Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 171 Mister Is Worthy Of Being A Mister, The Methods Are Simply Against The Sky! ! !

"It's been half a month, and it's been half a month since Mr. went in...Could it be that Mr. was really inside, did something happen to him?"

in the jungle,

Standing outside the mysterious force field, Lu Jian became very haggard,

With big dark circles under his eyes, and a white face like paper, it is almost impossible to see that he still looks like a living person at all,

"Old Lu, don't worry. Didn't you say that Mister has surpassed the Qi training stage and reached the foundation building stage? And there is also a flying sword to protect the body..." Zhang Wei next to him, some comforted by worry,

Seeing his old comrade-in-arms Lu Jian getting more and more haggard day by day, he also felt very uncomfortable.

But he didn't know how to comfort him,

The man trapped in the forest this time has revived the martial arts and ancient martial arts, and is even the leader of cultivating immortals.

If he is really trapped in that mysterious force field and cannot get out, then the road to cultivating immortals that has just appeared in the world will be cut off again because of this.

And their 749 Special Operations Department, I am afraid that they will become the sinners of all mankind in an instant.

"I hope sir will be fine..." Lu Jian sighed again,

These half a month was a complete torment for him,

I don't even have any thoughts about cultivation,

That is to say,

He penetrated fifteen meridians half a month ago, and now there are still only fifteen meridians.

There is no improvement, even silk.

"Don't worry, old man, we have sent more than 30 people in, I think some of them will be able to pass through this force field and reach the world inside..." Zhang Wei patted Lu Jian on the shoulder ,

a week ago,

In the entire 749 department, all members who have reached the entrained air into the body are assigned to the task of searching for Chen Xuan.


They must search and rescue that man from the area shrouded in this mysterious force field!

"Yi Yu, where are you??"

at this time,

in the mysterious force field,

Yi Yu, who was walking ahead to explore the way, just took a step forward,

The whole person seemed to have stepped on the air, and rolled down a slope in front of him.

It didn't seem to stop until he hit something,

Mu Yunqi, who stood at 22 and didn't dare to move, quickly lay down on the ground and kept groping the ground in front of him.

in his eyes,

Ahead was a very level clearing, covered with some dry fallen leaves,


When his hand touched the past, he didn't touch anything,

no doubt,

The cliff-like slope here is a naturally formed cave!

"I, I'm fine, I just hit a rock and hurt my foot..."

a moment later,

Yi Yu's voice,

Passed from the front direction,

Judging by the loudness of the voice, it was about five or six meters away from him.

Not very far!

"Stay there and don't move, I will pull you up with a rope."

Mu Yunqi stretched out his hand to grab the rope tied around Yi Yu's waist on the ground next to him,

The reason why two people need to act together is to prevent a situation like this from happening,

Once someone is injured, another person can find out in time and start rescue in the shortest time.


But just when Mu Yunqi pulled the rope and pulled Yi Yu up from the invisible slope,

A deafening roar came from the forest on their right,


Mu Yunqi and Yi Yu looked in that direction at the same time,

I saw a huge Tyrannosaurus rex with a body length of more than five meters,

Roaring and rushing directly towards them!

The rumbling sound was like an earthquake, and the breathing and heartbeat of the two of them couldn't help but stop!

And the shrubs and some branches along the way were constantly broken under the impact of the tyrannosaurus rex!


Mu Yunqi and Yi Yu spat hard!

Although they have long known that what they see here, or even what they hear, is not true,

But this huge tyrannosaurus rex still brought them an extremely strong impact!

But at this moment,

Chen Xuan, who came out of the strange land inside, also came here,

Looking at the tyrannosaurus rex a hundred meters away, he muttered slightly: "Compared with those 3D movies and games, this stuff shouldn't be too realistic...

It's just that in the consciousness he released, everything here is invisible,

Every plant and every tree,

Even some bugs and animals living in this forest cannot escape his perception.

