Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 147 Boy, are you serious about taking a half step back? (25 ask for subscription, ask for mo

The breeze is gentle, sometimes echoing in the barren mountains and canyons.

When the breeze reverberated, some light sand and stones were rolled up and floated in the air from time to time.

The low and low howling sounded constantly and occasionally sounded from some surrounding positions.

Approaching along the sound, at this moment, in a canyon somewhere in the secret realm of this beast.

With a scream, the last rock puppet fell to the ground weakly.

Quickly convert the beast crystals in the bodies of the surrounding rock puppets into system points through system points.

Looking at his system points, Chu Huan nodded in satisfaction.

Originally, Chu Huan thought that as the target was replaced with the black iron nine-star rock puppet, with the blood volume of these rock puppets breaking 10,000, Chu Huan's efficiency would be almost the same as the black iron three star's giant pincer scorpion.

But now it seems that Chu Huan's hunt is faster without collecting beast crystals and thinking about others.

In more than five hours, Chu Huan had already collected more than 800,000 system points in the process.

"Forget it, anyway, I won't participate in the next college entrance examination. I'll talk to Teacher Fu tomorrow, so that I can stay in this rock puppet puppet beast secret realm in the morning."

Originally, when he was promoted to the first black iron star, Chu Huan felt a little more relaxed in his heart.

But after seeing Zhao Wenbin's death and knowing that he was going to the capital soon, the pressure in Chu Huan01's heart suddenly increased.

I always feel that my physical attributes have not reached 200, and the new artifact soul skill level has not reached the full level, and I always feel less at ease.

With a feeling of returning home with a full reward, he walked slowly towards the entrance of the passage secret realm.

While walking, Chu Huan couldn't help but envy those awakened ones who had mastered the space artifact soul skills.

With the space device soul skill, a single thought can directly open a space door and directly appear at the entrance of the secret passage.

Powerful, practical and convenient.

Where is it like I am now, I have to go back by myself every time I finish brushing the system points.

More than half an hour later, Chu Huan saw the entrance to the secret passage in his sight.

At this moment, not only are there no less Awakeneds in this security barrier than when Chu Huan came before, but there are still a little more.

In this regard, Chu Huan is not surprised.

On the side of Linhai City, the most Awakened are the Black Iron Rank and the Bronze Rank.

However, there are limited black iron and bronze-level beasts in Linhai City.

This also led to a large number of Awakened people constantly entering and leaving these beast secret realms every day.

There is always friction where there are people.

Coupled with the danger in the mystical realm of beasts, this has also led to many awakened people grouping together.

For example, every time they enter the secret realm of beasts, there will be a designated person in the team to enter the secret realm of beasts one step ahead of time to prevent other awakened people from secretly setting traps while waiting for other team members.

And within a fixed time, there will also be corresponding awakeners to respond at the entrance of the secret realm.

Even Chu Huan heard from the Internet that professional hunters in some large cities will have special flare guns.

Once there is a problem in the beast secret realm, it will send a signal to let the people who were originally at the entrance of the passage come to support.

However, as Chu Huan approached, when he glanced over the awakened people in the safety barrier, Chu Huan couldn't help but let out a small growl in his heart.

After this period of research, Chu Huan basically came to a conclusion about the hatred value.

If the hatred value on the target information panel is below 10, it basically belongs to the category that will have some careful thoughts but will not really do anything to Chu Huan.

If the hatred value is above 10, it is a state of dissatisfaction or a little bit of hostility.

And if the hatred value reaches 30 points, it belongs to the idea of ​​doing harm to Chu Huan.

If the hatred value reaches 50 points, it belongs to those who want to kill Chu Huan on the spot.

Therefore, during this period of time, in Chu Huan's observation, many of the awakened people encountered in the beast secret realm are in a state where the hatred value is below 10 points.

For example, when Chu Huan swept through the safety barrier and these awakened people before entering, a large part of the hatred value was at seven or eight.

But now, in Chu Huan's line of sight, the Awakeners who had reached seven or eight hatred points before had only two or three hatred points on the information panel.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, Chu Huan subconsciously snorted.

It's just for Chu Huan, as long as these awakened people don't take the initiative to trouble him, Chu Huan doesn't bother to pay attention to them. .

Therefore, although he was doubtful in his heart, Chu Huan did not take it to heart.

Directly under the gaze of this group of people, he stepped into the entrance of the secret passage.

