Chapter 127 Gulin Pavilion (you don’t need to subscribe if you have read the original)

Fudge nodded indifferently, and showing Sirius a glance at the newspaper had no effect on him.

He gestured, and the Auror picked up the newspaper in his hand and threw it into the cell.

After they left, Sirius couldn’t wait to get up and lay directly on the newspaper, looking for the photo he had just accidentally glimpsed.

The red-haired Weasleys stood in front of the pyramid, waving vigorously, with happy smiles on their faces. One of the boys stood in the crowd with a mouse on his shoulder.

Sirius’s face was instantly terrifying. He knelt on the newspaper and let out a beastly roar.

“He is at Hogwarts… he is at Hogwarts…”

The days of the past seemed to reappear before his eyes. The train car occupied by the predators all the year round…the map that embodies their wisdom and effort…those moonlit nights that are thrilling in the screaming hut…the few faces that are familiar to a little fuzzy…

And the regret and despair when seeing the broken house and the best friend fallen in a pool of blood, as well as the betrayal and anger hidden in the earth-shattering blast in Diagon Alley, returned to his almost barren brain.

Being imprisoned in Azkaban over the years, he has become unlike humans and ghosts, and Sirius only feels that he is making atonement for his sins.

For Lily and James.

Now he wants to go out.

The warm lights came on again in the Leicester Ranch mansion in England.

Standing on the carpet in the study, Ulysses did not expect to return to this place so soon.

He didn’t stay longer, raised his head and waved his wand against the ceiling. The neat ceiling suddenly cracked a small gap, and a box-like object fell.

Ulysses entered according to the code Bella had told him, and the box opened, and a small and exquisite golden key lay quietly in it.

Ulysses smiled. Even though this thing seems to be easy to find, in fact the ceiling needs to be opened by someone with the blood of the Lestrange family. Moreover, the code of the box has been carefully designed by Bella, and other people can’t find the clue at all.

Thanks to Bella’s loyalty to Voldemort, who had been tortured by Dementors in Azkaban for twelve years and was able to accurately and silently write down the password, Ulysses didn’t know how to evaluate her for a while.

But he didn’t get too entangled, Bella was nothing more than an insignificant figure to him. After getting the key, he sprinkled a handful of Floo powder, shouted “Diagonal Alley” at the fireplace, and jumped into the green fire.

At this time, just a few days after the students were on vacation, the number of people in Diagon Alley decreased significantly. At this time, the streets that were prosperous in the past were only scattered with pedestrians.

Ulysses put his hand in his pocket and went straight to the most gorgeous building in Diagon Alley.

When Ulysses came to a snow-white building towering high above the surrounding shops, Ulysses looked up at the shiny bronze gate. A string of large characters-Gringotts, stepped in.

Standing by the gate was a goblin in a scarlet and gold uniform. Ulysses walked along the white stone steps and took the opportunity to look at the goblin. He was probably a head shorter than Ulysses, he had a wise dark face, a pointed beard, and very long hands and feet. After entering the door, the fairy bowed to him.

Ulysses walked into a tall marble hall. About a hundred or so fairies were sitting on high stools behind a long row of counters. Some used copper balances to weigh coins, and some used eyepieces to check gems, while scribbling in the large ledger. There was a meticulous and serious expression on his face.

There are countless doors in the hall, leading to different places.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

An older goblin greeted him and asked respectfully.

“I need to enter the Lestrange family vault.” Ulysses said.

“Lestrange? Very old family… We have served it for centuries… But as far as I know, we can only open it for you if we have the blood of their family…”

The goblin showed a trace of doubt and looked at him suspiciously.

“Of course I have.”

Ulysses smiled, and the wand vibrated slightly, and a breath belonging to Bella slowly escaped.

“Since there is Mrs. Lestrange’s approval… Ah, of course, please show your key, and I will take you there.”

The goblin nodded clearly, took the key that Ulysses handed, and took a closer look. After confirming that it was correct, he said to a young goblin next to him:

“I’m going to use jingle tablets.”

The young goblin left quickly, and soon he took a small leather bag and gave it to the older goblin, which seemed to be filled with clinking metal.

“Okay, okay! Come with me, Mr. Lestrange, I will take you to your vault.”

He jumped off the stool and hurried towards a door in the hall, Ulysses quickly followed, the door behind him closed.

The goblin blew his whistle, and a small cart rolled along the track from the darkness. After the goblin and Ulysses were seated, the cart suddenly started, getting faster and faster, turning and rushing down the labyrinth-like corridors, the click of the car was very noisy.

After reaching a deep depth, the cart quickly turned a corner, and a waterfall rushed on the track in front of him, dampening Ulysses’s body.

“Anti-thief waterfall, please forgive me, Mr. Lestrange.”

The goblin was also drenched, but instead of disapproving, he said complacently, “It is precisely because of these measures that Gringotts has such a good security reputation.”

Suddenly being poured water, Ulysses was in a bad mood. After hearing what he said, he said lightly:

“But as far as I know, your pavilion was stolen once last year.”

The face of the goblin was instantly stiff as if it had been petrified. Last year, Dumbledore’s Philosopher’s Stone was stolen in Gringotts, which was regarded as a shame and shame by all the employees of Gringotts.

But this iron-clad fact also made the goblin no longer have the idea of ​​bragging, and honestly shut up.

The cart turned a corner again, and a huge fire dragon appeared in front of Ulysses, preventing people from approaching the four or five deepest vaults there.

Because of being confined underground for too long, the scales on the dragon’s body have become pale and loose. Its eyes are turbid pink, and its hind legs are heavily shackled, and the thick chains on it are deeply pierced into the stone. Huge pile of ground. Its huge spiked wings gathered on both sides of its body, turned its ugly head toward the cart, let out a loud roar that made the stones tremble, and spouted a raging fire with its open mouth.

The goblin had already prepared. He took out his small bag and some small metal utensils, shaking them up to make a loud and crisp clang, like a small hammer hitting an anvil.

After hearing the jingle, the fire dragon let out a hoarse roar and backed away again and again. It was trembling all over, and there were terrible scars on its face. It should have been trained to be afraid of a fiery sword when it heard the clink.

“Here we are, Mr. Lestrange.”

After another turn, the cart finally stopped. The goblin brought Ulysses to a quaint door, handed the keys back to Ulysses, and said respectfully.

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