Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 198 Mr. Just Explained A Fact Just Now, He Didn't Deliberately Brag!

"Zergs are coming?!"

at the same time,

earth star,

In the family building of the College of Chinese Medicine,

Zhou Xiaotong looked at the information transmitted by Fran, and couldn't help being stunned.

Then she quickly reacted, and quickly typed on the keyboard,

But she didn't get any reply for a long time,

Fran, who is in the subspace, has left the spaceship,

However, in case something happened to him, the news from Shuilanxing could not be transmitted back to the Krypton Tabal Starfield quickly.

He implanted a brand new command in Alpha's chip in advance,

That is, when he is not around, he needs to follow Zhou Xiaotong's instructions and treat her as his own master,


The message that Zhou Xiaotong sent out just now finally got an answer from Alpha,

"Your Excellency Zhou Xiaotong, the captain has already driven the Adman Mecha to face the Zerg. I will follow your instructions until he returns..."

Alpha said nothing, but it said everything,

Zhou Xiaotong knows Fran, so she also knows about this artificial intelligence system, Alpha, which has been with her for a while!

"Alpha, activate the dish-level detector, I need to see the picture of Fran and the Zerg!" Zhou Xiaotong said directly,

It's just that what comes out of her mouth is not the Chinese language of the Xia Kingdom, but the Krypton Tabal language derived from the Krypton Tabal people.

"Okay, Your Excellency Zhou Xiaotong, we are starting data transmission for you..."

a moment later,

Alpha's voice sounded on Zhou Xiaotong's computer, the voice was the same as in her memory,

But it is the language of the Flutabars,

Immediately after about half a minute passed, two screens appeared on the computer in front of Zhou Xiaotong.

On one side is the Edman mecha driven by Fran, on the other side is a giant insect nest like a meteorite, slowly advancing in the cosmic starry sky!

even its rear,

That space wormhole that has just been opened up not long ago has not completely disappeared into the vast universe!

"Here they come...they really come..."

Zhou Xiaotong stared at the giant insect nest on the screen with his eyes wide open.

There are gray-black stones all over it, and the shape looks like a meteorite.

But they are composed of excrement after the Zerg devoured the soil and ore, and they have a degree of sturdiness that is not inferior to metal properties!

in addition,

These special excrements that make up the nest have a certain immune effect on technology 727 weapons,

It is not comparable to an ordinary meteorite!


While Zhou Xiaotong was nervously looking at the picture on the screen, Professor Zhou walked in from outside the room.

"Huh? Xiaotong? Are you watching a movie?"

With his voice,

Only then did Zhou Xiaotong realize that his grandfather had come behind him at some point.

"Well, I'm watching a sci-fi movie, Krypton Tabal vs. Space Zerg..."

Zhou Xiaotong's heart beat violently a few times, and then she spoke,

Although this scene actually happened in the universe, as long as she doesn't say anything, it is almost impossible for anyone to guess that this scene is reality and not a special effect of a movie!

"Then grandpa will watch it with you too? It just so happens that I haven't watched this type of movie for a long time." Professor Zhou said with a smile,

Zhou Xiaotong opened his mouth, unable to find any reason to refuse,

So the grandpa and grandson sat in the room and watched the big movie of Mecha vs. Star Zerg in silence.

"This mech is not badly made, it looks just like the real thing..."

After watching for a while, Professor Zhou said with a little emotion,

Zhou Xiaotong hummed in disbelief,

But her heart was thinking, isn't this nonsense?

Originally, this is a real mech. If the real effect is not strong, is the special effect produced by those western guys more similar?!

As for those Westerners,

In the Doom Day of the previous life, it was much more miserable than that of Xia Kingdom,

Because the place where the starry sky Zerg army landed was nearby, those guys were the first to bear the brunt of being hunted down by the entire starry sky Zerg.

In the end it seems that very few survived.

But now is not the time for her to feel these things,

In the picture, Fran has already driven the Edelman to the vicinity of the moon,

And those nests of the starry sky Zerg have completely separated from the wormhole and descended into the solar system.

