Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 109 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting! (35 for subscription and data)

Looking at the pile of beast crystals that had successfully blocked his vision, the smile on the woman's face a second ago stiffened instantly.

Suddenly, the woman understood why Chu Huan asked such a sentence just now!

Immediately, the woman with a stiff smile began to gradually pull the beast crystals in front of her into the window.

In the process, you have to be careful to prevent these beast crystals from falling to the ground.

After more than ten seconds, looking at the dense pile of beast crystals in front of her that almost occupied her workbench, the woman felt a big head.

"Why don't you replace these beast crystals with more advanced ones in advance?"

After complaining in her heart, the woman began to bury her head and count them one by one.

It was also when the woman began to count the beast crystals, Wang Qiang, who had come back to his senses, couldn't help but be surprised:

"Junior, where did you get so many beast crystals?"

Chu Huan said softly, "Oh, I borrowed it from a friend."

After continuing to glance at the beast crystal in front of the woman, Wang Qiang said with a wry smile: "Your friend is quite embarrassed! You can actually borrow so many beast crystals from you, and they are all three-star black iron."

After thinking about it, Chu Huan agreed: "Yes! The main reason is that they are generous and willing to give me their beast crystals!"

Isn't it generous?

The lives of those giant pincer scorpions are all given to Chu Huan!

Having said that, Chu Huan also added in his heart, "May those dead friends rest in peace in heaven!"

After hearing what Chu Huan said, Wang Qiang couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart.

Originally, every time Chu Huan speaks, it gives people the feeling that a gambling book is not enough.

This made Wang Qiang think about sharing some of the beast crystals he prepared to Chu Huan.

But now?

This pile, at least a thousand pieces, right?

And all of them are Black Iron Samsung?

Wang Qiang couldn't figure out why Chu Huan had such an expression before?

This is because you feel uncomfortable that you can't directly let the panties that the dealer pay for are gone?

Although the voice of the two of them communicating here is not big, the problem is that the room is not big.

And the room is made of E-grade alloy, and the sound insulation effect means that the echo effect is very good.

Therefore, the conversation between the two can be said to be clearly transmitted to the ear of the working woman in the window.

Chu Huan and Wang Qiang were chatting while waiting.

The posture is rather relaxed.

But the woman who is counting the beast crystals in the window doesn't feel so good 783!

Generally speaking, women who received bets in the past were either very ordinary awakeners, and the amount of bets ranged from a few to hundreds of beast crystals.

At most, it is the difference in the level of beast crystals.

Higher, basically the bet will not turn her here.

Therefore, it was the first time she had met someone like Chu Huan who took out 2,000 beast crystals at one time.

And when people keep repeating the numbers, they are fine when the numbers are small.

Too many can cause problems.

If you change the awakened person, it will be fine. If the "spiritual power" attribute is high, the concentration will naturally not be bad.

But at this moment, the woman working in the window is just an ordinary person, not an awakened person.

It's just because of her sweet appearance and excellent appearance that she can work in this club.

Even in normal times, he would not dare to be distracted by this kind of counting method of beast crystals one by one.

Not to mention that there are still people talking next to me.

Therefore, when the woman counted to "1324", as Wang Qiang's voice entered her ears, the woman's attention was involuntarily attracted by Wang Qiang's voice.


"I just counted to thirteen hundred?"

At this moment, the mentality of the woman who had successfully forgotten where she had just counted was a little broken.

You must know that in the Jintang Club, the betting area stipulates that the staff responsible for betting must first manually confirm the number of bets and enter them into the computer.

After "confirmation", the machine that detects the beast crystals can be turned on for the second quantity determination.

If the woman can't clearly count the number of preparations for the pile of beast crystals in front of her now, even if the machine to detect the beast crystals is activated.

But the result is different from the result entered by the woman into the computer. The woman will be fined.

Therefore, after successfully being influenced by Wang Qiang's voice and forgetting the number she had counted before, the woman's expression instantly stiffened, and her mentality collapsed inexplicably.

Half an hour later, in the midst of the woman's lack of energy, Chu Huan successfully obtained the certificate for his bet.

