Chapter 154 Professor Babling’s Admonition

The new semester has begun, and everyone is once again engaged in intense learning.

Ulysses is in the fourth grade, and his class schedule was set last year. He only chose the ancient runes and the protection of magical creatures.

As for fortune-telling and number divination… Ulysses was really puzzled.

“Why can the future be predicted by the appearance of the tea dregs? What is the principle?”

Ulysses’ comparison is simply puzzling.

If you don’t think about it, you don’t want to, so you don’t even choose the fortune telling class.

In the morning in the auditorium, Draco was telling a particularly funny story to a large group of Slytherin students. When Harry passed by, Draco deliberately pretended to faint suddenly, causing everyone to laugh.

“Hey, Potter!”

Pansy Parkinson next to Draco screamed. She looked really unflattering and looked like a poodle, “Potter! Here comes the dementor! Potter woohoo!”

Harry sullenly said nothing, and sat down on a seat at the Gryffindor table, ignoring the sneer.

After breakfast, Draco, who was in the third grade, went to the divination class of Professor Trelawney, while Ulysses took a book and walked leisurely towards the ancient ruins he was familiar with. On the way to Niven’s classroom.

After entering the classroom, Professor Babling was already standing on the podium, staring carelessly at the window.

Not seen in a summer vacation, Professor Babling remained the same, but looked a little lazy, as if he hadn’t adjusted from the relaxing life of the vacation.

After seeing Ulysses, Professor Babling just smiled without expressing too much.

The number of people in the classroom gradually increased, all of whom were familiar faces from last year’s class.

After the class bell rang, Professor Babling waved his magic wand and the classroom door closed by itself.

“Presumably you are all familiar with me, so I won’t talk nonsense. For today’s class, I want to see how well everyone has mastered the ancient runes, and see if you have them when you are home during the holidays. This course is not available.”

Professor Babling said with a smile, and took out a stack of parchment, “By the way, if I am not satisfied, there will be punishments that you don’t want to see.”

Many students’ faces changed slightly. They did forget about the contents of the ancient runes during the holidays. At this time, looking at the smile on Professor Babling’s face, they felt that there was a sharp knife hidden inside.

Professor Babling handed out the parchment. Ulysses took a look and found that Professor Babling did not ask any excessive questions. They are the basis of some ancient runes, so it is naturally not difficult for Ulysses. .

After class, Professor Babling packed up the test papers, but Ulysses stayed and started the usual one-on-one tutoring.

“I really didn’t expect that you could make a second-level magic pattern in just one summer vacation…”

Professor Babling was holding a piece of yellowed parchment, staring at the weird and mysterious patterns on it, and exclaimed.

“It’s all you teach well.”

Ulysses smiled humbly.

“Let’s talk about it, this second-level magic pattern that you named’Elemental Energy’.”

Professor Babling didn’t want to look away at all, and said without looking up.

“You also know that since I am making magic pattern cards, I am most familiar with the spell of elemental transformation, so I try to rely on this aspect when studying second-level magic patterns.”

Ulysses sat on the chair and recalled, “I picked out all the magic patterns related to the elements in the first-level magic patterns, and wondered if there would be any connection between two of them… …After thinking about it for more than a month, I finally discovered it.”

His wand was waving in the air, and two gleaming magic patterns appeared in the air.

“The magic pattern of’Gathering Demon’ can gather the magic power in the air, and the magic pattern of’Harmonization’ can mobilize the elements in the air and increase its activity… If combined with the previous magic pattern of’Resonance’, it should have a good effect… …”

Ulysses talked about the second-level magic pattern he had studied.

Professor Babling listened with a smile and nodded from time to time. After Ulysses finished speaking, she said:

“With this’Elemental Gathering’, the magic pattern card that you named the Sky Dragon should be made, right?”

Ulysses told her about this at the end of last semester. However, after listening to Ulysses’ description, Professor Babling immediately knew that only the second-level magic pattern could support the demand for making this kind of card, and it must be a suitable second-level magic pattern. Therefore advise him not to worry.


Ulysses took out a card and placed it on the table.

Professor Babling took it up and looked at it carefully, rubbing his slender fingers lightly on the card, and said quietly:

“It’s amazing… But, Ulysses, I think I must give you a piece of advice.”


Ulysses was slightly stunned.

“You put too much thought into the magic pattern card… Of course, I don’t mean that the magic pattern card is not important. After all, even I am obsessed with the ancient magic text. But you are different, you should not only be limited. In the path of magic pattern.”

Professor Babling put down the card in his hand and looked at Ulysses seriously and said, “You have the potential to become a top wizard. Magic veins can be one of your help, but you can’t just have magic veins. And, say something. If you may not be willing to accept, the magic pattern card is not as powerful as you think, it has obvious countermeasures.”

Ulysses was silent. He also discovered this problem.

In fact, at the beginning, Ulysses only realized the vision of the previous life by magically manifesting the monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh’s world, rather than simply relying on projection. However, when successfully making the Blue Eyed White Dragon card, Ulysses was a little shocked by the power it showed, and decided to go further along this road.

It wasn’t until the battle at the Shafik family mansion that Ulysses clearly noticed the shortcomings of the magic pattern card.

“What you said makes sense, professor.”

Ulysses said softly.

Professor Babling raised her eyebrows. She thought that these words would make Ulysses very uncomfortable. She also decided to say it after careful consideration, but she did not expect Ulysses to understand and accept it so quickly.

“It seems that your summer vacation was not peaceful.”

The smart Professor Babling immediately thought that Ulysses must have used the magic pattern card during the holidays and saw its shortcomings, otherwise it would definitely not be the reaction.

“Since you understand, then I won’t say more. Of course, I don’t mean to make you give up studying the magic pattern. To be honest, if you really want to give up, I’m not happy.”

Professor Babling smiled and returned the card to Ulysses.

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