Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 141 You might as well give them a treat! (15 ask for a monthly pass)

A little bit of time passed, and for Wang Zheng and other people in the picket office, the waiting time was definitely long.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Zheng and the other awakened people at the picket not only had to endure the pain on their bodies, but also worried that Chu Huan would suddenly explode.

One can imagine the feelings under both physical and psychological pressure.

That's a torment.

During this waiting time, it is not an exaggeration to describe Wang Zheng and others as living like the past years.

Finally, in the tormented state of Wang Zhang and others, it was time that Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo agreed.

After putting the phone in his trouser pocket and instructing Wang Zheng and others, Chu Huan stepped through the entrance of the secret passage and returned to the alloy house.

But this time, Chu Huan just appeared in the alloy house through the entrance of the secret passage, and Chu Huan immediately noticed the existence of others from the corner of his eyes.

His heart tightened, and Chu Huan quickly looked towards the door while his soul power was mobilized quickly.

When he saw Fu Wenbo leaning on the door frame with a cigarette dangling on his face, Chu Huan felt relieved.

Afterwards, he didn't know what he thought of, and between his brows lightly raised, the corners of Chu Huan's mouth also raised a slight arc.

At the same time, looking at Chu Huan who came out from the entrance of the secret passage, Fu Wenbo looked at his watch and said, "Yes, boy! It turned out to be stuck at the appointed time."

Chu Huan said angrily, "You came early and didn't know how to come in and notify me?"

Fu Wenbo said in a low voice: "It's just finished! The scene is still being cleaned up!"

Saying that, Fu Wenbo also pointed to the outside.

Seeing this, Chu Huan took a few steps forward, and sure enough, he saw some unfamiliar Awakeners who were still clearing the ground of the base.

While Chu Huan was looking at the situation outside, Fu Wenbo glanced at the entrance of the passage behind Chu Huan and asked, "What about the students from Linhai No. 2 Middle School? Why didn't you come out with you?"

Chu Huan said in a low voice: "The three of them are still inside watching the people at the picket office."

Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan in amazement and said, "You haven't dealt with those people at the picket?"

Chu Huan said with a bitter face and a bit of grievance: "I said, Mr. Fu, what you said is quite simple, but I'm just a student."

"You open and shut up like this and let me kill, and there are still nine. Have you considered my feelings? You can't do it!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo patted his forehead immediately.

"By the way, I forgot about that."

Chu Huan had been too mature before, and the dark-hearted methods and routines made Fu Wenbo forget that Chu Huan himself was only a third-year high school student.

Moreover, I have just woken up not long ago, and my heart is black, but murder, I have never experienced it, and it must not be so indifferent and casual.

after all

Murder is different from what Chu Huan has shown before, it just needs to turn his mind quickly.

It takes courage and experience!

From Fu Wenbo's point of view, Chu Huan was able to kill two people for the first time, and he was able to forcibly calmly contact him, which is pretty good!

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo patted Chu Huan on the shoulder and said, "Let's go! I'll go in and help you deal with those guys!"

After speaking, Fu Wenbo took the initiative to step into the secret passage first.

Taking Fu Wenbo's reaction into his eyes, Chu Huan also had a smile in his eyes.

Soon, as he stepped out of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm passage, Fu Wenbo immediately saw Zhou Hao and the three standing at the entrance of the passage.

At the same time, when they saw Fu Wenbo stepping out of the secret passage, Zhou Hao and the others were still nervous.

But when their eyes fell on Fu Wenbo, the three immediately recognized Fu Wenbo's identity.

After a quick glance at Zhou Hao and the others, Fu Wenbo slowly lowered his head.


When Wang Zheng and the others were bleeding, they looked pale.

Fu Wenbo, who had just entered the secret realm of this beast without any psychological preparation, let out a foul language and stepped back half a step in fright.

It feels very clear that there is not much difference between hell and hell.

But the next second, when he felt that the people lying on the ground in front of him were still panting, Fu Wenbo immediately came back to his senses.

Then he took a good look at Wang Zheng and the others who were lying on the ground and couldn't move.

This state is not much better than death!

After pondering for a minute, Fu Wenbo turned his head in amazement and pointed to Wang Zheng and others who couldn't move on the ground.

"That's what you said you can't do? Instead of letting them do this, you might as well give them a treat!"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Isn't this not dead? If I am not dead, I will not feel any pressure!"

