Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 124 Laughing like a villain BOSS (25 for subscription and data support)

The sun is dazzling, and the scorching summer-like wind constantly reverberates in every corner of this beast's secret realm.

Stepping on the black desert, Yuan Hai and the others kept moving along the footprints on the surface of the desert.

"Slow down the speed, and dare to stay in the secret realm of giant pincers and scorpions for several days. Those students are definitely not bad! Don't capsize in the gutter!"

While moving, Yuan Hai quickly asked a few people.

Listening to Yuan Hai's words, the Awakened with slightly longer hair said with a smile: "Don't worry! It's just a few students, they're only in their third year of high school, even if they've improved their grades, their experience is definitely not enough, we can just talk about it then. Let them put their guard down."

As soon as the words fell, the man with a slightly sallow complexion immediately spoke up.

"Heh, Zhang Yang, you think those students are all fools! Boss Yuan is right, be careful!"

Awakened by this sallow-faced Awakener, the Awakener called Zhang Yang also said with a bit of a cold voice: "Don't yell at me, if it wasn't for Brother Yuan's face, you think Laozi would agree to be with you. Team up?"

Seeing this, the man with slightly longer hair snorted coldly: "Are you afraid of you? Have the ability for a while..."

"Stop talking, look ahead!"

However, before waiting for the remaining words of the awakening person with slightly longer hair to speak, the other person suddenly opened his mouth as if he had discovered something.

Hearing the sound, the other four quickly looked straight ahead.

When they saw the four Chu Huan standing still, their expressions changed slightly.

A thought suddenly popped into the minds of several people.

"This kid, found us early in the morning!"

Chu Huan looked back at them when they were at the base.

They all discovered this.

But neither Yuan Hai nor the other four cared too much about this situation.

After all, it's not illegal to look at it, and when you go out, why don't you allow others to look at it?

But now it seems that Chu Huan had already sensed something was wrong when he looked at them before!

It was also when the five people stopped, but Chu Huan, who was four or five hundred meters away from them, suddenly raised his hand and pointed his finger at them.

Facing Chu Huan's active provocation, Yuan Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Taking in the calm look of Chu Huan in the distance, Zhang Yang lowered his voice to a level that only a few of them could hear: "Boss Yuan, those boys have already prepared, what do you say now?"

The voice just came out, and several people next to him also exited one after another.

"Yes, these boys dare to wait for us since they found us. I'm afraid things are not so simple! Could these boys have already set up an ambush first?"

"Impossible, the time is so short, and there are deserts around, how can you ambush?"

"Should we retreat first, we will be squatting near the entrance of the passage in a while?"

"The ambush of the fart is just a few students. I don't believe they can set traps in advance during this period of time."


Hearing the voices of the people around him, Yuan Hai took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Don't be arguing, things are business as usual. I'll talk first when I'm a little closer to reduce their defensiveness."

"Old Ge, wait for you to quietly use your Soul Tool skill to trap them."

"Once Lao Ge's artifact soul skill is activated to trap them, everyone will work together and try to get rid of those guys in the shortest time."


After a few quick words, Yuan Hai was slowly approaching where Chu Huan and the others were.

It's just that during the walk, the sternness of the five people at the entrance of the passage was no longer, and every face showed a warm smile.

Gives an approachable feel.

When he was approaching Chu Huan and the others, Chu Huan also whispered: "You are three, don't be too far away from me, otherwise don't blame me if something goes wrong!"

"Don't worry, boss!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Liu Luoyan and the three all nodded.

Then, the distance between the two sides began to gradually narrow.

When the distance between the two sides was only about 20 to 30 meters, Yuan Hai smiled heartily and said, "What's the matter, little brother?"

Putting his eyes on Yuan Hai, he looked at the face full of smiles at the moment. After a few seconds, Chu Huan raised his brows slightly as if thinking of something.

Every time Chu Huan enters a place, he likes to look around first.

And in the base outside the secret world of the giant pincer scorpion beast, there are very few awakened people every day.

Once down, Chu Huan basically remembered the situation of the people outside the gate of the base!

Not to mention several times in a row, basically every time Chu Huan can see Yuan Hai, how could Chu Huan have no impression of Yuan Hai at all?

