Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 99 Is this the so called harmless and highly insulting? (35 ask for subscription, ask for da

An hour later, the four got out of the car and looked at the military base not far away. Except for Chu Huan, the three of Liu Luoyan were blank.

A few seconds later, Zhou Hao looked at Chu Huan in amazement and asked, "Brother, are you sure we are going to enter this mysterious realm of giant pincers and poisonous scorpions?"

Chu Huan wondered: "You were driving just now, don't you know that this direction is the secret realm of the giant pincers and scorpions?"

Zhou Hao said with a bitter face: "No, there are seventeen Ferocious Beast Secret Realms in the south of the city, and I thought you wanted to go to the Hei Tie Yi Xing Flame Tiger Ferocious Beast Secret Realm! How did you know that you just asked me to stop the car? At the gate of this giant pincer scorpion beast secret realm."

Not to mention Zhou Hao, even Zhu Tao next to him said nervously at the moment: "Brother, I know you are strong, but this giant pincer scorpion is a fierce beast of Hei Tie Sanxing, and it is a gregarious type. There are dozens of them..

We are only one star of black iron, we can't play! "

The giant pincer scorpion is also the same as the black scale wildebeest, and the beast with the highest "agility" attribute.

But as the giant pincer scorpion of the Black Iron Samsung, the "Agility" is as high as 89 points.

much higher than them.

Even a giant pincer scorpion is extremely difficult for the three of them.

Not to mention more than a dozen giant pincer scorpions at a time.

If they really want to go in, it's completely door-to-door, serving those giant pincer scorpions as afternoon tea snacks.

Although Liu Luoyan didn't speak, the frown when he looked at Chu Huan clearly showed his mood at the moment.

In response, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry! You'll know when you get in in a while! It's not as troublesome as you think."

Seeing how confident Chu Huan is, the three of them could only smile bitterly.

It's just that both Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao are determined to pay attention. If they feel wrong after entering, they will leave decisively.

After all, life matters.

At this moment, there are also some Awakeners of Zero Rare in the base outside the secret of the giant pincer scorpion.

When looking at the four Chu Huan approaching, especially at the school uniforms Zhou Hao and the three were wearing, the eyes of these awakened people also lit up and stepped forward.

But when Chu Huan glanced over the heads of these awakened people, he found that the hatred values ​​of these awakened people were all above 10 points.

In this regard, Chu Huan didn't even bother to look at these people, and took Zhou Hao and the others straight to the alloy house guarding the secret passage.

When Liu Luoyan and the three of them had manifested the spirits from their bodies and held them in their hands, Chu Huan stepped into the entrance of the passage in front of him.

The familiar weightlessness also quickly wrapped Chu Huan at this moment.

When his body lightened, as if he was standing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, his heart suddenly paused, and the next second, Chu Huan had entered another world.

Clouds are floating in the cloudless sky. Although the sun cannot be seen, the sunlight penetrates the sky and fills the entire space.

And under this scorching sun, there is an endless desert.

But the difference is the color of these deserts, which is dark brown.

A few sparse green plants are scattered loosely in this desert.

While Chu Huan was observing the surroundings, Liu Luoyan and the other three also passed through the entrance of the passage and entered the secret realm of this giant pincer scorpion beast.

"Come on, the temperature here is really high."

After confirming that there were only a few of himself around the security barrier, Zhou Hao couldn't help but complain.

There are many secret realms of fierce beasts, and the environments in them are also different.

Several environments, such as the Bone Wolf Fierce Beast Secret Realm that Chu Huan entered before, and the Black Scale Wildebeest Fierce Beast Secret Realm, are all quite good.

In some special beast secret realms, the environment is very special, and it is also a big problem for the awakened.

Just like this giant pincer scorpion beast secret realm.

The temperature in it can reach fifty degrees compared to the lowest temperature in the real world.

The highest temperature can reach more than 60 degrees.

If you change to an ordinary Awakened apprentice-level Awakener, you will not be able to withstand dehydration just by staying in this place for less than half an hour.

That is to say, with the improvement of the physical attributes of the awakened person, it will be better after reaching the black iron level.

But in such a hot environment, even if the Awakened of the black iron level stays for a long time, the physical strength and the water in the body will also disappear quickly.

The mood is also more impetuous, and it is easy to lose calm when encountering beasts.

After sweeping around, Chu Huan set his eyes on the three of them.

The erhu had already appeared in front of Chu Huan while the body and soul were agitating.

Seeing Chu Huan summon the erhu, a few people took a step back subconsciously.

In this regard, Chu Huan said angrily: "What's the hurry? I'll add a BUFF to you."

Having said that, Chu Huan has already controlled his soul power and let the erhu play by himself.

Not long after, when the song ended, four golden notes floated out from the erhu and merged into the bodies of Chu Huan and Liu Luoyan respectively.

