Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 36 Money in the box

The number of the wedding red envelopes is not determined, but usually two red envelopes are given. One contains 9.99 yuan, which means longevity, and the other is just a make-up. It doesn’t matter if there are more or less.

Of course, if the same red envelope is given to different brides, some agree to be taken away, while some feel that the red envelope is too small, so they must give the full red envelope before they are willing to leave.

For these two red envelopes, Deng Changfu gave them in normal amounts, one for 9.99 yuan and the other for 0.99 yuan.

After receiving the red envelope, the bride Guan Yongying stopped being pretentious and walked to the groom's house along with the wedding procession.

When crossing the river, Guan Yongying took out two coins that he had prepared and threw them into the river. They were both two-cent coins.

This is also one of the wedding customs. The bride has to throw two coins when crossing the river. Guan Yongying doesn't understand why she does this. Anyway, her elders teach her to do this, so she just follows the custom.

Soon, passing by Pineapple Root, we arrived at Naye Village.

When the bride arrives, the groom's family will set off firecrackers to welcome her, and two lucky women will help the bride into the house.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Changfu's sister brought two basins of hot water and towels for the bride and her wedding guests to wash their faces.

The bride must be the first to wash, and she must throw two coins into the basin at the same time. The coins will go to the person carrying the water. In addition to carrying water when entering the door, the bride will have someone help carrying water to wash her face and take a bath in the first three days. It was the groom's sister who did this.

The bride also has to throw coins for three consecutive days.

After the bride and her bridegroom had washed their faces, the groom and the bride went to make offerings to Grandpa. At this time, everyone came to watch the amount of the bride's dowry.

The woman's dowry usually comes with a box. For families with good conditions, the dowry box is a high-end ancient box. Guan Yongying's family's conditions are not as good as this. This dowry box is made by a carpenter. from.

Except for the locked box, the rest of the dowry was given by the woman's relatives and friends, such as washbasins, foot buckets, teapots, etc. There were quite a lot of them.

"These dowries are already quite large. I don't know how much cloth is in the box, whether there are quilts, and the bride's money for packing the box. I don't know how much it is."

"The bride's net worth is so high, so her parents' family should give her a lot of money for the wedding."

"That's not what you are saying. The bride's net worth is high because she gave up the land from her mother's family and chose to marry early to help her husband's family land the land. It would be outrageous if we didn't give her some compensation for her net worth."


A group of relatives and friends who came to have a wedding banquet discussed the bride's dowry. This is one of the most interesting parts of the wedding banquet.

Soon, the bride and the groom asked Grandpa to come back, and then a group of guests started asking the bride to open the box.

Generally speaking, no matter how much dowry is in the bride's dowry box, it must be opened and shown to the guests.

As for whether the money given by parents to press the box should be shown to the guests, it depends on each individual's situation. Generally, if the money given by the parents is too small, the bride will not show it to others. If the parents give a relatively large amount of money for packing, the bride will openly show it to the guests because it will make her parents look good.

Guan Yongying was naturally confident. When she saw the guests making noises, she took out the key and opened the box.

What catches the eye is the neatly folded cloth, how many ridges there are (the cloth given by a customer is called one ridge, and usually one ridge of cloth can make one adult's clothes, or two children's clothes). What kind of cloth are they? The guests looked at it very carefully.

Underneath the cloth were two sheets, and Guan Yongying opened them one by one to show the guests.

After reading this, the guests started clamoring to see the money for the box. Guan Yongying did not hide it, but showed the money given by his parents for the box.

After seeing the amount of money the bride paid for packing, all the guests were shocked. There was actually 288 yuan in packing money, which really broke the record of the bride's packing money in Naye Village in the past ten years.

After all, the average net worth in this era is around two to three hundred yuan. Some parents even only give their daughters twenty or thirty yuan as a gift. Those who pay more than one hundred yuan don’t even give much, let alone 288 yuan. , after all, everyone's living conditions are not very good now, and many families still want to keep their daughters' net worth to give their sons a wife. The daughter who is married outside really can't give much money.

Seeing the money in the box, all the guests praised the bride's parents for their magnanimity, which made the bride and all the wedding guests feel proud.

The authority of the mother-in-law in this era is not comparable to that of later generations. For some powerful mothers-in-law, she will confiscate all the bride's dowry and even the money in the box, and then distribute it by her.

Fortunately, Deng Changfu's parents were both well-known in the village for their good temper, and they respected the eldest daughter-in-law who had just entered the family, so they did not touch the bride's dowry.

After seeing the bride's dowry and the money in the box, the next step is to sit down and eat normally.

For this wedding, the groom’s family had a total of nearly thirty tables.

After the banquet started, the bride and groom began to serve tea. After drinking the tea served by the bride and groom, the guests also gave red envelopes. This custom has been popular in many places until later generations.

By the time the bride and groom had finished serving tea, the guests had basically eaten and drank enough.

In later generations, it is a basic thing to pack food when you go to a wedding banquet. Some people even do it in a very disgusting way. Before other guests have even started eating, he (she) just takes the bag and packs it, making it difficult for him (her) to ) The people at the same table looked embarrassed.

In this day and age, no matter where you go to have a wedding banquet, no one will pack a meal. That will make you laugh, and no one can afford to lose face.

However, although the guests will not pack meals, the host will not let the guests go back empty-handed. Each guest will have a five-flavor dish. If the guest does not eat the pork on that table, in addition to the five flavors, there will be additional Put on a piece of pork belly and two fried tofu, thread them with bamboo splices and take them back to the guests.

Of course, because there are too many guests, the five flavors will definitely not be around two pounds each, usually one pound, two, three, and two.

This is given by the host family to ordinary guests. In addition to the above things, the host family also sends red envelopes to the bride-to-be guests.

The red envelopes given to the wedding guests are also different. The red envelopes given to the bride's brothers and sisters are naturally larger, usually three to five yuan, while the other wedding guests will have one or two yuan. This depends on what the host family gives.

In the realm of Shuangwang, not only the aunt does not give in marriage, but the girl's parents also do not give in marriage.

As for the thank you gift to the matchmaker, it is a heavy gift and will not be given in person, but will be delivered to the matchmaker's home in person.

After the guests received the things given by the host, they began to leave, and naturally the wedding guests also left.

Guan Yongying, the bride, had been busy before and had no time to eat even when she was hungry. Naturally, she had no time to think about anything else. Now she sees the bridegroom leaving to go home. These familiar relatives are leaving. From now on, she will I have to live alone in this strange environment.

For a while, the more Guan Yongying thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. After the wedding guest left, she couldn't help but cry again!

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