"I believe in your evil!"

Fu Wenbo thought that Chu Huan had killed two people before, but now he just pretended to be calm.

But now, aside from the rest, Chu Huan speaks so indifferently at the moment, where is he pretending to be calm? Obviously it doesn't matter.

As far as Chu Huan's performance is now, he can't pretend without killing a dozen people.

"Well, wait!"

Fu Wenbo looked at Wang Zheng and others on the ground, and then looked at Chu Huan.

After a while, Fu Wenbo raised his eyebrows and said, "Boy, you are not being authentic! Are you still playing temptation?"

Seeing that Fu Wenbo could see it, Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "There's no way! After all, you must be careful about such a thing! But it's also obvious after this time, Mr. Fu, you can rely on it, it's all right!"

After speaking, Chu Huan gave Fu Wenbo a thumbs up.

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Fu Wenbo was so angry that he didn't call out.

But a few seconds later, Fu Wenbo sighed again and shook his head.

"That's right! There's nothing wrong with being careful!"

With that said, Fu Wenbo walked slowly to a picket awakened who was closer to him.

The right hand was quickly raised and then stomped on the Awakened's chest.

Even if the Awakened of 3-star Silver is average in talent, Fu Wenbo's current "Physical" attribute is more than 200.

Even without a little soul power, this foot easily collapsed the Awakened's chest.

Apparently, Fu Wenbo's heart was also shattered under Fu Wenbo's foot.

"What are you doing? We are the people of the picket office. How dare you do this to us?"

Watching fu wenbo directly kill people , wang zheng and other people in the picket office panicked .

It was just that Fu Wenbo was completely blind to the excitement of Wang Zheng and others.

Go to these people and repeat the previous actions one by one.

In this way, in just ten seconds, in Chu Huan's sight, the blood of the nine people successfully returned to zero.

However, just after Fu Wenbo killed all these people, he took out a glass bottle the size of a palm from his space watch.

There are colorful liquids in it.

As the bottle was opened, Fu Wenbo dripped the liquid inside the bottle onto a corpse next to him.

And when this little liquid touched the corpse on the ground, this drop of liquid quickly corroded the corpse like a hundred times stronger sulfuric acid.

But in less than two seconds, the corpse was corroded cleanly.

Even the space watch on the clothes and even the wrist is completely melted.

But the strange thing is that after the corpse on the ground was dropped with a smile, the sand and stones on the ground did not see the slightest difference.


Taking this scene into their eyes, Zhou Hao and the three on the side couldn't help but gasped and felt frightened.

Even Chu Huan couldn't help but look at the bottle in Fu Wenbo's hand.

As if noticing Chu Huan's gaze, Fu Wenbo said, "This is a special poison tempered from the body of the Golden Two-star Demon Marsh Poison Frog. Dissolve the human body and even some low-level items!"

After pouring a little of the liquid in the bottle onto the other corpse, Fu Wenbo continued to speak while walking towards the other corpses.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, some Awakener's Soul Skills are very special, and can extract some memories from the dead body."

"So in the future, after your kid kills people, you must pay attention to destroying the corpse and destroying the traces. I'll get you five bottles of this thing later, you can use it first."

After listening to Fu Wenbo's 3.6 words, Chu Huan looked at the size of the bottle in Fu Wenbo's hand and the dosage he had just used. Chu Huan was a little speechless.

"Mr. Fu, the size of this bottle in your hand is estimated to be able to handle thirty-four corpses! Can you give me so much at one time that I can use it up?"

Snake essence disease, Chu Huan does not have those special hobbies.

What are you doing with so many corpses and ruins?

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo sneered: "Can't run out? You can tell how many people you have killed yourself during this period of time. After a while, when you go to the capital, the danger is far from a small place like Linhai City. of."

"How long do you think these ten bottles will last? If you can't get enough kills, you have to use one bottle."

Chu Huan thought for a while and said, "Then you'd better get me ten bottles!"

Fu Wenbo: "........."

Listening to Chu Huan's change of mind at this moment, Fu Wenbo's actions are also stunned, and he calls out to the good guy in his heart.

On the other hand, Zhou Hao, who was talking a lot of nonsense in the past, listened to the topics discussed by Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo, and decisively chose to remain silent and work hard to be a little transparent.

"The topic of these two people is too scary!".

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