Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 242 Hot in the Capital

After Deng Shirong successfully sold the longan, he did not rush home. Instead, he spent a few days "inspecting" the seven courtyard houses he had bought before.

These seven courtyard houses are not only in good locations, but also have clear and undisputed property rights.

After all, he is not a native of the capital and will not stay here for a long time. If the house is controversial, he will definitely not buy it.

In this era, there are so many courtyard houses in Beijing.

As long as you have money, in addition to the top-notch courtyard houses, this kind of ordinary three-in-one courtyard house can be said to be your choice. There is no need to choose that kind of controversial house.

After looking at all seven courtyard houses, Deng Shirong quickly discovered a problem, that is, the houses looked much older than half a year ago.

It is a well-known fact that houses that are not popular get old quickly.

When he first bought the house at the beginning of the year, Deng Shirong also thought about renting it out, so that he could not only get a lot of income, but also keep the house popular, so that the house would not age easily.

But after much thought, Deng Shirong gave up this plan for three reasons:

First, renting a house is a very tedious matter. It is not as simple as coming here every month to collect the rent, but there are many things that need to be dealt with.

After all, Deng Shirong's house is not just one or two houses. As a three-in-one courtyard house, each set has dozens of houses. The seven sets of courtyard houses add up to hundreds of houses. If they are all rented out, they will have to face at least one or two hundred houses. How can a family have so few trivial things?

Deng Shirong had no plans to settle down in the capital. It would be unrealistic to rent out all the houses without hiring specialized people to help manage it.

Second, even in later generations, there will be people who have disputes over the property rights of their houses for one reason or another. Needless to say in this day and age, if the house is rented to those scoundrels with evil intentions, once they know that Deng Shirong is out of town. People, do you believe they can do things that turn against guests?

Although the property rights of the house are clear and there is no dispute in this regard, as the saying goes, it is easier to ask the gods than to send them away. Once such people are allowed to live in the house, it may not be easy to get them to move out quickly.

Third, the more complete this kind of courtyard is preserved, the more valuable it will be in future generations. If the house is rented out, Deng Shirong is also worried that the tenants will make random improvements. It would be fine if he can keep an eye on it, but he can only come once or twice a year. , how can you manage so much?

In summary, Deng Shirong gave up the idea of ​​renting out the courtyard house.

But this time when I came here and saw how fast the house was aging, Deng Shirong felt the need to rent it out again.

In any case, an inhabited house can indeed slow down the rate of aging to the greatest extent.

Of course, I think so, but I also need to find people suitable to help manage the house. If I can't find a suitable candidate, Deng Shirong would rather let the house age slowly than ask for trouble.

When Deng Shirong "inspected" his seven courtyard houses, the entire capital was completely detonated by longan, one of the famous fruits in the south.

It is not a rare thing for longan to appear in the capital. Even Bobai kangkong can be flown to the capital, so it is reasonable to transport longan by air. It is also normal to carry some longans with you to visit relatives in the capital, or for people in the capital to bring some longans home in the south.

Although longan in this era does not have a long shelf life, it is still okay to bring longan to the capital and eat it as soon as possible.

However, it is not realistic at all to transport longan from the south to the capital for sale.

Not to mention the expensive shipping costs, the shelf life of longan alone has stopped all fruit merchants.

After all, this is not something you bring back in small quantities to eat yourself, but is transported back to be sold. After being transported thousands of miles away, it is no longer fresh. If it takes a few more days to sell it, the fruit will have already changed in flavor. .

The customer is not stupid. Who would be willing to pay a high price to buy stale fruit?

But now, longan not only appears in the Beijing market, but is also as fresh as if it was just picked from the tree. It is difficult not to cause a sensation.

"Hey, what kind of fruit are you selling here?"

"That's Longan, don't you recognize it?"

"Oh, it turns out this is longan. I've heard of it a long time ago, but I've never seen it before. Do we also sell longan in the capital?"

"I have lived for more than fifty years, and this is the first time I have seen longan sold in the capital. It is really a great experience!"

"This is the first time I have seen it in my more than seventy years of life. I don't know if this longan is delicious or not."

"It's very delicious. A relative of my neighbor brought some from the south the year before last and gave a bunch to our family. The taste is really amazing."

"I heard that longan is one of the most famous fruits in the south, as famous as lychee. I have to buy some to try."

"The price is so expensive, it costs three yuan per pound."

