It is said that women have a very sharp sixth sense. She has always felt that Mingxuan is a little different today, and now this idea is more certain.

At the same time, in the bathroom.

Ji Mingxuan practiced his words in front of the mirror.

"Weiwei, let's get married!"

No, it's too vulgar and insincere.

"Weiwei, I want to give you a complete wedding, please give me this opportunity?"

No, it's like a fool.

"Weiwei, you chose to give birth to three babies for me when I had nothing, and you have endured so much. Now we are a family. I will love you and the babies well in the future, and let's live a good life."

Oh, no, saying this will make Weiwei feel that she is with her because of guilt, isn't that a misunderstanding?

Damn it.

Ji Mingxuan looked at himself in the mirror and made a disdainful gesture.

Why is it stuck at the critical moment?

No matter, let's rush first!

As for the rest, just improvise!

Ji Mingxuan touched the diamond ring box in his pocket, looked at himself in the mirror firmly, opened the door and walked out.

"Weiwei, I... why are you crying?"

Seeing Du Yuwei's red eyes and tears in her eyes, Ji Mingxuan panicked and squatted beside her: "Are you feeling uncomfortable? I'll help you lie down for a while?"

Du Yuwei shook her head and wiped her tears: "No, I'm not feeling uncomfortable."

"Then why are you crying? What happened? Tell me, didn't we agree that there would never be any secrets? You have to tell each other what's in your heart. Don't hold it in your heart. Tell me if you have anything to say."

Zero communication and full explanation are two completely different modes of getting along between husband and wife.

Ji Mingxuan prefers the second mode. He doesn't want to have any secrets from Du Yuwei.

Du Yuwei rolled her eyes at Ji Mingxuan with emotion: "You still have the nerve to say that you have no secrets? If you have something in your heart, why don't you tell me?"

Ji Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, "You know everything?"

Du Yuwei's heart "clicked", and she smiled weakly like a deflated ball: "I said that women's sixth sense is very accurate, but is there anything you can't tell me openly?"

"Weiwei, I'm just about to tell you."

Ji Mingxuan took a deep breath and his expression became serious.

"Go ahead."

Du Yuwei has made the worst plan, that is, he may like Xing Ruxue, and is ready to be with her, and then tonight he will confront her and ask her whether she wants a car, a house or a child.

Then she will definitely choose the child without hesitation and leave.

Her love for Mingxuan is real, without any interests. The child is her life, and she will not change it for any money.

Du Yuwei in front of her has no expression on her face, and it is hard to tell whether she is happy or sad.

Suddenly, Du Yuwei felt something on her left ring finger. She looked down and saw a sparkling diamond ring.

After a moment's pause, Du Yuwei looked at Ji Mingxuan with disbelief.

"It is said that there is a blood vessel on the left ring finger that is connected to the heart. Weiwei, today I have locked your left ring finger, which means that my feelings for you are as firm as this diamond ring, and I am absolutely loyal to our marriage. I hope you can promise me to give you a beautiful wedding so that I can take care of you and the baby in the future."

Ji Mingxuan was sincere and his ink-like eyes were shining, looking at Du Yuwei tenderly.

This kind of gentle eyes, just one glance, made Du Yuwei fall deeply in love with it.

"Mingxuan, when did you prepare the ring? Didn't you buy one for me before? Why did you buy another one..."

Du Yuwei was a little incoherent, and tears burst out again, but unlike before, this time they were tears of happiness, and her heart was suddenly enveloped by a burst of sweetness and touching.

"Last time it was a proposal ring, this time it is a formal wedding ring, you have to wear it on your hand every day in the future, I want to swear sovereignty."

Du Yuwei laughed after hearing this, and in a blink of an eye, a crystal clear tear rolled down her cheek. This smile with tears in her eyes, in Ji Mingxuan's view, is like a beautiful painting.

"Weiwei, I know what you are thinking in your heart. I won't say a lot of sweet words to you, but I want to use practical actions to prove to you that I only love you in my heart. I know that the sense of security that we men give you should not be just talk."

Du Yuwei smiled and nodded. It turned out that Mingxuan understood everything in his heart.

"Weiwei, you don't need to compare yourself with anyone. You are unique, especially in my eyes. You are unique. No one else can compare with you, and I won't compare them with you."

Du Yuwei couldn't help crying with her mouth covered. Her emotions burst out at once, and she lay in Ji Mingxuan's arms and sobbed fiercely.

The three babies seemed to have noticed the abnormality of their parents. They sat there obediently, not crying or making a fuss, but just opened their big watery eyes, a little confused.

"I'm sorry, husband, I shouldn't have believed you. I know you are not that kind of person, but Xing Ruxue is too perfect. I don't know what happened to me. I suddenly lost my confidence. I..."

Du Yuwei was already crying while speaking.

Ji Mingxuan hugged her in his arms and patted her back gently: "I know, Weiwei, if you want to cry, just cry, it will be fine..."

After Du Yuwei finished venting her emotions, Ji Mingxuan gently pushed her away, looked into her eyes and said, "Weiwei, listen, what Xing Ruxue does has nothing to do with me. I have a perfect person in my heart. It's you and the babies. I have clearly rejected Xing Ruxue. If she still keeps pestering me in the future, I will not save face for her again. When we finish the wedding and come back from our honeymoon, I think I will leave my mother. Once you open an infant care institution, you can develop in the field you like. When the time comes, you will also be a strong woman and a good mother, and you will be the best!"

Ji Mingxuan knew in his heart that the reason why Du Yuwei was so anxious was because she had no career to do now. She was a career-oriented woman, and her best condition was to take care of her career and family. Now she was just taking care of her children at home, although others seemed very comfortable. But it was not what Du Yuwei wanted in her heart.

The state she wants is to take care of the baby and realize her own value at the same time. As long as her life is enriched, Du Yuwei's original self-confidence will return.

That was also the state that Ji Mingxuan wanted to see her in the most.

"What about a honeymoon? I haven't promised you yet!"

Du Yuwei blushed and said coquettishly.

"Honey, I'm all yours, just agree..."

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