"I hope these bugs just arrived, and didn't send the coordinates here to the Zerg Queen in the Zerg universe!'

Zhou Xiaotong stared closely at the insect nest in the picture,

It was the Zerg queen in this bug nest who grew into a IV-level form in a very short period of time after capturing Shuilanxing.

And mastered a swarm composed of five extremely dangerous insect nests!

at the same time,

It is also the reason why the Zerg continuously attacked the Krypton Tabal star field,

As a result, the Krypton Tabal lost an immigrant planet and nearly half of their Edman mechs in just eighteen years.

But now it's different,

Although this guy is only in a dish-level form now, and is only a reconnaissance type, whether it is command ability or attack power, it is weaker than a normal lord-type Zerg queen.

An Adman mecha can easily kill it!

at the same time,

in the void of space,

"I don't know what kind of expressions these bugs will have when they see me?"

Fran looked at the worm nest that was getting closer and closer to him, with a hint of madness in his eyes,


Enemy of all life in the universe,

They devour everything but earth and stone, even the stars,

Under their devouring and absorption, it will also become an ordinary planet with extinguished flames in a very short period of time.

But their favorite is still the living planet with many resources,

special planetary core,

completely different from other planets,

It can provide the special substances needed by the Zerg Queen, allowing it to move towards a more advanced form step by step!



The Zerg queen in the nest discovered Fran's existence through a special biological electric wave,

It is completely different from the information that Zhou Xiaotong understands, it is not just a dish-level form,

Although it has not evolved into a lord-type Zerg Queen, in terms of pure detection ability, it can be compared with the IV-level detectors owned by the 4th-level civilization.

Therefore, it is only the Krypton Tabal Mecha of Level 3 civilization, and the signal shielding device wrapped outside cannot stop its detection!

Brush, brush, brush!


The worms whose nest was close to the outer area quickly flew out under the leadership of an ear-level queen,

Then the picture,

It is the same as what Zhou Xiaotong saw in the Zerg Queen's memory before,

Led by ten super-form bugs and an ear-level Zerg queen, they flew out of the nest.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiaotong also let out a sigh of relief,

Just some bugs in the second-level and first-level forms can't cause any big problems for Fran.

"Are these Zergs? They really look ugly..."

After seeing the Zerg flying out of the insect nest, Professor Zhou felt a little disgusted and said,

"But it's a good thing this is just a movie, otherwise these bugs have such tenacious vitality and can survive in the vacuum environment of the universe, I'm afraid we humans will be finished..."

Zhou Xiaotong next to him subconsciously rolled his eyes, wanting to say that this is real, and that there is not much territory left for human beings.

But now it's different,

Mr. was born out of nowhere, causing Shui Lanxing unprecedented changes,

At that time, the human beings in the entire federation may, under the leadership of that man, directly own and enter the Zerg universe,

A day to destroy the entire Zerg!


at the same time,

The Edman mecha driven by Fran collided head-on with the bugs flying out of the bug nest,

No lava bugs and shock bugs,

These eleven bugs were killed by the Edman mech he was driving without any (ccdi) accidents at all!

The green blood of those bugs, in the void near the moon, mixed with the corpses of the bugs, drifted slowly,

Even the super Zerg queen was torn in half by the mechanical arm of the Edman mecha!

Although its vitality has not completely disappeared now,

But it no longer has the ability to transmit the coordinates of Shangshui Blue Star to the biological information network of the Zerg Mother Queen!

the other side,

Chen Xuan's eyes widened directly,

Some people can't believe that there is such a thing as armor in this world?!

The cold metallic luster looks unusually dazzling under the sun's rays,

Although there is a special force field near the mecha, but there is no way to resist the two sword lights in his eyes!

"This mech is really powerful, but what are those bugs?"

Chen Xuan's voice echoed slightly in the yard,


This world makes him feel so strange,

At least in the original world, he never discovered the existence of mechas, nor did he see that kind of tall insects over fifty meters in size.

