"Let them join the Red Lotus Alliance? That's impossible."

"If they wanted to add it, they would have already added it."

"That's right, Jiang Yun, your idea is a bit unrealistic. To be honest, if we hadn't been fooled by you, we wouldn't have come in."

"It's nice to be with the pretty senior sister during the day, but at night, it would be uncomfortable if we had to pick up soap every day."

"Eh~, is this what it means to be happy and miserable?

Everyone thought Jiang Yun's idea was ridiculous.

Until Jiang Yun, with narrowed eyes, looked towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

"They are coming!"

"Who is coming?"

Shi Ying and the others were confused until the next second, when they saw the appearance of the person who came, they all cried out in surprise.

"He Chong! Wu Hai! Jin Liang! Aren’t they among the top ten freshmen?"

"Damn, no way, they were convinced by you, Jiang Yun?"

Jiang Yun nodded:"Well, when I came to the cafeteria before, I contacted He Chong, and I said that no matter what happens in the future, as long as my people are bullied, no matter who hits them, I will beat you! If my people are hit once, I will beat you twice. If my people break an arm, I will break both of your arms."When

Shi Ying and others heard this, they all looked at Jiang Yun with horror, thinking that it was no wonder that he could convince He Chong and others.

This is really a bit cruel!

If there is a problem, I will find you! I will beat you!

In the end, Shi Ying and others couldn't help but think, fortunately Jiang Yun is their teammate, otherwise, who can stand this!

As a result, He Chong and others couldn't stand it, and then they all came over.

"Brother Jiang, I have already told everyone that we are ready to follow your steps and join the Red Lotus Alliance!"

After being taught a lesson by Jiang Yun twice in a row, He Chong has completely become Jiang Yun's little fanboy, because he was completely convinced by Jiang Yun.

Especially the second time, the challenge match.

At the beginning, He Chong was naturally very dissatisfied, because he was just a little bit away from defeating Jiang Yun.

But in the end, when Jiang Yun defeated Lin Ye from the Eight Great Families and Jingwu in just three moves, he, the"master" who had fought back and forth with Jiang Yun at the beginning, was naturally highly praised.

In the end, not only did he not embarrass himself, but on the contrary, he gained a lot of face. He was comparable to the masters of the Eight Great Families, which was simply too cool.

So first When Jiang Yun called He Chong, He Chong was so excited. Then He Chong called everyone else together, conveyed the spirit of Jiang Yun's call, and said on the spot that he would join the Red Lotus Alliance. As for the rest of you, you can do whatever you want.

As for Wu Hai, Jin Liang and others, when they heard Jiang Yun say that no matter who bullied him, he would go to them to settle the score, they were all panicked.

Because they all knew that Jiang Yun was not joking, and then when they saw He Chong kneeling, they all knelt down.

In the end, judging from the result alone, their choice was not wrong, because Jiang Yun said this sentence later.

"I really didn't expect that all of you would come. I was thinking that if there were any of you who were stubborn enough to refuse to come, I would use you to establish my authority when I return to the dormitory tonight. Now, please help me find out who is the 11th ranked person, and I will deal with him tonight!"


As soon as Jiang Yun said this, everyone was relieved, thinking that they had survived. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

As for who the eleventh-ranked person was, someone on the scene had already called. After very friendly conveying Jiang Yun's spirit, the eleventh-ranked freshman also expressed that he would join the Red Lotus Alliance.

Then, the twelfth and thirteenth place……

"Brother Jiang, after I briefly told them about your idea, they all said that they also wanted to join our Red Lotus Alliance."

Jiang Yun frowned:"No way, they are all willing to join? Then who should I find to establish my authority tonight? Isn't there the kind of guy who would rather die than surrender, and would never give up and join our Red Lotus Alliance, and must fight with us?"

Regarding this, He Chong and others thought, you have defeated the children of the eight great families, and the talented freshmen of various Beijing and Magic Martial Arts. How dare these scumbags to fight with you? Isn't this just courting death!

"The top fifty are gone. As for the rest, how about I continue to call and ask? Maybe there will be a few who are not afraid of death."

Jiang Yun signaled He Chong to call quickly.

He didn't stop until the task was completed.

【"Ding" Mission completed, help senior Huang Pingping, recruit 100 boys (freshmen) to join the Red Lotus Alliance, you get all attributes +1 reward.】

Yes, in addition to helping everyone solve the dormitory problem, Jiang Yun did this to complete his own mission

"No need to call again. The top 100 freshmen are all members of our Red Lotus Alliance. The others are nothing to be afraid of."

So at six o'clock in the evening, when it was about to get dark, such a mighty scene appeared at the entrance of the male freshman dormitory area.

Led by Jiang Yun, the top 100 male freshman warriors this year actually walked towards the male freshman dormitory area together.

This stunned those guys who had been waiting for Shi Ying to come and kill Shi Ying and others at the entrance of the dormitory area.

Originally, these people thought, I can't beat Jiang Yun, but can't I kill you Shi Ying!

They still understand the principle of picking the weak persimmon.

Now it seems that they can't do anything to Shi Ying.

Not to mention, they have to take the initiative to come and surrender.

Because behind, Jiang Yun said such a cruel word:"All male freshmen this year, as long as they don't join the Red Lotus Alliance, they are against me, Jiang Yun! Finally, I can't guarantee other places, but in this freshman dormitory area, I, Jiang Yun, can swear with my martial arts that there will never be a place for him to stay! I will give you two days to think about it. After two days, when I come back, if anyone hasn't joined yet, don't blame me, Jiang Yun, for being rude!"When

Jiang Yun said this, the new members of the Red Gold Alliance who were originally preparing to attack He Chong and others were all scared.

After that, some people didn't even think about it for two days, and now gave Jiang Yun a reply, saying that they were willing to switch jobs and join the Red Lotus Alliance.

In the past, the Red Lotus Alliance did not recruit boys, and boys had no choice.

But this year is different. Due to the appearance of Jiang Yun, the Red Lotus Alliance also opened this gap and prepared to recruit male warriors to join.

In the end, do you want to practice with a group of big men or with a group of young ladies? It must be the latter.

So for a while, there were quite a few people who wanted to join.

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