of the universe!

"The target insect nest has been locked, and the course direction has been revised by 3%!"

Terry quickly locked the location of the second black box, which seemed to be still inside the nest they had invaded before.

It's just that the two black boxes were in the same coordinates at the time, so the scanning device could only detect the signals they released at the same time, and there was no way to distinguish the two signal sources.

Therefore, Vettel and the others who entered the worm nest to look for the black boxes, after taking away one of the black boxes, led the combat team to kill them out of the worm nest!

"Fili, that seems to be a spaceship for silicon-based life."


On the Krypton Tabal side, the silicon-based life team led by Vettel was also discovered.

However, these silicon-based life forms are allied with humans, so they did not regard them as hostile forces and directly launched attacks.

And when Nubis kidnapped the Zerg Queen last time, he still relied on the cover of silicon-based life to escape from the pursuit of those bugs!

"I don't know if these guys, after seeing our evolutionary mecha, will be frightened out of their wits.

In Philip's mind, an idea popped up,

After all, the power they have now has completely surpassed level 4 civilization,

Although silicon-based life forms are very advanced mechanical life forms, their combat power is not necessarily much stronger than that of evolved mechs!


He is more curious,

Do these formations mounted on the evolutionary mechs oppress and confuse these self-aware mechanical life forms?

"Speed ​​up! We can't lose to these big mechanical guys!" Nubis said,

Then he brought his mecha troops under his command and quickly charged towards the three insect nests!

"Nubis, let's have a competition. Let's choose a worm nest and see who can kill all the worms in it first?" Philip showed a smile on his face.

...asking for flowers......

It just so happened that those silicon-based life forms also chose a bug nest to enter,

"OK, no problem!"

Nubis readily agreed!

Then he and Philip each chose a worm nest, and quickly approached there.



And the queen of the Zerg who was hiding in the nest, when she saw the silicon-based life team approaching in front of her, she roared angrily!

At this juncture, it was besieged by humans and silicon-based life at the same time.

And with the strength of these human beings, even if there is no such silicon-based life team, they can easily kill them all.

And now,

It seems impossible for them to even escape!

"Sir Vettel, the mecha team of the level 3 civilization flew to the other two nests.

"Very good! This is our chance! Capture that worm nest as quickly as possible, and find the black box inside!"

Vettel nodded,

This is undoubtedly a very good opportunity for them!

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