After looking at the voucher that clearly recorded various data in his hand, Chu Huan raised his mouth.

"The next step is to wait for the challenge from Linhai No. 3 Middle School in two days!"

Thinking, Chu Huan and Wang Qiang left the club together.


Two days later, afternoon.

Chu Huan rarely entered the secret realm of beasts today, but went straight to the school playground after eating and chatting with Wang Qiang and the others for a while.

By the time a few people arrived, the playground was already crowded with students from Tianlin Middle School.

It's just that everyone is surrounded by the edge of the playground, and only a man and a woman are standing in the middle of the playground.

A standout look.

The man has a boxy appearance and a height of about 177. He wears ordinary clothes, giving people a simple and honest feeling.

The woman's appearance is not bad, wearing a black training uniform, but with a little arrogance on her face, plus her slightly raised head, she looks like a proud peacock.

Standing on the steps beside the playground, looking at the two people who were motionless in the middle of the playground, their faces full of pride, Chu Huan asked, "Are these two awakes from our school?"

Wang Qiang nodded and said, "The man's name is Sun Jun, and the woman's name is Zhou Ziqi. They're both in the first class. The two were awakened in the first semester of high school, and the gap was only a month apart."

Zhou Qichuan next to him added: "But the talent named Sun Jun is a little worse. He was clearly awakened earlier than Zhou Ziqi, but he just entered the Black Iron One Star a few days ago."

Hearing what Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan said, Chu Huan set his eyes on the two of them.

Chu Huan could also see that both of them were only in their early fifties by looking at their HP values.

After all, it's not that good, it can only occupy the middle and upper level.

It was even ten points worse than Zhou Hao.

Taking his attention away from the two of them, Chu Huan looked at the time.

It's not too long until three o'clock!

Soon, while the two were waiting, in a slightly noisy voice, three other boys dressed in Linhai No. 3 Middle School also entered the playground.

"Is this the student Linhai No. 3 Middle School sent to challenge our school?"

"It doesn't look that good!"

"Heh, he is a Heavenly Awakener with one star of Hei Tie, where did you have the courage to speak to others?"


In the low talk of the surrounding students, Chu Huan's eyes were also on the three of them.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan raised his brows slightly as the data of the three came into his eyes.

In Chu Huan's observation, two of the three boys in Linhai No. 3 Middle School have similar "physique" attributes to those of Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi.

The only boy standing in the middle, who looks rather burly and is called "Song Hongyi", has a "physique" attribute of 71 points, which is obviously one level higher than the others.

"This guy is very talented!"

Looking at Song Hongyi's blood volume, Chu Huan was a little surprised.

After each promotion, the general Awakened can achieve a 5-point improvement through the improved physical attributes of the promotion itself and high-intensity exercise, which is considered a moderate level.

Just like Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun.

At Heitie Yixing, the "Physical" attribute is in his early fifties.

Better, when the black iron one star "physique attribute" can reach the early sixties.

And this Song Hongyi from Linhai No. 3 Middle School, his physique attribute can reach 71 points.

Obviously the talent is not low, how can there be an A-level talent potential!

After the three people from Linhai No. 3 Middle School walked to the center of the playground, the other two people from Linhai No. 3 Middle School were still looking at Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi.

But this Song Hongyi just closed his eyes and looked proud.

This scene caused Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi to look slightly gloomy.

It was also after the people from Linhai No. 3 Middle School entered the field. In the same direction, Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen, as well as several senior teachers of the school and some teachers who obviously belonged to Linhai No. 3 Middle School also slowly entered the playground during the chat. .

When he saw Fu Wenbo and the crowd, Chu Huan quickly put his hands in his pockets.

Then he ate three T1-type poisons first, and then kept one in his mouth without swallowing it.

After Fu Wenbo and the others walked into the playground, Fu Wenbo glanced around and placed it on Chu Huan's body and beckoned gently.

Noticing Fu Wenbo's actions, the people around them quickly turned their heads and focused on Chu Huan.

Seeing this, Chu Huan smiled at Wang Qiang and the others, then passed through the students in front and approached the playground as well.