Suddenly, a warm feeling dissipated from the bodies of Chu Huan and the others.

A strong sense of lightness instantly filled his body.

Quickly feeling the change in his body, Zhou Hao couldn't help but ask: "Brother, how much "Agility" can you add to your buff? Why do I feel so light?"

Chu Huan said softly: "It can increase your "Agility" attribute by 50%."

After all, he is not very familiar yet, and Chu Huan will not be foolish to expose the full effect of his tool soul skills.

Anyway, the three of them are all one-star black iron, and it is enough to increase the "agility" attribute by 50% in this secret realm of giant pincers and scorpions.

"I'll go, increase the "Agility" attribute by 50%, big brother, no, big brother, do you still lack the thigh pendant?"

After understanding the effect of Chu Huan's buff, Zhou Hao was shocked.

It can directly improve 50% of the attributes, even if it is a single attribute improvement, it is definitely a powerful aid wherever it is placed.

Do you really think that the battle-type Awakener is a masterpiece?

That's just for ordinary Auxiliary Awakeners or Healing Awakeners.

If you encounter the powerful support of the tool soul skill effect, or the big milk.

Although it cannot be described as humble, it can definitely be offered in front of the uncle.

Not only Zhou Hao, but also Liu Luoyan looked at Chu Huan in shock when she felt the change in her body.

"Twin weapon souls, not to mention the horror of other weapon soul skills, BUFF type tool soul skills can also increase the "agility" attribute by 50%, is this the awakener of the S-level talent level?"

Thinking about it, Liu Luoyan couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration in her heart compared to her own Soul Tool skills.

The gap is too big.

After being successfully buffed by Chu Huan, the worries of Zhou Hao and the others disappeared.

The original Zhou Hao three people, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao, who were a little bit worse, had the "agility" attribute of 60 points.

Now, because of Chu Huan's buff, the "Agility" attribute of the two of them has increased by 50%, and both of them have almost exceeded 100.

Not to mention that his "Agility" attribute is similar to that of "Ink Scale Wildebeest" Liu Luoyan, and the "Agility" attribute directly reaches more than 120.

Under such circumstances, even in the face of those giant pincer scorpions, the three of them naturally don't have to worry.

However, looking at the three people who were eager to try, Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Don't be so excited. When you meet a fierce beast, you should stay farther away. You don't need to do anything! Just stay farther away!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Zhou Hao was stunned and said, "We don't need to do anything, what do you mean?"

Chu Huan asked, "Didn't you see how I killed those black scale wildebeests yesterday?"

Zhou Hao first nodded, then said in astonishment as if he had reacted: "Do you still want to gather and kill the beasts like yesterday?"

"Otherwise? Could it be the same as ordinary Awakened? The efficiency is too slow!" Chu Huan said indifferently.

Zhou Hao looked at Chu Huan with a bewildered expression and said, "No, big brother, do you mean that we will form a team with you in the future, and the function is just to collect beast crystals?"

Chu Huan raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it all agreed before?"

As soon as these words came out, the depressed look on Zhou Hao's face instantly increased instead of decreasing.

Although Chu Huan said before that the purpose was to let them help collect the beast crystals.

But whether Zhou Hao, Liu Luoyan or even Zhu Tao thought that the battle was over.

But looking at what Chu Huan means now, their role is just to collect beast crystals.

Fighting these things, Chu Huan can always solve it himself.

After realizing this, Zhu Tao next to him smiled bitterly: "No, in that case, why are you adding BUFF to us, eldest brother?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan looked at the three helplessly and said, "Aren't you worried that you won't be able to play? Add a buff to make you feel more at ease!"


After hearing what Chu Huan said, Zhu Tao covered his chest involuntarily, feeling as if an arrow had been hit in his chest, which made him uncomfortable.

"Thank you for being so considerate!"

Facing the reason why Chu Huan added buff to them at this moment, Zhu Tao couldn't help but thank Chu Huan in his heart.

The sincere kind.

Thinking of the three of them, in Linhai No. 3 Middle School, they are the most talented, most powerful, and most favored seed students among the freshmen of this year's senior year.

And now, they can only be a tool man who cleans up the battlefield after finishing the battle?

"Is this the so-called harmless and extremely insulting?"

Facing what Chu Huan said, Liu Luoyan on one side also tightly held the one-meter sword in her hand, resisting the urge to slash the sword towards Chu Huan.

"Who do you look down on?"

But Chu Huan obviously did not continue to talk to the three about the idea of ​​wasting time.

When the soul power was agitated again, with the sound of several bursts of bubbles, Chu Huan's body had turned into a shadow mixed on the black sand and quickly rushed into the distance.

The speed is fast, but in an instant, it has rushed out nearly 100 meters.

Seeing this, Zhou Hao and the others could only follow with a wry smile. .

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