On the other side, in the S-class classroom No. 3, under Jiang Yun's guidance and the magical breathing method, Ning Qinglian, Yan Honger and others can now easily perform the bow step and the curved posture.

As for the third action, such as standing upright,

"Oh my god! It actually works! The breathing method of the bow step and the breathing method of the bent posture can actually be combined!"

"Jiang Yun, you are such a genius, you can actually find this out!"

In response to this, Jiang Yun just scratched his head and said to everyone:"It's just good luck, because by combining the bow step and the bent body movement, you can easily do the loose standing movement, so I tried to combine the breathing technique of the bow step with the breathing technique of the bent body movement. Unexpectedly, it actually worked."

"This is not just good luck, but your understanding of martial arts is very high!"

Yan Honger admired Jiang Yun more and more.

Ning Qinglian also said:"According to Jiang Yun, the fifth movement at the back can be performed by combining the previous four movements. If we use this method to deduce the fifth breathing method, we can save at least more than half of the time in practicing the"Eight Postures Training Method"."

"Oh my god! Can I save so much?"

"Fortunately, there is Jiang Yun, otherwise, we probably wouldn't know this."

""Jiang Yun, you are amazing!"

Later, in order to repay Jiang Yun for teaching them how to practice, Yan Honger and other seniors invited Jiang Yun to dinner.

The sight of more than 20 seniors surrounding them and going to the cafeteria made everyone along the way, especially the boys, envious.

At the same time, there were also many jealous guys who cried out in jealousy.

"This Jiang Yun, he hangs out with women all day long, how disgraceful!"

"He laughs and jokes with a bunch of women every day. I wonder how he can represent our Wuhan University in Jiangxi Province and win the championship in the freshman competition."

"Winning the championship? With his current training attitude, let alone winning the championship, if he can get into the top three, I will count him as the winner!"

"I didn't expect that he would waste such a talented person as the top scholar!"

"Stop talking, just let him fall like this, he will definitely cry in the end!"

Jiang Yun chose to ignore the open ridicule of these people, who were actually jealous in their hearts, because these guys were just envious of him being able to practice with a group of seniors.

With envy and jealousy on his face, Jiang Yun finished dinner with a group of seniors.

After that, Jiang Yun returned to the dormitory. What

Jiang Yun didn't expect was that at this time, many freshmen in the freshman dormitory area, under the leadership of He Chong and Shi Ying, spontaneously practiced"Standing Posture" after class.

"Brothers, according to the news, Brother Jiang and Dong Yu from the second grade have agreed to have a fight to the death on the playground on the 10th, which is this afternoon. The fat guy who provoked us at the entrance of the dormitory area, damn, said he would kill us right away and asked us to kneel down and kowtow to apologize to them. Brothers, do you think we can tolerate this?"


They failed to take back the dormitory before and were beaten black and blue. Today, they were blocked at the door and provoked. They were asked to kowtow and kneel down. The occurrence of these things completely aroused the competitive spirit of freshmen such as He Chong.

Jiang Yun was naturally very pleased to see this.

Later, when he saw that many people had already started to practice the second action, the bow posture, Jiang Yun gave the third action, the breathing method of the loose standing, to He Chong, who was the leader, and asked him to teach it later to help everyone practice. When

Ouyang Cheng heard that Jiang Yun was back, he immediately ran over.

"Jiang Yun, can you teach me the fourth move, the breathing method of Tenglongchuan?

Jiang Yun was a little surprised:"Have you learned Ru Songli?"

Ouyang Cheng said proudly:"Of course."

After saying that, Ouyang Cheng also made a Ru Songli move in front of Jiang Yun.

"The movements are indeed quite standard, but can you hold on for more than two hours?"

Jiang Yun asked back, and Ouyang Cheng was shocked:"Two hours? How is that possible! After one hour, my lower limbs started to go numb."

"So you have to keep practicing, and come back to me when you reach two hours."

After that, Jiang Yun patted Ouyang Cheng on the shoulder.

Ouyang Cheng asked Jiang Yun in return:"How many hours can you last?"

"I haven't measured it, but the longest time lasted three and a half hours. If I continue to stand, it shouldn't be a problem to exceed five hours."

Ouyang Cheng was shocked, and then he looked at Jiang Yun who was leaving and said,"What a pervert!"

As for Ouyang Cheng who continued to practice the"Like a Loose Stand" posture, when he reached the limit of two hours, he suddenly found that the strength of his lower limbs, that is, his legs, seemed to have been strengthened.

The tightness of the lower limb muscles and the burst of strength, Ouyang Cheng then went to find a dynamometer for testing, and he was surprised to find that his leg strength had increased by more than 300 pounds.

And this is the hidden benefit that the"Like a Loose Stand" posture brings to the practitioner.

The lower limb strength is explosively enhanced!

As for the benefits of the fourth movement, Tenglongjuan, Jiang Yun is not very clear because he has not practiced it to 100%.

In other words, the eighteen movements in"Standing Posture", each movement can bring a"surprise" to the practitioner after practice.

The bow step is the tempering of the bones of the arms, the bent body posture is the bones of the legs, and the"Like a Loose Stand" is the burst of lower limb strength.

So Jiang Yun, who returned to the dormitory room at this time, was embarrassed.

He wondered whether he was practicing"Standing Posture" or"Strengthening the Body" now.》��

《The Burning Blood Battle Method must also be practiced, and the bone tempering cannot be neglected, otherwise, when will the five-star martial art Overlord Kick be able to be used?

"Fortunately, I didn't go to learn any four-star martial arts with Senior Sister Hong'er today, otherwise, there wouldn't be enough time."

"Now, first practice the"Burning Blood Battle Method", at least get the basics first, and then you can use it."

Otherwise, Jiang Yun would not be able to use the"Burning Blood Battle Method" to instantly improve his combat power.

So it is necessary to learn the method to get started first.

The practice of the Burning Blood Battle Method is very simple, as long as you have blood to burn and release.

Finally, every time you burn a little blood, you can increase your proficiency a little.

"Damn, one point of Qi and blood equals one point of proficiency! If I want to get started, won’t I have to waste 80 points of Qi and blood in vain?"

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