Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 137 Carrying the Coffin March Duet (25 ask for a monthly pass)

Judging from Chu Huan's group alone, Ge Tao, who is now making a sound from Chu Huan's No. 2 suona against the Tianling cover, must have a hard time.

But in fact.

Ge Tao is more sad than Chu Huan and others imagined at this moment.

And still more sad.

You know, even if someone opens the phone to the maximum at close range, they will play music in this close proximity.

The sound from the sound waves in the mobile phone can make ordinary people feel a little uncomfortable.

What if the power is turned on to the maximum speaker?

For ordinary people, it is definitely a feeling of trembling all over the body.

But now, for Ge Tao, the feeling is like an ordinary person standing in front of a huge loudspeaker in a night scene.

And because of the blessing of Chu Huan's soul power, it is still an enhanced version of the huge sound, the kind that is directly full after the power.

Now, at this near-zero distance, the volume is at full volume.

In the process of clearly feeling the high pitch, sweet midrange and strong bass in the suona tone.

Ge Tao felt that his whole body was trembling under the music of the suona in front of him.

It's not scalp tingling anymore.

But the scalp is fucking about to explode.

And when the sound entered his body, Ge Tao's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Under such interference, in just a few seconds, Ge Tao couldn't bear the tendency of his eyes to turn white.

The whole brain was shocked by the sound of 01 rushing into Laozi's music along the scalp.

It's like being punched in the head one after another.

Under this kind of change and interference, Ge Tao, whose head was blank, had forgotten to control his soul under the drive of his body instinct.

On one side, two hands were constantly swaying over his head, as if he wanted to free the suona that was on his forehead.

But unfortunately, no matter how Ge Tao grabbed it, he couldn't touch the suona with both hands.

It was obviously painful to die, but there was no way to do it.

Not long after, as hundreds of bloody notes floated out from the suona, a welcoming team had already formed in the distance.

His eyes were on the welcoming team in the distance.

With their eyes condensed, Zhou Hao and the others could clearly see the lifeless members of the welcoming team, who were one part human, nine parts ghost-like.

Coupled with the soaring but inexplicably cold melody of "March of the Netherworld" at the moment, and the opera-like chanting that reverberated in the ears of the three of them, Zhou Hao and the three of them could clearly feel what is called aversion to cold.

On the other hand, on Chu Huan's side, Chu Huan was sure of taking the newly-successfully summoned welcoming team in the distance into his eyes.

"it works!"

Previously, Chu Huan was still wondering if the condensed No. 2 suona could be played, but could not activate the Soul Skill.

Now it seems that Chu Huan is thinking too much.

After all, it was a tool soul clone that was separated after eating so much of his own soul power.

It would be a bit too much to say that it does not have the effect of its own tool soul.

Seeing the appearance of the welcoming team in the distance, Chu Huan was slightly relieved and glanced at the coffin-carrying gang who were about to finish work.

Chu Huan raised his brows slightly.

"Since it is said that the suona can be separated now, at that time, it indicated my own soul skill. In fact... can it continue?"

Previously, after Chu Huan's effect of "March for Carrying the Coffin" ended, if the enemy did not die, Chu Huan was too lazy to continue, and the only way was to continue playing "March for Carrying the Coffin".

Even when Chu Huan plays it himself, it takes more than ten seconds.

But now, since it is certain that Suona can be condensed and separated through the consumption of his own soul power, how could Chu Huan not think about this.

As the thoughts reverberated, Chu Huan's mind moved, and the soul power of one after another was injected into the soul of the "suona" in front of him.

A few seconds later, as Chu Huan's soul power consumed nearly 6,000 points, Chu Huan's "suona" device soul vibrated again, and plumes of black smoke began to fill.

Not long after, a brand-new and still translucent No. 3 suona successfully appeared in front of Chu Huan.

Looking at the newly condensed suona in front of him, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

"As the number of separated tool souls increases, will the consumption of soul power increase?"

According to this calculation, Chu Huan's soul power of 20,000 can be separated into three soul clones at most.

But in a short time, it is enough!

At the same time as the thoughts flashed in his heart, Chu Huan turned to hold the No. 3 suona in his hand.

Compared with the tool soul itself, these separated suonas obviously feel lighter.

The feeling to Chu Huan is not much more than the weight of a pen.

