Du Yuwei clicked on friends and the verification passed.

After adding friends, Li Shudie and Zhang Hongyi sent a video respectively. Du Yuwei clicked on it in confusion and saw that it was actually a video sent by the two of them.

The video is a solo video shot by the two of them, explaining how the Ji family helped them.

Zhang Hongyi's video also showed the IOU that Ji Mingxuan tore up, and he said with tears in his smile: "Brother Mingxuan sent a lot of things and money to my family at that time, saying that he would help me complete my studies, but I refused to accept it, and he In desperation, he agreed to write an IOU and agreed that I would pay him back the money after I started working. Who knew that he never thought of asking me to pay him back? I found it in the trash can near my house and he tore it up and threw it away. The IOU is the one I have in my hand.”

After a pause, Zhang Hongyi said again: "I don't know why such a kind-hearted family should be crowned with no love and only a title like money in their eyes. I advise everyone not to follow some false reports on the Internet. Before you understand the truth of the matter, every word you say is nonsense and causes immeasurable harm to others. "

"Also, I think there are many ways to show love. Donating money in the lottery hall is not necessarily a charitable act. The Ji family's silent support to us is a low-key and sincere way. Instead, it is the reporters who report these things. Friends, I think there is a certain lack of professionalism. You don’t know how much harm your sensational and deviated reports have brought to the Ji family. However, the Ji family has the right to take up legal weapons to safeguard their rights and interests. You take care of yourself."

What Zhang Hongyi said was firm and powerful, and it deeply touched people after reading it.

Then there’s Li Shudie’s video.

In the video, the little girl didn't say much.

"I am one of the people supported by the Ji family. After my parents passed away, I lived with my grandma. I originally decided not to go to school after high school and chose to work to make money, but brother Mingxuan and sister-in-law Weiwei said something to me. Those words made me change my mind. Now I decide to finish my studies well, so that I can be better able to give my grandma a good life in the future, and I can live up to my brother Mingxuan, my sister-in-law Weiwei and all the elders of the Ji family. expectations.”

"Brother Mingxuan has grown up in our village since he was a child. My grandma often said that she watched him grow up. People in our village understand his temperament and temperament. There is no need for you to make irresponsible remarks and confuse right and wrong."

After all, Li Shudie is an eighteen-year-old girl with a rather aggressive temper. She doesn't tolerate others saying anything bad about the people she wants to protect, so she speaks more forcefully in the end.

Ji Mingxuan and Du Yuwei's eyes were red after watching the video, and they looked at each other and smiled happily.

"Sister-in-law Weiwei, I hope this video shot by Shu Die and I can help you. If there is still any need for us, just tell us. We will definitely not talk nonsense."

Zhang Hongyi's authoritative message was sent over. Du Yuwei smiled, tapped her finger, and replied: "Thank you, your video is very important. This matter will be handled soon, don't worry."

Ji Mingxuan is still video chatting with Gao Rongxuan and Xiao Axiang.

"Brother Xuan, you have also seen the video that Xiao Axiang and I made. If you and sister-in-law agree with us to publish it, we will use our own Douyin numbers to publish it. I will help you clarify it. It will definitely work. ”

Both Gao Rongxuan and Xiao Axiang have many fans, especially Gao Rongxuan, who can be regarded as one of the top Internet celebrities in Douyin. If he helps release the clarification video, the effect will definitely be good.

"Okay, I'll leave you two alone. When the matter is resolved, Weiwei and I will formally express our gratitude to you."

Ji Mingxuan was very touched. He could count on one hand the number of times he had met them. Unexpectedly, they would also sincerely help him when something happened.

"Hey, thank you for nothing. We are all friends, so let's do this for now. Let's go publish the video first."

After hanging up the video call, Gao Rongxuan and Xiao Axiang were ready to release the video.

Netizens on Douyin are still enjoying the fact that Ji Mingxuan won the jackpot but refused to donate money, laughing at the various messages in the comment area.

Unexpectedly, after scrolling for a while, I saw that Douyin blogger Gao Rongxuan, who had not posted a video for a while, posted an updated video, and then beauty blogger Xiao Axiang also posted the same video.

Gao Rongxuan's accompanying text is very simple: "The truth is here. I hope everyone will read it patiently. Never judge someone you don't know casually, because you have no right to speak. What you hear from others may not be the truth of the matter. ”

Xiao Axiang's caption was more straightforward: "It was actually shot, and the villagers had no prior knowledge. Keyboard warriors who don't believe it can verify it themselves."

These two videos caused an uproar on Douyin as soon as they came out, and many melon-eating netizens switched over to continue eating melons.

After a while, the number of likes and retweets skyrocketed.

Ma Bin also made new progress here. He handed the phone to Ji Mingxuan: "Mingxuan, my friend who is a reporter wants to say a few words to you."

Ma Bin's journalist friend is called Huang Daoming, who works for a local TV station in City A. The news section he is responsible for coincides with Ji Mingxuan's incident. He is mainly responsible for collecting real-time hot events for reporting.

Huang Daoming was very interested in the news after Ma Bin told him about Ji Mingxuan. He also read the news, which even topped the list of the second most popular news for most of the day, second only to the news that a male celebrity in the entertainment industry cheated on his wife and eloped with his female agent.

Regarding this matter, enthusiastic netizens also formed two camps and voted on whether the Ji family should donate money after winning the lottery.

Huang Daoming thought that such a popular news would be out of his reach, but he didn't expect that his old friend Ma Bin would give him such a benefit. If he was the first media to have relevant evidence of this matter, it would be more beneficial for him.

He briefly asked Ji Mingxuan about the whole story and whether Ji Mingxuan had any evidence to prove himself.

As a reporter, when encountering such a thing, he hopes that the interviewer can provide strong evidence to increase the authenticity and authority of their report.

When he learned that Ji Mingxuan had a video as evidence, Huang Daoming had a bottom line in his heart.

"I'll bring my equipment to you and interview you face to face, okay?"

Ji Mingxuan nodded. He also needed such a channel to make those who damaged his reputation pay the price.

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