"It's understandable that it's a little more expensive. After all, it's transported from thousands of miles away to be sold here. You don't know how much it costs just to transport it. Moreover, this is one of the most famous fruit varieties in the south, and it sells better than other fruits. It’s normal to be expensive.”

"Wow, this longan looks really fresh. You guys look at the branches and leaves as if they were just cut from the tree. I don't know how the boss did it. This preservation technology is really awesome!"

"With such fresh longan, I must buy two kilograms back to try it out."

"Oh my God, this taste is really amazing. Southerners are so happy. Longan is so delicious. How delicious must the more famous lychee be?"

"I have eaten lychees before. I went to the south on a business trip a few years ago. It was the first time in my life that I ate lychees. After eating it, I completely understood why Concubine Yang liked lychees so much. The taste is really unforgettable for me. ah!"

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"It's no exaggeration at all. Lychees are really the most delicious fruits I have ever eaten."

"This is probably just a personal taste. I think apples are delicious, crispy and sweet."


There were similar discussions everywhere throughout the capital.

As the capital of our country, Beijing is a megacity with a population of nearly 10 million. The total number of public officials at all levels, college students, a large number of workers, and self-employed people who make money easier than drinking water probably exceeds one million.

These people are the main force of consumption.

Longans that cost three yuan a pound would definitely not be sold in a small place like Bobai County, but in a place like the capital, the sales speed would be staggering.

Originally, Zhou Shengli estimated that it would take at least a week to sell out all the 63 tons of longan, and that was the result of later price reductions. But it has only been five days, and they have sold out this batch of longans, and sold them out at the highest price. It is simply incredible.

Of course, this was possible because Zhou Shengli, Wang Dadan, and Tian Chunzhi had been working hard these days, mobilizing their families, relatives and friends to transport longan to different areas for sale, covering a population of more than Millions.

Only then did we achieve such dazzling sales results.

In a private room of a restaurant in Dongfeng Market, Zhou Shengli, Wang Dadan and Tian Chunzhi entertained Deng Shirong together.

After the waiter who served the food left, Zhou Shengli stood up with the wine in hand and said with gratitude: "Boss Deng, thank you for providing me with such a precious opportunity to make money, allowing me to make money in just a few days." I’ve made money that I couldn’t make in the past few years. I’ll drink this glass of wine, it’s up to you.”

This time the three of them formed a partnership and made a total of just over 120,000 yuan after expenses. He accounted for 40% and received nearly 50,000 yuan, which was almost half of his net worth.

As for his net worth, it took him many years to accumulate it, so what he said is not an exaggeration at all.

Deng Shirong did not make excuses. He also stood up with a drink and said with a smile: "Boss Zhou, you are too polite. You also took a risk. It is your ability to make this money."

While talking, the two clinked glasses. Zhou Shengli raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp. Deng Shirong was also very considerate and drank the same gulp.

Next, Wang Dadan and Tian Chunzhi also toasted to Deng Shirong with grateful faces and said some words of thanks.

They accounted for 30% of this business and earned more than 36,000. Based on their current business profits, it will take at least two or three years to earn so much money. For Deng Shirong who can provide this kind of money-making opportunity, they It’s hard to be too flattering.

During this meal, Zhou Shengli and the three of them treated Deng Shirong as a noble person in their lives, and held Deng Shirong in their arms during the whole meal.

Deng Shirong naturally understood what they were thinking. Anyway, he wanted to find a regular partner in the capital, so after eating, he gave the three of them a reassurance and said: "Boss Zhou, Boss Wang, Tian Boss, if you can keep it a secret about the longan, try to keep it a secret to avoid unnecessary trouble. I will come back to you when the longan matures next year.”

Zhou Shengli and the others couldn't help but their eyes lit up when they heard this. They all heard the implication of Deng Shirong's words, which was that they were willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with them. As for confidentiality, it goes without saying. They didn't want others to know even more than Deng Shirong. .

If you tell others this kind of thing, isn't it because you don't have enough competitors and you can just make a fortune in silence?

Therefore, after hearing Deng Shirong's instructions, Zhou Shengli immediately patted his chest and expressed his stance: "Don't worry, Boss Deng, we promise to keep your matter in mind and won't even mention it to the fourth person."

Tian Chunzhi also nodded and said: "Yes, don't worry, Boss Deng. We can't tell anyone else. The three of us are eager to cooperate with you for a few more years. It's best that no one else ever interferes so that we can feel at ease." Make money with your heart.”

Wang DaDa also means the same thing.

"You just need to know what you're doing. Thank you for your hospitality. I'll leave now. See you next year!"

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