Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 107 Thank the boss for his kindness of not killing! (15 ask for subscription, ask for data)

In the afternoon, at the gate of the Secret Realm of the Giant Claw Scorpion Murderer.

When Chu Huan arrived, the three of Liu Luoyan had obviously been waiting for a while at the gate of the giant pincer scorpion.

After a few people entered the secret realm of beasts, Chu Huan turned around and spread his hands to the three of them.

Seeing this, the three rolled their eyes and successively placed yesterday's bronze one-star in Chu Huan's hand from the space watch.

It was only when Liu Luoyan and Zhu Tao handed Chu Huan a one-star bronze beast crystal.

And Zhou Hao took out two.

After watching Zhou Hao put the beast crystal in Chu Huan's hand, Zhu Tao asked curiously, "Why do you want to give one more?"

Zhou Hao said with a gloomy face: "Don't mention it, I had a problem with "Basic Fighting Technique" before! This is the reward for the boss to help me correct the "Basic Fighting Technique" problem."

After understanding the reason, the two looked at Zhou Hao with a little more disgust.

After receiving the beast crystals taken out by the three of them into the space watch, Chu Huan said casually: "Let's go! Today, we will spend two more hours in this mysterious realm of beasts."

"Huh? Two more hours of brushing?"

Listening to Chu Huan's words, Zhou Hao's face stiffened.

Even Zhu Tao smiled bitterly and said, "No, boss, we were exhausted in five hours yesterday! There are two more hours today!"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "There's no way! I'm short of beast crystals! Today and tomorrow, I have to get as many beast crystals as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them suddenly thought of the huge pile of black iron beast crystals that Chu Huan had pulled in front of them in the training room last night.

"This amount of beast 01 crystals, poor?"

For a time, when the three of them looked at Chu Huan, their eyes became strange.

I feel that this word, no matter how you look at it, has nothing to do with Chu Huan!

But now Chu Huan, who was thinking about killing more beasts to collect gambling money, didn't talk too much with the three of them.

After a few simple words, he took out the special product of the Awakened Association from Fu Wenbo in the morning - T1 poison.

After pouring out one of the poisons and swallowing it, in just a few seconds, Chu Huan could feel a tingling sensation that quickly spread around Chu Huan's abdomen.

It's just that with Chu Huan's current physique, this tingling sensation is not too strong, it is completely within the tolerance range.

In the midst of these tingling sensations, Chu Huan's blood volume also dropped rapidly and then dropped by 600 points.

In terms of damage value, it is twice as strong as the blue blood pill.

Seeing this, Chu Huan took out a few pills one after another and swallowed them.

After Chu Huan controlled the blood volume by 10% through these poisons, Chu Huan took out the erhu.

When the song ended, the notes suddenly floated out and merged into the bodies of Chu Huan and Liu Luoyan.

Feeling the lightness of their bodies, all three of Zhou Hao couldn't help showing a slightly relieved expression.

After successfully adding the buff, Chu Huan chose a random direction and began to move quickly.

Seeing this, Zhou Hao and the others quickly followed.

Just moving quickly, thinking about the scene of Chu Huan taking drugs, Zhou Hao couldn't help but wonder, "What did he eat before? Could it be something good?"

Zhu Tao rolled his eyes and said, "How do I know?"

That is to say, but Zhu Tao is also very curious in his heart.

Yesterday, Chu Huan also took out a bottle of medicine when he first entered the secret realm of beasts, and then began to pull the song and add buff to the three of them.

The same is true today. Taking Chu Huan's behavior into account, the three of them are naturally curious.

Thinking about it, Zhu Tao glanced at Zhou Hao and suggested, "Would you like to wait and ask, or ask the boss for one to eat and see?"

Zhou Hao pondered for a few seconds and asked, "Why didn't you ask?"

Zhu Tao said honestly, "Because I'm not as tough as you are."

Zhou Hao: "..."

Having the experience of yesterday, and acting with Chu Huan again today, there is almost no need for Chu Huan to speak.

As soon as they heard the sound in front of Chu Huan, the three of them would automatically stop and keep a safe distance from Chu Huan.

When Chu Huan faced these giant pincer scorpions yesterday, he basically used kite flying tactics to consume the giant pincer scorpions to death.

However, after Chu Huan led these giant pincer scorpions away, there seemed to be no trace.

"Strange? Why did the boss go for so long today?"

After waiting for almost twenty minutes, seeing that Chu Huan had not returned, Zhou Hao asked in confusion.

Zhu Tao said: "Yes! Yesterday was not as long as today. Could it be that there are not many giant pincer scorpions nearby?"

However, just after the two people's words fell, Liu Luoyan, who had been observing the distance, suddenly said, "I'm back!"

Hearing this, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao quickly looked up.

Sure enough, Chu Huan was already in sight.

But a few seconds later, as the distance got closer, Zhu Tao's eyes widened when he looked at the densely packed giant scorpions behind Chu Huan and saw that there were at least seventy or eighty scorpions.

"Damn it, what is the boss doing today? To attract so many giant pincer scorpions all at once?"

While the three of them were shocked, Chu Huan quickly approached the three of them while moving quickly.