However, it was less than a minute before Chu Huan stepped out of the entrance of the secret passage. Outside of Chu Huan's field of vision, two other figures entered the security barrier one after another like shadows and entered the entrance of the secret passage.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't even look at the awakened ones around the safety barrier.

After these two people also left, the awakened ones in the safety barrier were completely relaxed.

Noticing the reactions of the Awakened people around him, one of the crowd, Luo Gang, who looked a bit trendy with his stubby inch and ear studs, touched his companion next to him.

"By the way, why were you all so nervous just now? I didn't dare to speak!"

Hearing this, the person Luo Gang asked pointed to a slope seven or eight meters away and said, "You can go there and see!"

Hearing his companion's signal, Luo just walked curiously to the side of the slope.

At the bottom of the slope, Luo Gang was surprised to see ten corpses that had been discarded at random.

At this moment.

On the bodies of these corpses, some unknown insects have already gathered up and down.

The bodies were left with bite marks that looked like they had been bitten by mosquitoes.

Taking this scene into his eyes, Luo Gang's expression changed.

When he walked back to the security barrier, Luo Gang couldn't help but ask, "Isn't that Li Changjie's Awakened team? Why are they all dead?"

When the question exited, an Awakened person immediately disdainfully said: "Why else? Before Li Changjie saw that there were only two of them, the B-class space watch on their wrists moved their minds, where did they expect to bump into iron? It's dead! But in an instant, all five of them were eliminated."

Referring to this, another Awakened added: "And those two people didn't use their soul power from beginning to end, at least they are silver-level or even higher powerhouses."

After understanding the reason, Luo Gang couldn't help but ask: "How could such a high-level Awakener suddenly run into this rock puppet and ferocious beast secret realm?"

At this time, Luo Gang, a member of the Awakened team, said solemnly: "From the situation of their previous conversation, it should be secretly protecting the kid who went out before."

"That guy who looks very young and looks like a student?" Luo Gang asked after thinking for a while.

The companion next to him nodded and said, "Not bad!"

After responding, the Awakener couldn't help but stunned and said, "Awakened with such a high level can be secretly protected, what is the origin of that kid just now?"


In the evening, when Chu Huan left the sofa in the living room, the phone suddenly rang when he came out of the bathroom just after going home and taking a shower.

But it was Fu Wenbo's call.

After connecting the phone, before Chu Huan could speak, Fu Wenbo's voice rang immediately.

"Boy, are you free now?"

Chu Huan said in a low voice, "It's okay, what happened to 820?"

"I want to talk to you about something. I sent a car to park at the gate of your community. We will discuss it later."

Seeing Fu Wenbo in such a hurry, Chu Huan said in a low voice, "Okay! I'll change my clothes and go out!"

Forty minutes later, the Awakened Association office building.

Approaching Fu Wenbo's office, at this moment, Fu Wenbo was still holding a cigarette in one hand, frowning and contemplating.

But when he saw Chu Huan entering the office, Fu Wenbo's eyes lit up, who was still full of melancholy a second ago.

He quickly stood up from the boss chair and took the initiative to greet him.

Facing the Renuo that Fu Wenbo showed at this moment, Chu Huan squinted his eyes slightly, his foot that he had stepped out suddenly moved back and then took a half step back.

Fu Wenbo: "...Boy, are you serious about taking a half step back?"

Facing Fu Wenbo's suddenly stiff expression, Chu Huan coughed lightly: "Well, Mr. Fu, I suddenly remembered that the gas in my house hasn't been turned off yet, why don't I go back and turn off the gas first?"

As he said that, Chu Huan made a gesture and was ready to leave.

"Hey! Boy, it's too much! I've helped you so many times, and now you want to run away when I find you?"

Seeing Chu Huan's move to leave, Fu Wenbo hurriedly said.

And when these words came into his ears, Chu Huan walked faster.

Being able to make Fu Wenbo be so enthusiastic about himself today, Chu didn't even have to think about it and knew that it would definitely not be a good thing.

And even Fu Wenbo's rank and identity can't solve it.

The level of difficulty can be imagined.

Such a thing, whoever is stupid wants to provoke it.

However, even though Chu Huan's physical attributes are far beyond that of Awakeners of the same level, he is obviously still inferior to Fu Wenbo.

Therefore, when Chu Huan just returned to the door, he was blocked by Fu Wenbo. .

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