So now Chen Xuan is like a walking human-shaped detector, which can shuttle through this forest without hindrance.

Although the visibility is only 30 meters, there is still no problem at all in dealing with this forest that has a confusing effect!

"Huh? Isn't that someone from 749?"

Chen Xuan continued to walk a few steps forward,

In the area shrouded in spiritual consciousness ahead, two people in dark green clothes appeared soon,

It was Yi Yu and Mu Yunqi who went to Shenlongjia to pick him up with Lu Jian before.

But at this time,

These two guys seem to be in a bit of a mess,

Not to mention the tattered clothes, the faces of the two were still painted.

Especially for that young man named Yi Yu, the bones of his right foot seemed to have been severely impacted, and a tiny crack appeared.

"Perhaps ask them how long it has been now..."

At this point,

Chen Xuan raised his foot and walked in that direction,

As for his mobile phone,

When I entered this magnetic field before, under the influence of that mysterious force, the automatic shutdown could not be turned on again.

"This, isn't this too real?! If we didn't know that what our eyes saw and even what our ears heard was not true, I'm afraid we would have been scared to pee by this guy just now?"

And this time,

Mu Yunqi opened his mouth very exaggeratedly,

The Tyrannosaurus rex that left looked like it was real, no matter which direction you looked at it, there was no flaw at all!

Even the roaring sound and the footsteps trampling on the ground are very real!

It's just the vibration corresponding to the sound of footsteps, which is not transmitted through the ground.

"That's right, if those games and movies can be so realistic, they will probably attract a lot of players and viewers." Yi Yu also nodded subconsciously,

But just as his voice fell,

Suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and patted his shoulder, and there was a voice,

"What day is it now?"

Yi Yu was stunned,

Some doubts asked Mu Yunqi: "Old Mu, you said that the phantoms here, in addition to being seen and heard by people, will people touch them?!"

"Touched? Old Yi, are you sure you're not talking nonsense?!" Mu Yunqi was taken aback,

He also came in several times,

Apart from seeing and hearing, he has never discovered that there are illusions that can be touched.

After all, if that illusion can be touched, can it still be an illusion?!

"But, but just now someone patted me on the shoulder, and then asked me what month and date it is..." Yi Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fear,

It's hardly too scary!

Especially in this piece of woods, there are always illusions, and people's hearts are always in the most tense state.

Now someone tapped on the shoulder again suddenly, and then asked what month and date it is,

Wouldn't this be a hell of a life?

"What's the matter? Don't you guys know the time?" Chen Xuan frowned, and continued to say to the two people in front of him,


next moment,

Yi Yu and Mu Yunqi screamed at the same time, and felt a chill, crawling from the soles of their feet to their heads along their backs.


This is not an illusion at all!

They have come in several times, and they have never encountered a phantom that can pat people on the shoulder and then ask people!


Mu Yunqi, who was supporting Yi Yu, bumped into a tree, and his nose bleed instantly.

Yi Yu also stepped on a stone and fell hard into the mud.

Chen Xuan just remembered,

These two guys can only see illusions, and they can't replace eyes with divine sense like him.


right hand flip,

Chen Xuan took out a piece of carved rune jade from inside his clothes, and injected a trace of real energy into it at the same time.

next moment,

With him as the center and an area with a radius of ten meters, the picture seen by the eyes began to distort rapidly,

Bit by bit, it turns into bubbles, and finally the real world appears!

The two who were so frightened just now,

After seeing this scene, the whole person became a little stupid.

Until Chen Xuan walked over and asked again: "What date is it now?"

The two of them woke up instantly from that bewildered state,

"Chen, Mr. Chen, is that you?! Is it really you?!"

Mu Yunqi was so excited that even his voice trembled a little.

He even pinched himself hard to make sure it wasn't a dream!

"It's me, are you alright?" Chen Xuan was a little puzzled,

Could it be that these two guys are trapped in it, and they have already lost their minds?!

