Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 189 Women will only affect my speed of drawing a knife (45 for subscription and data support

Looking at Chu Huan with disgust in his eyes, Fu Wenbo said solemnly, "Boy, don't talk about these things, you might as well go home and practice early to raise your level even higher!"

Seeing this, Chu Huan sighed and said, "Didn't you spend a day in the secret realm of beasts yesterday? So prepare to go to the school to feel the youthful and lively atmosphere and relax!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo pondered for a while, then rubbed his brows and said, "That's right, cultivating this thing does require relaxation, but I forgot about that."

The Awakened is a human being, not a god.

It's not a problem if it's too tight.

As a member of the Awakened Association, Fu Wenbo naturally knew the after-effects of being obsessed with killing.

Many, many awakened people have emotional problems later, many of which are due to the imbalance of mentality caused by the continuous fighting, and finally become fighting and even have some other quirks.

Even in the end, even if he came out of the secret realm of the beasts, his killing intent would suddenly burn like a prairie fire.

This is why many Awakened people will try their best to enjoy 850 every time they come out of the beast secret realm.

The purpose is also to alleviate the negative feeling brought by fighting in the secret realm of beasts.

Now that Chu Huan has not awakened for a long time, it is natural to pay more attention to this aspect.

After thinking for a while, Fu Wenbo said, "Would you like me to introduce you to some places where you can relax and relieve the effects of long-term battles in the secret realm of beasts."

Hearing Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

As if to say, "A teacher of yours actually took the initiative to introduce me to this kind of place?"

But soon, the surprise in his eyes became intriguing.

Men after all!

After scratching his head, Chu Huan coughed lightly: "What, is that place legitimate? What is the consumption level?"

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Hearing Chu Huan's questions coming out one after another, Fu Wenbo was puzzled at first.

But when he noticed the intriguing look in Chu Huan's eyes, Fu Wenbo still didn't understand what Chu Huan was referring to.

Immediately, his face turned black and he said, "What kind of mess does the stinky boy think about when he is not old?"

Chu Huan was stunned for a moment and then said: "No?"

Fu Wenbo said angrily: "Nonsense, how could I recommend you to go to those places, who do you think I am?"

Chu Huan pondered for a while and then muttered, "I thought Mr. Fu, you were also an LS... ahem, you are a fellow."

Halfway through his speech, Chu Huan felt that Fu Wenbo's eyes were obviously unkind, and Chu Huan decisively swallowed the last "P" and changed the description.

But even so, Chu Huan could clearly feel that Fu Wenbo's face was a little dark.

After taking a few deep breaths, he kept reminding himself to "don't get angry". When his mood eased a little, Fu Wenbo said, "Boy, do you really lack women?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan curled his lips and said, "Oh, women will only affect my speed of drawing my sword."

Just kidding, with Chu Huan's excellent appearance, if he wants to fall in love, many girls in the school will have to take the initiative to send him to his door.

This can be seen from the gifts on Chu Huan's desk every Valentine's Day.

But now Chu Huan's focus is on improving himself.

With the system in place, Chu Huan knew that he would soon be able to distance himself from the ordinary students in the school.

So I haven't put my mind on it for now.

Of course, the bigger reason is that the girls in the school are not attractive enough to Chu Huan.

Originally, Liu Luoyan had a good appearance, but the problem was that he was too rich. He had an airport at a young age, making it difficult for Chu Huan to get interested!

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo said curiously, "Then you looked curiously looking forward to it!"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Women will affect the speed at which I draw the knife, except for the one that gives money. They will exercise my speed in drawing the gun."

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Facing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo was stunned for a moment, but he didn't understand it immediately.

But after a few seconds, Fu Wenbo's eyes changed when he looked at Chu Huan.

Looking up and down Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo looked like a ghost.

"This f*ck is something that a third-year high school student can say? The car wheel is pressing on the face!"

After a while, Fu Wenbo said in a shocked tone, "Boy, where did you learn these things?"

Chu Huan glanced at Fu Wenbo strangely and said, "I still need to learn this? Isn't it the knowledge that boys are born with?"

But just after he finished speaking, Chu Huan shook his head as if thinking of something and said, "That's right, it's better to separate people, otherwise, Fu Wenbo, you won't be here, and now grandma doesn't love uncle or uncle."

Fu Wenbo: "........."

Facing Chu Huan's words at the moment, Fu Wenbo finally burst his mentality, grabbed a book on the table and wrapped it with soul power, then dumped it at Chu Huan.

However, just a second before Fu Wenbo's book was thrown out, the mental power in Chu Huan's eyebrows suddenly shook slightly and spread out.

In the next second, as if slowing down, Chu Huan had already accurately sensed Fu Wenbo's movements in his mind and turned his head subconsciously.

Almost at the moment when Chu Huan turned his head, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the book in Zifu Wenbo's hand flew past Chu Huan's ear and smashed against the door.

Feeling the dented door of the office through his mental power, Chu Huan raised his brows and said, "I'm going, it's too much! Mr. Fu, are you a teacher who has the nerve to do it?"

However, Fu Wenbo didn't take up the topic of Chu Huan at all.

Instead, he stared at Chu Huan with round eyes.

"Little, boy, you, you, your spiritual power has materialized?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo in amazement and said, "How did you know?"


Facing Chu Huan's disguised admission, Fu Wenbo immediately took a deep breath and then asked, "Has your "spiritual power" attribute reached 200?"

Chu Huan said angrily, "You all know that my spiritual power is materialized, but you still ask!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo swallowed dryly and said, "Your "spiritual power" attribute has reached 200, which means that your other three attributes are also the same?"

Chu Huan spread his hands and did not speak.

But this action undoubtedly means that Fu Wenbo guessed correctly.

At this point, after understanding the current state of Chu Huan's physical attributes, his eyes became a little distracted, and the whole person fell into confusion.

"For more than a month, not to mention the Hei Tie Yi Xing from the awakening to the present, the physical attribute can still reach 200 points. Is this the SSS talent level?".

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