After a while, the "March for Carrying the Coffin" was successfully played by Chu Huan himself, and also from the No. 3 suona in Chu Huan's hands.

I don't know if it's subconsciously following the beat.

It is matched with the "coffin-carrying march" blown out by the "suona" spirit deity in front of Chu Huan.

The sound of the two suonas turned out to be one after the other, turning into a "coffin-carrying march duet."

Look at the two suonas in front of Chu Huan and the one on Yuan Tao's forehead over there.

The three of Zhou Hao on the side were so shocked that their eyeballs almost popped out.

"I'm going! Three! How can the spirit of this tool be separated?"

This time, Zhou Hao's words had just fallen, and before Zhu Tao could speak, Liu Luoyan on the side was shocked and subconsciously whispered.

"The other two tool souls are capable of making sounds, and it seems that they also have the same function as the original tool soul!"

Having said this, Liu Luoyan couldn't help taking a breath and looked at Chu Huan in shock.

Zhu Tao's eyes were a little dull and said: "The artifact soul skill itself is very strange, and now it can continue to separate out more artifact soul phantoms. "

In the shock of the three, at this moment Chu Huan is like a scientist doing an experiment, his eyes are extremely focused.

Soon, in the midst of the passage of time.

With Chu Huan playing personally, the other eight coffin-carrying gangs slowly appeared in the field of vision.

It was almost at the same time that the word "death" placed out of the coffin appeared again at a distance of about five meters on the ground.

Those Wang Zheng and others who had been carried on the shoulders of the coffin-carrying gang and swayed for a while slowly walked out of their respective coffins, and then threw themselves into these newly baked coffins.

"Hey! It's even possible."

Seeing this scene, Chu Huan's excited body trembled slightly.

Excited in his heart, Chu Huan even breathed a little more quickly.

After confirming this, the smile on Chu Huan's face continued to flow.

What does it mean that the tool soul skill can successfully sustain life?

It is equivalent to saying that, once Chu Huan controls the enemy through the tool soul skill, unless there is other influence or interference.

Otherwise, otherwise, Chu Huan can completely control the enemy to death directly with this tool soul skill.

The power can be imagined.

This is no longer a hard control.

Rather, it is controlled.

Originally, the appearance of Wang Zheng and others was just a trouble in Chu Huan's view.

But I didn't expect this trouble to accidentally let Chu Huan know another powerful function of his tool soul.

This function can be said to successfully make up for the shortcomings of Chu Huan's original tool soul skills.

In the future, even not counting Chu Huan's own physical attributes and fighting skills.

813 alone is Chu Huan's "coffin-carrying march" and "underworld march", which are enough to make Chu Huan easily invincible at the same level.

If it weren't for the fact that there were other people around, Chu Huan even wanted to put on his hips to show a "it's driving me to hell" look.


The two tunes reverberated constantly around.

With the similar but different styles of music, Zhou Hao and the three felt as if they had turned on 3D surround sound.

The left ear enters the "March of Carrying the Coffin", and the right ear hears the "March of the Netherworld".

The voices on both sides are clearly loud, but there is no conflict or mixing between the two.

It feels a little weird.

The line of sight was first placed on the phantoms on the left carrying the coffins, and then at the red welcoming team on the right.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Hao couldn't help but touch Zhu Tao who was on the side.

When Zhu Tao turned his head to look at Zhou Hao with a puzzled face, Zhou Hao lowered his voice and said, "If one day you have to face these two Soul Skills, would you choose the left or the right?"

Listening to Zhou Hao's question, Zhu Tao said blankly: "Well, why are you suddenly asking this question?"

Zhou Hao shook his head and said, "I feel terrified in my heart now, so I asked casually."

Hearing this, Zhu Taohuan rolled his eyes first, then glanced at both sides.

After waiting for several seconds, Zhou Hao twitched the corner of his mouth after taking in the equally bizarre painting styles on both sides.

After taking a deep breath, Zhu Tao said in a serious voice: "If one day, I face these two weapon soul skills of the boss, I think I will find a way to commit suicide, at least make it happy!"

Zhou Hao nodded in agreement and said, "I think so too."

It's just that the two of them didn't realize it, and Liu Luoyan on one side nodded unconsciously at the moment. .

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