Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 165 After eating, let's go on the road (45)

Looking at Wei Tao and the others who were on the side, Chu Huan said speechlessly, "I said! How could you let someone come to me when you were still in ambush first?"

Wei Tao smiled bitterly and said: "That guy is a space-like soul skill, we didn't expect it before! And this guy is coming towards you, boss, we are thinking about your strength, boss, this guy must be helpless, just In no hurry to chase after!"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "I figured out the method, but I had to do it myself, so why did I talk nonsense before, just kill them with my hands!"

For Chu Huan's words, a few people really can't find anything wrong.

In the eyes of several people, with Chu Huan's strength, they were afraid that the awakened people in these pickets would be killed without even having a chance to react.

Looking at the situation in the pot, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "It's all cooked, let's eat together!"

While speaking, Chu Huan took some ingredients out of the space watch.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Tao's eyes lit up and quickly gathered around Chu Huan.

Taking the chopsticks handed over by Chu Huan, Wei Tao said excitedly, "Hahaha, I can finally eat more. I was so greedy before, so I will eat more. After eating, I can go on the road."

Li Yuanzheng: "..."

Zhou Qiang: "........"

Wang Xinyue: "..."

However, as soon as the voice of 837 came out, several people were stunned.

Even Chu Huan, who was handing chopsticks to several others, looked at Wei Tao with a puzzled expression.

After a while, looking at the mutton in the pot, Li Yuanzheng and Chu Huan suddenly felt that the food in the pot was a little difficult to start with.

To eat this thing, or not to eat it?

Thinking about it, Chu Huan couldn't help but look at Wei Tao who was the only one who was enjoying himself. He couldn't help but wonder if Wei Tao, who looked simple and honest, said this on purpose so that he could enjoy this hot pot by himself.


In the blood mist that was condensed layer by layer, Wei Tao let out a long breath after he successfully chopped off the head of the last blood corpse in the abyss.

After walking to the side of the tree and leaning against the trunk to wipe the sweat, Wei Tao said in a depressed tone: "I said, where is this special spar, why can't I see a shadow now?"

Wang Xinyue on the side shook his head and said, "If it was so easy to find, this special beast secret realm wouldn't be so troublesome."

Zhou Qiang, who was holding a beast crystal to restore his soul power, said in a low voice, "Even so, it doesn't mean that I haven't found it at all by now!"

Saying that, Zhou Qiang turned his head to look at Chu Huan, who was drawing with a notebook.

Affected by Zhou Qiang, several other people also turned their heads to Chu Huan's side one after another.

As if feeling the gazes of several people, Chu Huan, who had originally looked at his injured notebook, slowly raised his head.

Facing the gazes of several people, Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Looks like we are going in the wrong direction!"

"Wrong direction? What do you mean?" Wei Tao asked in confusion.

Chu Huan turned the notebook in his hand over.

Following Chu Huan's action, several people's eyes were on Chu Huan's notebook.

After looking at it carefully for a while, Zhou Qiang said in a somewhat uncertain voice: "This is, the map has been drawn?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Not bad!"

As we all know, the higher the level of the beast secret realm, the larger the geographical scope in the secret realm.

The secret realm of beasts like Hei Tie Jiu Xing is not much different from ordinary second-tier cities!

With the current "agility" attribute of Chu Huan and the others, it took so long to draw the map, entirely because of the influence of the surrounding blood fog.

After showing the map to a few people, Chu Huan said, "And now we are located in the southwest direction of this beast secret realm, and almost three kilometers away is the entrance to the passage secret realm."

Li Yuanzheng said stunned: "Have we returned to the starting point before entering?"

Chu Huan did not respond in a hurry, but raised his hand to signal.

A few minutes later, looking at the entrance of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm in front of him, Wang Xinyue said in surprise, "It's really back to the entrance!"

After saying this, Wang Xinyue said in surprise as if she had reacted: "Wait, boss, you said the direction was wrong before, do you mean that in the current situation, we can't find that special soul crystal?"

"Good guess!" Chu Huan responded.

Then, after pondering for a while, Chu Huan said, "This Ferocious Beast Mystery Realm is so big in total, and we haven't found that special soul crystal after visiting it completely. It is very possible that this special soul crystal is only found in this Ferocious Beast. You can only see it after the environment of the secret realm changes!"

Zhou Qiang suddenly asked: "Is it because of the fluctuation before the surrounding sky changed?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Under normal circumstances, even if the environment of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm is switched, it is as natural as the situation in the real world, and it is impossible to have the obvious movement before."

"It now appears that the previous fluctuation was most likely due to that special soul crystal."

"And that special soul crystal will only appear after the environment changes."

After listening to Chu Huan's words, several people felt that what Chu Huan said was not impossible.

He took out his phone and looked at the time, Chu Huan said: "The previous environment switching time was six hours. If the environment switching time is relatively regular, then in more than half an hour, the surrounding environment will change to the previous one again. night."

"At that time, we will speed up the search to see if we can find anything!"

Listening to what Chu Huan said, several people nodded.

In the process of a few people taking a break to recharge, half an hour later.

A gust of wind suddenly blew by.

"here we go!"

At the moment when the breeze appeared, Chu Huan and the others all looked slightly condensed.

Soon, as before, what had been a breeze at first turned into a howling gust of wind now blowing.

The surroundings were like being poured down by basins of ink along the sky, and it became pitch black again in just ten seconds.

Under this change, Chu Huan said, "Let's go!"

The voice fell, and in this woodland, the five people swiftly passed through the layers of fog like shadows.

Soon, as before, while harvesting those beasts that were actively approaching or passively attracted along the way through "The Divine Comedy", they moved quickly.

At this time, whether it was Wei Tao or Wang Xinyue and others, they had to praise Chu Huan's sophistication.

If they were replaced, in the absence of a map, in such an environment where the line of sight was blocked, it was guaranteed that within a few kilometers, they would completely lose their position in this mysterious realm of beasts.

And then with a headless fly, it makes you wander around and don't know where it is!

But now, because of the Chu Huan map, several people can directly choose the shortest path and go straight to the center point where they felt the fluctuation last time.

This is the difference. .

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