However, when there were still three or four hundred meters away from Liu Luoyan and the others, Chu Huan Chu Huan turned around, and the whole person suddenly rushed directly to the back of those giant pincer scorpions.

After talking with Fu Wenbo in the morning, the biggest problems have been solved.

And now, for Chu Huan, the biggest problem is gambling money.

Therefore, in the two days of today and tomorrow, Chu Huan can only find a way to collect more beast crystals.

With time running out, Chu Huan couldn't use up these giant pincer scorpions slowly by simply relying on his artifact and soul skills as he did yesterday.

After all, because of the order of attracting monsters, even after the giant pincer scorpions are gathered, the level of blood is not uniform.

So now Chu Huan's purpose is simple.

Those who have high blood volume can solve it by themselves, and those who have low blood volume can only consume it with the tool soul skills.

While the thoughts were floating in his mind, Chu Huan landed firmly behind these giant pincer scorpions.

When the sound of bursting bubbles sounded, Chu Huan suddenly jumped towards a giant pincer scorpion.

With a simple and rude knee, the head of a giant pincer scorpion locked by Chu Huan suddenly burst open like a watermelon.

While passing over this giant pincer scorpion, Chu Huan continued to rush towards another giant pincer scorpion next to him.

When the raised hand pressed on the head of this giant pincer scorpion, the arm muscles suddenly tightened and then hit the head of the other giant pincer scorpion.

When it hit the ground, his right hand decisively clasped a poisonous scorpion that was swung towards him like lightning, and with a light drink, he lifted the poisonous scorpion that attacked him and smashed it into the other giant pincers beside him like a weapon. Poisonous scorpion.

In this way, under the circumstances of Chu Huan's tool soul skills and his own hands-on, the original number of the seven or eighty giant pincer scorpions continued to drop sharply at an obvious speed.

In the distance, Liu Luoyan and the three looked at Chu Huan, who was rushing into the flock, and Chu Huan's fighting style full of violent aesthetics, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Glancing at the corpses of the giant pincer scorpions that kept falling beside Chu Huan, Zhu Tao grinned and said, "How do I feel, compared to these giant pincer scorpions, that eldest brother looks more like a beast. a little!"

The voice came into his ears, and Liu Luoyan couldn't help but nodded and swallowed, "This fighting style is too fierce!"

As he spoke, looking at Chu Huan who was killing him in the distance, he couldn't help but shake his eyes and sighed.

The gap is too big!

Under such circumstances, Zhou Hao on one side was stunned for a long time without saying a word.

This made Zhu Tao next to him couldn't help but wonder: "What do you think?"

After Zhou Hao took a deep breath, he said in a complicated tone, "I thank the boss in my heart for not killing him last night!"

Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Zhu Tao suddenly reacted.

It seems that this is the man who killed with one person in the black iron three-star beast group at this moment.

Last night, it was the sparring of the three of them.

Looking at the violent picture of Chu Huan blasting the head of a giant pincer scorpion with one punch in the distance.

After a few seconds of silence, Zhu Tao put his hands together and said, "Thank you for your kindness of not killing the boss!"

Facing Zhu Tao and Zhou Hao's indecent behavior at the moment, Liu Luoyan 783 rolled his eyes and said, "Don't just focus on playing, look at his fighting style, it's ours, even if the physical attributes and "Basic Fighting Technique" are improved. , and it is impossible to dare to directly rush into the encirclement of so many beasts at the same time as he did."

With Liu Luoyan's reminder, the two also changed their focus.


In the case of Chu Huan's own hands-on, the speed of killing naturally increased a lot again.

Almost when Chu Huan smashed the head of a giant pincer scorpion with his own hands, the remaining dozen or so giant pincer scorpions quickly fell down because their blood was exhausted.

Breathing out a breath, Chu Huan glanced at the time.

"Not bad! Compared with yesterday, the overall speed is much faster."

Although it takes a little more time to attract monsters each time, but because Chu Huan personally participates in the battle, the efficiency is naturally faster!

It's just that doing so will obviously consume more of Chu Huan's physical strength! .

But Chu Huan is not worried about physical strength.

Because poverty makes people infinitely motivated.

After thinking about it, Chu Huan waved to Liu Luoyan and the three of them and started cleaning the battlefield.

After approaching, looking at the corpses of these giant pincer scorpions at the moment, Zhou Hao and the three couldn't help but stunned for a while.

Not the same as yesterday.

Yesterday, because Chu Huan basically solved these giant pincer scorpions through the tune of the tool soul skill, the corpses of those giant pincer scorpions were all intact.

It doesn't seem to be a problem.

But today, under the hands of Chu Huan, it basically belongs to the next one.

And because of the power of Chu Huan's full-level "Elementary Fighting Technique", these giant pincer scorpions that were killed by Chu Huan himself did not have all the corpses.

There were even those who were killed by Chu Huan using the giant pincer scorpion as a weapon.

The impact is naturally more moving than it looked yesterday.

Therefore, looking at the tragic state of these giant pincer scorpion corpses, Zhou Hao and the three couldn't help but glance at Chu Huan.

Those eyes, as if looking at a human-shaped beast. .

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