Chapter 173 Quidditch in the Storm

Ulysses was suddenly embarrassed against their burning gaze.

He really didn’t expect Professor Snape to talk about the patron saint curse in this class, so that they would be exposed to this curse so early. In addition, there have been a lot of things recently, and I have gradually neglected what I promised them.

Ulysses thought for a moment, took out his wand, and said to Millie and Gerald:

“Professor Snape has explained the main points and spells of the Guardian God’s spell very clearly. I suggest that you drink two sips of the euphoria before practicing. Maybe it will have a good effect.”

He took a small bottle of silver-white potion from his pocket and handed it to Millie and Gerald.

“There are many key points in the casting of the Guardian God spell, but there is only one key point, that is, in the process of casting the spell, use your most positive and positive emotions as support to burst out your own emotions.”

“Then… how do you do it?”

Millie nodded and asked, seemingly understanding.

“There are many kinds of positive emotions, among which’happiness’ and’guardian’ are the most effective for dementors.”

Ulysses explained in detail, “The object of ‘happiness’ is yourself, and the object of ‘protection’ is others. No matter which kind, as long as the strongest, most determined, and most direct, that’s the best.”

“Happy memories…the one who wants to protect…”

Millie and Gerrard wrinkled their faces and looked different, they thought for a while before waving their wands and starting to try.

However, the casting of the Guardian God spell was not simple. For nearly an hour after that, the two of them, like the others in the classroom, had no progress.

Except for Qiu Zhang, she let her own wand emit a silvery white mist half an hour ago.

“Don’t worry, go step by step.”

Ulysses didn’t report much hope, and shrugged and said, “You can continue to try. Next time I will catch you a dementor for you to practice… Anyway, that stuff is all outside the castle.”

“That wouldn’t be enough…”

Millie and Gerrard were taken aback and thought Ulysses was joking.

But a few days later, they discovered that Ulysses was really not joking.

The Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff began as scheduled.

The court is still swept by storms, but Quidditch games will not be cancelled due to such trivial matters as lightning storms. The people from the two academies braved the wind and rain, rushing to the auditorium to wait early in the morning, looking excited.

It is worth mentioning that Ron was not in the audience, he was punished by Professor Snape to scrub the potty in the school hospital, and he was not allowed to use magic.

When Professor Snape replaced the third-year Defence Against the Dark Arts, he focused on the werewolf chapter. It’s a pity that the little wizard in the third grade knew very little about werewolves, and his repeated questions were only Hermione raising her hands persistently.

Professor Snape didn’t like Harry’s trio, so he ignored Hermione’s hand up. Unexpectedly, Hermione said the answer on her own, and Professor Snape deducted Gryffindor five points on the grounds that she “answered without question”.

Hermione flushed red, put her hand down, staring at the ground with tears in her eyes. Ron stood up and said loudly:

“You asked a question, and she knows the answer! If you don’t want someone to answer, why should you ask?”

The whole class clapped in their hearts for Ron’s behavior, but they also knew that he might suffer.

Sure enough, Professor Snape asked him to be confined in a soft voice, it seemed that as long as Ron uttered a “no”, he would swallow Ron on the spot.

On the court, there are still a few little wizards who can not curse water or fire, so the auditorium is full of dense cloaks and broken umbrellas. Those who are in the rain let the rain fall from their hair and faces, waving their fists and cheering for the players on the court.

Madam Hooch put the whistle to her mouth and blew it vigorously, making a sharp whistle. The whistle was covered by the sound of violent rain, and it sounded like it was floating from a long distance.

The ghost flying ball flew high in the hazy rain, and the twelve people in the center of the court also sat on the broomstick and rose from the ground.

The new captain and seeker of the Hufflepuff team are changed to fifth grade Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff yard who made Gerrard the second child of ten thousand years.

Right from the start of the game, he showed a very high level of ball game, flying up and down in the field, his eyes sharp as a falcon, and quickly looking for the movement of the golden snitch.

Harry, also a Seeker, turned around in the wind, and in just a few minutes he got soaked and his whole body was frozen. He could barely see his teammates, let alone the little golden snitch.

He shuttled back and forth over the court, passing by some red or yellow figures. He didn’t know how the game was going. The sound of the wind whistled, he couldn’t hear the sound of the audience, and on several occasions he was almost hit by a walker and fell off his broomstick. The rain on the lens blurred his eyes, so he didn’t see the wandering ball flying towards him.

Wood saw Harry’s bad state and called a timeout with his throat. Hermione cast a waterproof and moisture-proof charm on Harry’s glasses, allowing him to regain his vision.

The game restarted. Although Harry was still stiff with cold and wetter than ever before, his hand holding the broom was very stable. He shuttled in the squally rain and flew more and more organized.

Seeing Harry’s performance finally returned to normal, the Gryffindor students screamed in excitement. Since Harry joined the team in the first grade, their Quidditch game has not been lost, and this time is certainly no exception.

Lightning suddenly exploded in the sky, tearing the dark sky apart and illuminating the venue for a moment.

The audience suddenly seemed to have been pressed the pause button, with a horrified face stretched out his fingers to the sky, accompanied by a scream.

“Damn it…”

“Merlin! Why are there so many dementors!”

“What do they want to do?”

“Oh no—Harry!”

Harry suddenly felt that he was deaf, and a familiar and terrible chill came at him, infiltrating him, and at the same time he realized that something was moving on the court below. Before he had time to think, he looked away from the golden snitch beating in the distance and looked down…

At least a hundred dementors were standing underneath, all the hidden faces lifted up to look at him. There seemed to be cold water rushing to his chest, cutting his internal organs.

Then, everyone in the audience watched as Harry let go of his broomsticks and fell weakly from the sky.

Hermione was so anxious that her eyes were flushing, and her tears were about to fall. She was thinking quickly about the curse that could come in handy, and she saw a soft light approaching Harry not far away, causing him to fall quickly. , Landed on the ground steadily.

Hermione took a deep breath and subconsciously looked in the direction of the spell, only to find that the caster was blocked by a simple umbrella.

Then, her eyes suddenly widened.

A silver silk thread quietly stretched towards the sky from under the umbrella, wrapped around the cloak of a certain dementor in the sky, and quickly wrapped its whole body.

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