When Ji Mingxuan saw this, his heart went crazy for a while, and he quickly hugged Jiao Jiaowa tightly and declared his sovereignty.

"Qiangzi, pay attention to the way you look at my daughter. Why are you so naive as an old father? I am their father. You want to have a child with Hui Ran!"

His words made the people in the store laugh.

Zhang Qiang scratched his head in embarrassment: "You think I don't want to, but Hui Ran has to agree to marry me. Hey, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's make good money first. When we buy a house and have a family, I proposed to her! I really liked your baby when I saw it today, and it aroused my strong desire to make money. After all, with the financial foundation, getting married and having children is a matter of course!"

"Hey, according to what you said, when you get tired and lazy, I will bring the baby to the store to stimulate you. By then, you will be as energetic as a chicken blood!"

Ji Mingxuan smiled.

"It's true! Let's not talk anymore. I'm going to get busy. If I stay any longer, I won't be able to do anything else. I just want to look at these three little guys."

After Zhang Qiang finished speaking, he reluctantly went to do his own thing.

"Okay, okay, let's keep busy. They should be scared if we watch the babies around again!"

After Ma Bin finished speaking, everyone nodded belatedly, looking away from the baby with difficulty, and went to do what they were supposed to do.

"Mom, you finally went out to have fun. Leave the child to me. You two go out for a walk and buy some things."

Du Yuwei suggested that the two mothers go shopping. During this period, they would be bored at home looking after their children every day.

"It's okay. It's warm today. How about we go out for a walk together? I just happened to push the three of them out to see what it's like outside. They are curious babies. They were very happy on the way here. What if I took them out to play? Son, you will definitely be happier.”

Mother Du saw that the store was not very busy at the moment and had enough manpower, so she suggested that she and her daughter and son-in-law take the baby out for a stroll.

When his mother-in-law spoke, Ji Mingxuan would definitely support her. It was a good thing that the old man was finally willing to go shopping today, so he nodded immediately.

"Okay, Mom, we're not very busy today. Let's go shopping together. Why don't we call my dad and ask them to come out too?"

"Pull them down. They are playing cards at home. Once they get addicted to playing cards, even nine cows can't pull them away. Let's stop thinking about them and go shopping in ours."

Ji Mingxuan thought so. He knew about his father's card addiction, and what his mother said was not an exaggeration.

"Okay, let's go then. Wait a moment and I'll tell the store."

After Ji Mingxuan said that, he went to find Ma Bin.

"Mingxuan, it's okay. Just go. I have something to tell you. I'll wait until you come back."

Ma Bin hesitated, obviously something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Brother Bin? I think you have something important to do. You can tell me now. I'll let Weiwei and my mother go shopping first, and I'll go find them later."

After Ji Mingxuan finished speaking, he told Du Yuwei.

"Okay, then mom and I will go shopping in the mall in front first. When you're done, call me and come find us."

Du Yuwei tidied up briefly, and then pushed the baby out with the two mothers.

"What's wrong, Brother Bin? You seem to have something wrong. Come on, let's go to the lounge to talk."

Ji Mingxuan and Ma Bin went to the lounge. They each poured a glass of water. After sitting down, they got straight to the point.

After all, we are so familiar with and have a good relationship. If we talk too much in roundabout ways, it will seem unrealistic.

"Just say whatever you want, Brother Bin."

Ma Bin nodded, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

"Mingxuan, I have actually been struggling all day today. I have always wanted to find an opportunity to have a good chat with you. I want to open a high-end luxury agency store as soon as possible and do it myself."

Ma Bin looked a little embarrassed, and he didn't even dare to look up at Ji Mingxuan's face, looking a little embarrassed.

"This is a good thing, Brother Bin! Why are you so embarrassed to tell me? I have already said that sooner or later you will have to go it alone, and I will definitely support you!"

Ji Mingxuan was speaking from the bottom of his heart. The partnership business was profitable, but after all, it was not as comfortable as the brothers being their own bosses.

"Do you really think so, Mingxuan? I'm worried that you think I'm ungrateful and quit after making money here. In fact, I think so myself. It's good for us to run this store together, but I'm over thirty years old. Now, I don’t have a car or a house, and I’m really pressed for time. I’m thinking that if I go it alone, I can at least make more profits, and I can settle down here as soon as possible. You know, men my age haven’t yet. I don’t have a car or a house, so people in my hometown will inevitably make irresponsible remarks, and my parents always put pressure on me, saying that they can’t even hold their heads high in the village, which makes me very anxious.”

Ma Bin frowned and explained his current situation to Ji Mingxuan. He always felt sorry for Mingxuan. He helped him when he was in poverty. Now he quits when the high luxury store is busy. He felt ungrateful, but the pressure of reality made him breathless. He had to do this, and it was urgent.

Ji Mingxuan patted Ma Bin on the shoulder.

"Brother Bin, we have known each other for so many years, do we still need to be so arrogant? I also understand your situation and know that you are under pressure. Besides, I really think it is a good thing for you brothers to work alone. I wholeheartedly understand Being happy is not something you do against your will, so just go ahead and do it without thinking too much!”

"Hey, Mingxuan, I'm sorry for quitting at this time. Liu Juan and I are not young anymore. If I were a few years younger, I would definitely continue to work with you!"

Ma Bin seemed to have tears in his eyes, but he was trying hard not to let them fall.

"Brother Bin, I understand. You don't need to say sorry to me at all. This is not a bad thing. I support you! When do you plan to open your own store? Have you found a store? Do you need help? Do you have the agency fee? If it's not enough, I'll help you..."

Ma Bin quickly stopped Ji Mingxuan from continuing.

"Mingxuan, you have helped me a lot, enough. I have seen several stores and there are two I like. I want to go there tomorrow to compare them. I have almost prepared the agency fee, but I'm still a little short. Liu Juan said she would help me, but I'm embarrassed to ask a girl like her for money. I'll find a way myself. At worst, I can take out a bank loan. Anyway, it's not much. If I do well, I can pay it back soon."

The agency fee of Gaoshe is not low. Ma Bin has been frugal enough, but he still needs tens of thousands.

"I have some here, Brother Bin. I'll pay you first. You've just started a store, so you have to keep some working capital in your hands, otherwise you won't be able to handle the situation if something goes wrong."

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