Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 115: The Popularization Of Krypton Tabal Is Popular!

The incidents about Yangqi Pills and the method of entraining Qi into the body continued to ferment in the entire Krypton Tabal star field,

However, the objects used this time are mostly third-level fighters who have integrated Zerg genes.

They desperately hope that they can strip off the Zerg genes and restore the original appearance of human beings again.

And in earlier times,

Only retired mech warriors can strip off the Zerg genes, and under the action of repairing medicine, gradually transform into a human appearance.

But the final effect of restoration can only reach seven percent.

That is to say,

Even if those new humans give up the power beyond the limit of the third human body, they will become a monster that is neither human nor insect,

Only their own genes can be perfectly restored, so that they will not be passed on to their offspring!

"Philip, you should have a good rest first, I'll go out and buy some medicinal materials and come back..."

Fili, who had completed gene knockout, was sent home by his wife Lisa "550",

However, he just finished the gene stripping operation at this time, and his own genes are still very unstable, and even his body is weakening rapidly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of myself..."

Feeli said with some effort,

At this time, although he felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he was going to fall apart, he was very happy in his heart!

I even look forward to being able to accompany my daughter to the amusement park after I recover.

This is his promise!

Although it was ten years late, he finally managed to do it!


Lisa left home, went to the Substance Transformation Center,

I plan to buy some medicinal materials, and the golden sore medicine in the configuration can quickly repair the wound.

Because a large number of new humans stripped the Zerg gene, the repair potion was out of stock when they went to buy it.

Need to wait for a few days to supply,

Lisa simply planned to go to the substance conversion center to buy that kind of medicinal material according to what her best friend said, and make it into a cure for sores.

It is said that the effect of this thing is very good,

It only takes twenty-four hours for ordinary wounds to heal completely.

Although it is not as good as the repair potion, it does not need to soak the wound in the repair potion all the time,

As long as you apply it near the wound, you don't have to worry about it.

The next time passed quickly,

Some people who have been injected with genetic medicine, after purchasing Yangqi Pills, directly began to practice according to the method of entraining Qi into the body announced by Chen Xuan before.


Many people have found that their physical strength has actually increased by several hundred catties in just a few hours!

Even some third-level fighters who were stuck at 10,000 jin, after using Yangqi pills,

I clearly felt that my body and bones were under the blessing of a mysterious force, and soon reached 11,000 jin.

And it went all the way, breaking through to 10,300 catties before stopping!

"Haha! Really broke through! Without using the Zerg gene, I also broke through the third limit of the human body, reaching 13,000!"

"I also made a breakthrough. I ate ten Yangqi pills in one go, and reached 10,400 catties directly!"

"You ate ten? I ate twenty just now! Now my body strength has exceeded 10,500 catties!"

"So the more you eat, the stronger your body strength will be?!"

"No, it's only effective for the first time. When I took it for the second time, the effect was greatly reduced. I almost didn't even gain ten catties, but the meridians were opened up by one-thirtieth..."

"You got through one-thirtieth! Why am I only one-fiftieth?! Isn't the gap too big?!"

in the virtual world,

A group of local tyrants who used Yangqi Pills shared their feelings one after another.

But soon they discovered that taking Yangqi pills for the first time, combined with the method of drawing qi into the body, can effectively increase physical strength.

The limit is to eat 20 pills at a time, which can increase about 500 catties.

As for the nourishing qi pills taken later, most of the medicinal power seems to be used to open up meridians,

And everyone's development efficiency is different,

Some people can get through one-thirtieth of one meridian after completing their first practice, while others can only get through one-fiftieth, or even one-hundredth.

It is completely incomparable with the humans on Shuilanxing!

At least Bai Ziqi and Zhang Weimin are several times faster than them when they complete drawing qi into the body and penetrating the meridians!

the other side,

Lisa bought the medicinal materials back, according to the prescription and production method sent to her by her best friend,

First put the medicinal materials into the heating device to bake, then crush them into very fine powder, add some water to boil.

And at this time,

The exoskeleton on the surface of the filet's skin, after losing the bug's gene, began to peel off gradually,

The bloody muscle tissue inside was exposed.

"Phili, hold on for a hundred million points, I will give you medicine now..."

Lisa took the cooled ointment and carefully applied it on her husband's skin.

With the strong medicinal fragrance permeating the room, Feili's whole body was soon covered by brown-gray ointment!

The cool breath flowed, making Fei Li feel that the pain all over his body has eased a lot!

and over time,

He felt that the skin on the surface of his body was growing at an extremely fast speed!

At the same time, like countless ants crawling,

Very itchy!

Fili clenched his teeth and insisted,

He has forgotten how much time has passed,

maybe ten minutes,

maybe an hour,

maybe half a day,

He felt the itching on the surface of his body gradually weakening...

The ointment that originally covered the surface of the body has now become as hard as a blood scab.


some time passed,

As Fei Li's abdomen rose and fell, those blood scabs that had become solid continued to burst amidst the ups and downs and contractions of his heart!

Cracks appear one after another,

Like a cracked river bed, revealing the smooth skin wrapped inside.

"How is it possible?! My injury healed so quickly?!"

Philip's eyes widened,

When he learned that the repair potion was not available, he was ready to lie down in the repair cabin for a few days,

As a result, he did not expect that after his wife went out to buy something called medicinal materials,

The ointment made by myself at home actually has the same effect as the repair potion!


Holding back the excitement in his heart, Fei Li forcefully broke his arm out of the armor-like blood scab, 3.1 white!

His snow-like skin makes his arms look very smooth and tender!

Even better than his wife's skin!


Feili struggled to get out of the training cabin, let his brain scan his body,

The appearance restoration rate has reached an unprecedented one hundred percent!

That is to say,

Now not only his genes have completely returned to normal, but his appearance has also become the appearance of an ordinary person.

There is absolutely no resemblance to any bugs left!

at the same time,

aqua blue star,

Chen Xuan, who is preparing lunch and intends to start the seventh live science popularization live broadcast after eating,

I suddenly found my popular science point, as if I had a convulsion,

Crazy up and up and up!

In just a short while, it has already broken through the 800,000 mark!.

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