It's just that before, in Chu Huan's investigation, Yuan Hai's hatred value was still less than ten points.

In other words, it is a bit of a crooked idea and will not be put into practice.

Unexpectedly, he didn't come for two days, and the opponent's hatred value suddenly soared to 30.

After looking at Yuan Hai for a few seconds, Chu Huan said lightly, "Uncle, there is something I want to ask you guys!"

"Oh? What's the matter? What do you say, little brother!" Yuan Hai said with a smile on his face.

Regarding Yuan Hai's feigned kindness at the moment, Chu Huan suddenly said with a bit of curiosity as if he hadn't seen it: "A few days ago, every time we came here, you were also outside this secret world of giant pincers, poisonous scorpions and beasts. Nothing for a few days."

"But why did you suddenly get your attention today, can you tell me the reason?"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Liu Luoyan, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao also looked at Yuan Hai curiously.

But no matter how you look at it, Liu Luoyan and the three of them didn't have the slightest impression of Yuan Hai.

After confirming that they did not have the impression of Yuan Hai in their minds, the three of them couldn't help but look at Chu Huan in surprise.

Obviously, in the eyes of the three, Chu Huan was able to say this, obviously he was writing down the appearance of the people outside the base every time!

Discovering this, the three of them looked at each other, all seeing surprise and frustration in each other's eyes.

Not only is he strong and careful, but he is still so cautious now.

So sophisticated that they are like Chu Huan now, they are really ashamed of their peers.

On the other side, after hearing Chu Huan's words, Yuan Hai's body stiffened slightly.

Obviously, Yuan Hai didn't expect Chu Huan to notice him a few days ago.

Forcing a smile on his face, Yuan Hai said, "Little brother, you think too much! We came in today to hunt down those giant pincer scorpions, not you."

After saying that, Yuan Hai paused slightly, wanting to see Chu Huan's reaction.

After seeing Yuan Hai say a word, he stopped, but Chu Huan smiled softly and said, "'Don't stop! Please continue your performance, I'll watch!"

As he said that, Chu Huan glanced at the Awakened who was blocked by Yuan Hai's group at the back.

Feeling the soul power fluctuations that vaguely emerged from the opponent's body, Chu Huan sneered in his heart.

As the soul power surged, sounds like water waves suddenly burst out from Chu Huan's body.

The next second, in the sight of Yuan Hai and others, Chu Huan, who was still standing just now, suddenly disappeared.


But before a few people could react from this sudden change, an abnormal sound suddenly and clearly entered the ears of several people.

And the position where the voice came from was behind them.

Quickly turning their heads and looking behind them, several people realized that Chu Huan, who was supposed to be in front of them, had actually moved behind them.

And the five slender fingers on Chu Huan's right hand were slightly bent, and they tightly clasped the awakened person who was called Lao Ge, who was hiding behind Yuan Hai's group.

The strange sound just now came from the mouth of the Awakened who was lifted by Chu Huan's neck from the ground and lifted into the air.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing Chu Huan who moved from front to back in an instant and subdued one of his teammates, Yuan Hai and several people's expressions changed greatly.

It seems that he felt the sight of Yuan Hai and the others, Chu Huan squeezed Ge Changqing's neck slightly.


During the movement, with the crisp skeletal Duan Lei's voice, the Awakener who was lifted by Chu Huan's neck clasped and lifted his eyes suddenly burst, and then his body gradually softened after being stiff for a moment.

Effortlessly dealt with the Awakened who wanted to secretly release the Soul Skill, Chu Huan said with a smile on his face, "Come on, let's continue the topic just now!"

During the speech, a gentle tone.

It was as if he hadn't killed an Awakened just now.

At this moment, Chu Huan's smile looks like the villain BOSS in the movie who is bullying the protagonist.

There was an inexplicable domineering and coldness in that cloudless and breezy attitude.

And this smile with a bit of a villain BOSS was printed in the eyes of Yuan Hai and the others, but it caused Yuan Hai and the others to have a cool air slowly rising from the soles of their feet and then straight into the sky.

The blood all over his body seemed to be frozen at this moment and became abnormally cold.

"It's over, kicked the iron plate!".

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