"Great! Great! I'm not dreaming! We really found Mr. Chen!"

Mu Yunqi yelled happily, completely ignoring the nosebleed that flowed from his nose.

"Looking for me?!" Chen Xuan once again showed doubts on his face,

Yi Yu struggled to get up from the ground, and before he even spit out the mud in his mouth, he quickly replied: "Yes, sir, it has been half a month since you came in, we are worried about your business, so every day They will try to break through this illusion area, but..."

said finally,

Yi Yu couldn't help showing a touch of shame on his face,

After trying for so long, they still failed to break through,

If this man hadn't taken the initiative to ask, I'm afraid they would still be wandering around in the illusion until now.

But this also made Yi Yu and Mu Yunqi a little curious,

How did this man manage to shatter the phantoms around here?!


Mu Yunqi and Yi Yu looked at the forest ten meters away,

There was nothing like the woods on their side,

It's like another world outside, spliced ​​together with their world here.

For example, there are only half of the rocks on the outside, but they suddenly disappear on the inside.

And the slope that Yi Yu rolled down just now,

In the area ten meters away, it is still a flat open space!

"Has it been half a month?!" Chen Xuan frowned,

totally unexpected,

It has been half a month since he first entered the magnetic field formation.

"Oops, rhubarb

Chen Xuan suddenly thought of Rhubarb staying in the yard,

without him,

Is that guy going to starve to death?

"By the way, this is a piece of rune jade for entering and exiting this formation. As long as you inject some spiritual energy or true energy into it, it can last for 20 minutes, and it has its own direction indicator. Take it and study it yourself."

"There is a cave in the other world, which contains the formation control core I added. Once it is damaged, the rune jade pieces in your hands will become invalid..."

took two steps,

Chen Xuan remembered that these two guys didn't have any consciousness yet, so he simply threw the three pieces of rune jade pieces that he had made into them,

And briefly talked about the core of the formation.


Before the two of them could react, he lifted his foot and sank into the phantom area without looking back.

Go outside the natural magnetic field array!

"Fuck?! Mister just left like that?!"

After a while,

Mu Yunqi and Yi Yu came back to their senses, looked at the three green jade pieces in their hands,

A mysterious rune is engraved on it,

One of them exudes a faint halo because Chen Xuan has injected true essence into it.

And on top of that piece of jade, there is something like a compass,

While pointing behind them, he pointed to the direction Chen Xuan had just left.

no doubt,

This means that one is going in and the other is going out.

Moreover, the phantom of that pointer has a slight difference in color,

one side is golden,

One side is azure.

"Mister is indeed a gentleman, the means are simply against the sky!!!"

Mu Yun excitedly looked at the pointer on the jade piece, and couldn't help but get excited.

With these three pieces of jade,

The phantoms that were full of danger just now, for them, there is no longer any threat!

Not only can't get close to them,

And while they are moving, the safe area supported by the jade pieces will also move with their footsteps,

"But Mr. has already left, how should we explain to the captain?" Yi Yu frowned,

"What's the matter, sir, it's the best explanation if there's nothing wrong! And look, don't we already have the key to this illusion formation?" Mu Yunqi raised his hand,

Putting the three pieces of jade in front of Yi Yu's eyes,

"Then let's go, let's go out quickly and tell the captain the good news." Yi Yu nodded irresistibly,

Then, with the support of Mu Yunqi, he walked outside in the direction pointed by the golden pointer of the jade piece.

And Lu Jian outside,

Still the same as before, standing near the mysterious force field,

His eyes were fixed on the edge area of ​​the force field.


He heard footsteps coming from the area ahead,

At the same time, those phantoms that can confuse the human eye actually began to distort.

Then like a bubble,

Dissipated directly into the air!

And in the region where the illusion disappears,

The two team members under him were supporting each other and limping towards the outside!

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