Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 173 Lift the table, okay! (35)

Facing the gazes of the people around him, Chu Huan scratched his head and murmured a little helplessly.

"I originally wanted to be a little transparent and kill a few people to stand up."

Wei Tao: "......"

Hearing Chu Huan's muttering, Wei Tao and the others grinned slightly, and they were completely speechless.

"Who are these people! Why are you thinking about these things anytime, anywhere?"

In the hearts of several people, Chu Huan sighed and said, "What else are you talking about, I'll leave it to you!"

In the beginning, Chu Huan really wanted to be a little transparent to observe.

But now everyone's focus is on themselves.

The act of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger until someone slapped him or his head stepped on the ground before he exploded and killed it was only done by the protagonists in the anime who had no brains.

Anyway, the focus is already on yourself, and you are hiding a fart! Flip the table up!

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Wei Tao's eyes lit up.

When their eyes moved to the entrance of the passageway, He Yonghong and other people from the picket office and others quickly opened their mouths to discuss.

Wei Tao: "There are thirteen people in total. The fool who just said it and the four behind him are handed over to me."

Zhou Qiang: "I'll just take the four on the left!"

Li Yuanzheng: "The four on the far right of me, and the remaining three crescent moons, do you have any problems?"

Wang Xinyue: "Do"

Wei Tao and the others: "????"

Hearing Wang Xinyue's words, the three Wei Tao were a little confused.

Seemingly aware of the ambiguity of the word, Wang Xinyue added: "Fuck them."

The communication between Wei Tao and the four is completely open.

In other words, the words of several people at the moment were clearly heard by the people around them.

"I heard it right! The Awakened team of the Awakened Association wants to turn against the picket directly?"

"It's not one. Listening to what they said, it seems that the youngest can't do it. It seems that it is four people against thirteen people."

"I'm going, crazy! Four versus thirteen, these people from the Awakened Association don't have brain problems, right?"


The scattered low-pitched voices kept coming into my ears, and there were people from the picket such as He Yonghong on one side who were also confused.

Looking at Wei Tao and the others who were discussing how to deal with him if no one else was over there, He Yonghong narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

From He Yonghong's point of view, Wei Tao's few people are now completely addicted to their mouths.

In its current form, anyone who has no problem with the brain can see whether it is good or bad.

However, just when He Yonghong took a light breath and was about to say something, the other side.

After the prey was successfully distributed, there was a rapid surge of soul power from Wei Tao and the others.

Among the four of them, Li Yuanzheng quickly smashed the ground in front of him while a large amount of soul power began to pour into the shield.

As the soul power spreads, He Yonghong and other people at the picket also felt the soul power fluctuations from the ground.

"Fuck, these guys really dare to do it."

While cursing in his heart, He Yonghong and the other awakened people quickly dodged to avoid the position of the ground's soul power fluctuations.

It was also at the moment when the group of people dodged, the ground shook quickly and quickly, and huge stone thorns with a diameter of about one meter quickly drilled out from the ground.

Under these huge stone thorns, He Yonghong and the others from the picket office were forcibly separated.

However, at the moment when He Yonghong and others quickly dodged because of Li Yuanzheng's innate skills, they had not waited for He Yonghong's figure to stabilize. With the blink of an eye, Wei Tao, who was still tens of meters away a second ago, was like a teleportation. Suddenly appeared in front of He Yonghong.

The long knife in his hand was swung towards himself, and a gleaming luster appeared on the blade, dragging a trace like a ribbon in the air.

"So fast!"

Looking at Wei Tao who suddenly appeared in front of him, He Yonghong's eyes shrank suddenly and he quickly lifted the sword-like soul in his hand.

But in a hurry, even if He Yonghong reacted quickly, when the long sword touched Wei Tao's slash in the air, the powerful force in it directly caused He Yonghong's body to sink suddenly.

One leg bent down directly and uncontrollably, and when the knee touched the support point, the force contained in Wei Tao's knife was counteracted in front of him.

It's just that He Yonghong can't wait for him to come back to his senses.

In front of Wei Tao's body, the sound of five bursts of bubbles sounded, and his right foot quickly lifted up as if pressing a pusher, and then stomped directly on He Yonghong's chest.


With all his strength and no reservation, He Yonghong was directly kicked and dragged back nearly three meters, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spit out from his mouth.

On the other hand, Wei Tao kept moving after seriously injuring He Yonghong.

The moment when the muscles in the legs were tense, it appeared directly in front of He Yonghong. At the same time as his body stood still, the back of the long knife threw out and landed directly on He Yonghong's knee.

"'. Ah!"

In the next second, He Yonghong, who had not recovered from the kick just now, suddenly exclaimed in pain.

The intense pain made He Yonghong's face turn pale in an instant.

It's a long story, but it took less than a second for He Yonghong to break one leg from Wei Tao's action to the moment.

The huge gap in attributes, coupled with the carelessness caused by the previous underestimation, made He Yonghong be defeated in just one second when facing Wei Tao.

"whispering sound!"

With such an easy success, Wei Tao couldn't help but glanced at He Yonghong disdainfully, then flashed his body and rushed towards another Awakened at the picket.

The same scene happened not only on He Yonghong's side.

Almost at the same time when He Yonghong was defeated, Li Yuanzheng, Zhou Qiang and even Wang Xinyue's men followed in He Yonghong's footsteps within a second or two.

One foot was broken and immediately incapacitated.

Originally in the state of Chu HuanBUFF, Wei Tao and the others were on the dominant side when facing the people on the picket side.

It is even said that the picket office has casually reduced four people.

Under the circumstances, not to mention the remaining nine people.

Even if he reacted and restrained his mind, but in the face of the overwhelming speed difference between Wei Tao and the others, it took less than ten seconds to support and lose one after another.

For Wei Tao and the others, it was much easier to deal with He Yonghong and others than to deal with those bloody corpses in the abyss.

Seeing that not long ago, the people in the picket office, who were arrogant not long ago, were all mourning on the ground with one leg broken in such a short period of time.

The other Awakeneds around and even the Awakeneds of the other two Awakened Associations were all dumbfounded. .

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