Along the way, Chu Huan's walking behavior was also different from the sluggishness of the past. Instead, he trotted over, his face was full of shyness and shyness that could not be seen from Chu Huan's face.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary high school student with little experience and experience.

"This kid, he looks so harmless to humans and animals!"

Taking in the expression Chu Huan pretended to be at the moment, Fu Wenbo couldn't help rolling his eyes.

After Chu Huan came to his side, Fu Wenbo faced a middle-aged man with eyes at Linhai No. 3 Middle School.

"Director Wen, the students in our school are learning from each other every year, and we are tired of watching it. Just this year, a student in my own class has awakened the soul of an auxiliary device."

"His Item Soul skill is a BUFF-type Item Soul skill, and the BUFF effect can improve a little "Agility" attribute, so I just thought of doing something new this year."

"Let me, the student, add a BUFF to both sides using the Tool Soul skill, and then let the students on both sides cut and poke, how about it?"

Listening to Fu Wenbo's words, Wen Zhaohua of Linhai No. 3 Middle School looked at Chu Huan.

After taking in Chu Huan's well-behaved look, Wen Zhaohua smiled and said, "Oh! The BUFF-type tool soul skill, that guy is not bad! How much "Agility" attribute can your tool soul skill improve?"

Facing Wen Zhaohua's gentle inquiry, Chu Huan said with a slightly nervous tone: "Oh, my Soul Tool skill can increase the "Agility" attribute of other awakened people by 10%."

While speaking, Chu Huan's voice was a little vague because of the T1 poison in his mouth.

But this voice sounded to other people's ears as if it was caused by nervousness.

Therefore, taking Chu Huan's nervous appearance into his eyes, the smile on Wen Zhaohua's face became even stronger.

"10%, that's not bad! With just this one artifact soul skill, you can easily enter other Awakened squads in the future. Come on! Try to get admitted to the nine universities!"

Listening to Wen Zhaohua's lack of sincere encouragement, Fu Wenbo sneered in his heart while a slight smile appeared on his face.

"This is still in the form of a musical instrument. I was thinking that I could just let him play a song, and I just welcome you to come to our school to communicate this time!"

Wen Zhaohua said with a smile: "That's why Director Fu is the dean of Tianlin Middle School at such a young age! He is thinking about Zhou Dao, so thank Director Fu for his arrangement and this classmate!"

Fu Wenbo said with an undiminished smile: "You're welcome! It should be, the visitor is a guest!"

After speaking, Fu Wenbo said to Chu Huan, "Go play a song for them and give them a buff!"

"Ah! Oh, good!"

Fu Wenbo's voice fell, and Chu Huan paused for a second before responding.

The details and acting skills are impeccable.

Zhou Qichuan, who was on the steps in the distance, couldn't help but say "tsk tsk": "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills! I can understand what this means now, the acting skills of the boss are simply impeccable, no It's a pity to go to the play!"

The others who heard the words couldn't help but nodded.

If they are not familiar with Chu Huan, and in unfamiliar situations, just looking at Chu Huan's performance now, maybe they really feel that Chu Huan is an ordinary student who is nervous under the eyes of so many people.

Seeing Chu Huan's impeccable acting skills and performance at the moment, I think that Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi's strength will be improved with the help of Chu HuanBUFF skills later.

Fu Wenbo thought of the betting voucher in his space watch in exchange for a butt of arrears.

It turned out to be a sense of excitement that you can make a fortune immediately.

For a while, the smile on Fu Wenbo's face suddenly became pure and sincere.

After using the slowest trot to get closer to the five people in the center of the playground, Chu Huan first smiled at the five people in a friendly way, and then he stirred up his soul power.

But at the moment when Chu Huan's soul power fluctuated, he felt the soul power fluctuations coming from Chu Huan's body, and Fu Wenbo, who had been a little concerned just now, suddenly lost his happy and innocent smile.

A foul language burst out from Fu Wenbo in an instant.

"f*ck, one star of black iron?"

ps; I beg for subscription and data support! Thunder can't beat the guarantee of 150,000 to 20,000 word updates every day. Friends who are fattening should not keep them for too long, they can be slaughtered in a week. .

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