When Jiang Yun saw this scene, he cursed in his heart, thinking to himself,"Brother Lei, don't let me see you again!"

But the next second, Jiang Yun became a real fan again, because the system actually triggered a task because of this.

【"Ding"System prompt: You have obtained a demonstration task. At the request of senior Luo Yang, go on stage to demonstrate. After completing the task, you will be rewarded with one point of physical attribute.

The only flaw is that the reward for this task is physical attribute again. Can't it be strength or something?

Jiang Yun complained.

In the end, since he could complete the task and get the attribute point reward, Jiang Yun reluctantly went to the podium.

The classrooms of the martial arts school are very different from those of the liberal arts school. Since they teach martial arts, the podium area is very large, which allows the martial arts teachers to better display their skills. Thus, martial arts teaching can be carried out.

And because Luo Yang came today, the head teacher Li Bing borrowed the dynamometer in advance.

The overall appearance of the dynamometer is a bit similar to a small basketball stand, but compared to the hollow center of the basketball stand, the dynamometer is completely solid.

In addition to a black sponge hitting pad, there is also a display screen on the top.

The black sponge pad is movable.

So when Jiang Yun adjusted his punching position, Jiang Yun punched upwards directly.

Immediately, the display screen above immediately scrolled and jumped out a word of 527 pounds.

"Oh, not bad. It's been less than half a month and your Qi has exceeded 500. Jiang Yun, it seems that you have been practicing very hard during this period.~"

"The strength is 527 pounds. I remember Zhu Qiang's strength is 526 pounds. So I declare that from today on, Jiang Yun is no longer the last in our class, but the second to last! This is an epic improvement! I think we should applaud Jiang Yun to celebrate!"

"I think it's a loss for Beijing Wuda University if it doesn't accept this pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix!"


Zhu Qiang buried his head under the table after being mocked.

As for Jiang Yun, who was standing in front of the dynamometer on the podium, he simply ignored these idiots.

He took a deep breath, concentrated his Qi into his Dantian, and threw the second punch.


Although it did not exceed the average of 600, the huge span from 527 to 589 also completely shocked everyone present.

For this, Jiang Yun only wanted to say that if he had not practiced standing meditation this morning and consumed a lot of physical strength, and had not run all the way to school, this number would have to be at least one or two hundred more!

That's right, Jiang Yun is not in full condition now, but only 70%.

Otherwise, with Jiang Yun's current 82 points of strength attribute points, at the very least, he can punch out 740 pounds of strength.

But it's good that way. Jiang Yun doesn't want to expose his strength now, and is ready to make a complete blockbuster in the martial arts exam.

So Jiang Yun continued to punch out his third punch, fourth punch, fifth punch...

When Jiang Yun's punch reached the 20th punch, the students below looked at the 528 pounds number displayed on the dynamometer, and couldn't help but ask Luo Yang with some curiosity.

"Senior Luo Yang, Jiang Yun's punching power doesn't seem to have decreased much."

"His first punch was 527, and his twentieth punch was 528. This is not only no decrease, but it has increased by one jin."

Luo Yang was completely confused at this time, thinking what was going on?

Even if it was a real warrior, after twenty consecutive heavy punches, he would definitely lose his strength, which would lead to a decrease in strength.

But Jiang Yun, not only did he not lose any strength, but he actually increased by one jin. And judging from his appearance and expression, he seemed to have a lot of strength left, and he didn't look out of breath at all.

"Why are you so anxious? Didn't Senior Luo Yang just say that our strength will only be reduced to half of the original after the 40th and 50th punches? Jiang Yun is only doing the 20th punch now, so it's still early."

However, Jiang Yun's 40th punch was still above 500.

When the last 50th punch was thrown, a number of 603 pounds appeared in front of everyone!

Luo Yang was completely dumbfounded.

The head teacher Li Bing at the side also showed a dumbfounded look at this time.

Finally, Li Bing stepped forward and pressed on the force gauge, and immediately the number of 543 pounds was displayed.

This is the average score of Jiang Yun's ten punches with the lowest power and the ten punches with the highest power.

When the other students saw this result, they all looked disapproving, because their strength was all above 600, and some of them even reached 700 or even 750.

However, the head teacher Li Bing said in surprise:"My God, Jiang Yun, you can be recommended to our Wuda in Sucheng!"

"Admission to Wuhan University in Suzhou?"

"Just this waste Jiang Yun?"

"Teacher Li, you are kidding, right? With a score of 543 kg, I think everyone in our class can easily do it, except for him and Zhu Qiang, who is a loser."

Jiang Yun was also curious, thinking that the admission score of Suzhou Wuda University was 600 strength, how come it has become more than 500 now.

So, he asked Li Bing in front of him:"Teacher Li, did you make a mistake?"

Li Bing shook his head frantically:"No, due to the major reform of the martial arts exam, the admission score of Suzhou Wuda University this year was directly lowered to 530."


"Why did the score line drop so much all of a sudden?"

"Haha, with this score, I can definitely get into Wuhan University in Jiangsu Province."

"I can even challenge Beijing Wuda University."

Looking at the large group of students in front of him, not only were they not discouraged by him, but they looked smug. When they said that they could challenge Beijing Wuda University, Luo Yang felt a little embarrassed. He thought, what's going on?

This kid named Jiang Yun, he punched fifty times in a row, but he didn't feel tired at all?

Not normal, this kid is not normal.

Luo Yang coughed immediately and continued to say to the many students below:"Student Jiang Yun's physical fitness seems to be comparable to that of a warrior, so the demonstration just now does not count. I will choose another student to come up." As soon as

Luo Yang said this, the students below exploded instantly

"Physical fitness comparable to that of a warrior?"

"Just this waste Jiang Yun?"

"Senior Luo Yang, you may not know that Jiang Yun is the loser in our class, the last one."

Hu Fei stood up and looked at Jiang Yun with hostility, thinking that this loser is worthy of being compared with a warrior?

Luo Yang looked at Hu Fei, smiled and said,"Since this classmate is not convinced, then you come up and challenge me."

"Challenge? Senior Luo Yang, even if I let Jiang Yun use one hand, he can't beat me at all! If you don't believe me, I will let you see my strength later!"

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