And they can also shuttle in the universe, and have the ability to survive in the void of the universe!

just this,

Chen Xuan can only say that he is ashamed,

At least until he has cultivated the immortal golden alchemy to the state of great perfection and condensed the nine-aperture golden alchemy, he still has no ability to wander and survive in the void of the universe.

It's not a matter of vacuum and pressure,

Even with his current strength and realm, he can carry out short-term activities in the universe,

It's just that there's no oxygen, no food,

If you don't reach the realm of Nascent Soul Earth Immortal, you want to survive in the universe without eating or drinking, it's almost like an idiot's dream!

But those bugs seem to be very weak,

Just a mecha, directly killed them directly.

If it is converted into cultivation strength, Chen Xuan is confident that he can kill these bugs directly when he is practicing Qi Realm!

However, given that the environment is in outer space, even if he reaches the realm of foundation building, it is impossible to kill those bugs.

"For the time being, compared to those mechs and those bugs, I'm still a little stronger..."


Chen Xuan exhaled a foul breath,

It's just the mechs and bugs he saw, and he knew that they couldn't be his opponents almost without trying.

And as can be seen from the picture just now,

That mecha should be a relatively high-end combat weapon in this world,

Otherwise, it would be impossible to just send one to the moon and strangle those bugs.

It's just that after his words fell into the ears of the four young people next door, they became a little confused again,

just said satellite,

Now talk about mechs and bugs?

By the way, brother, what are your eyes made of?! Why didn’t we see anything?!

But the Krypton Tabal in the virtual world couldn't help laughing,

"As expected of you, sir, after seeing those worms and our Edman mecha, I didn't feel any shock at all, but I was very confident in taking myself and the worm

The comparison between the Clan and the Adman Mecha..."

"It seems that Mr. is right, his strength can be compared with that of a class I elite bug, but don't forget, Mr. also has the power of space, which is known as the strongest power, Ed.

Man is strong, and it is impossible to block the power of space, okay?"

"That's right, there are some experimental videos about space cutting and Adamantium alloy before. Although the space cutting technology is not yet mature, it will be known as the strongest Adamantium alloy."

The alloy was cut into two halves! Tsk tsk, that power shouldn't be too strong!"

"Then, sir, just stated a fact, and didn't deliberately brag!"

"Sir: I'm just telling the truth, but you guys think I'm bragging?!"

As for the battles that took place in outer space, these Krypton Tabals were actually not clear,

The detectors launched by Fran before were only arranged in the area near the atmosphere.

Therefore, it is not possible to see the scene that happened on the moon through reverse capture,

But don’t forget, Zhou Xiaotong asked Alpha to capture the battle scenes there,

Therefore, there is no cut-off transmission channel, and the data is also transmitted from the dish-level detector to the Krypton Tabal star field.

And in the virtual world, reorganized and constructed the picture of Fran fighting the bugs!

It's just that they imagined countless times in their minds what kind of expression this man would have when he discovered the Zerg and their Kryptonian Edman mecha.

As a result, none of them thought

The man acted calmly throughout the whole process, without any strange color on his face,

It's just like,

As if I knew it all along!

In the family building of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Zhou Xiaotong saw the Zerg completely wiped out by the mechs,

The whole person couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief,

At the same time, there were two traces of tears on her face unknowingly,


Those bugs that were about to bring Shuilanxing to destruction died before her eyes.

Although she didn't do it herself,

But the Doomsday crisis on Water Blue Planet has finally been resolved successfully!


Just when Zhou Xiaotong thought everything was over,

In the picture, Fran is cleaning up the battlefield, collecting the bug corpses near the moon, flying to the bug nest, and when he intends to destroy them collectively,

A group of fifteen tall insects surrounded a taller I-level Zerg queen,

It flew out of the insect nest just now again.

nearly a hundred meters of body,

The physique of almost every bug is no worse than that of the Adman mecha controlled by Fran!

Even in terms of their burly bodies, these guys are stronger than the Edman mech he drives!.

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