"No way, Miao Yuan, who is a martial artist, can't beat Jiang Yun, a freshman?"

"Jiang Yun is a freshman, but in terms of strength, he is definitely not inferior to us old students."

"I think what Lei Yang said about not being able to win should refer to the three-move rule. After all, no matter what, Miao Yuan is also a martial artist. No matter how powerful Jiang Yun is, he is just an ordinary martial artist. There is still a huge gap between the two in terms of hard power."


Not far away, Feng Chuan and Zhang Dahai were also watching this martial arts duel.

Afterwards, Feng Chuan asked Zhang Dahai:"Director Zhang, if Jiang Yun and Miao Yuan really fight, how many points do you think will be given, and who will have a higher chance of winning?"

To be honest, Zhang Dahai really didn't know, because he had never seen Jiang Yun's trump card from beginning to end, and had never seen Jiang Yun's full strength.

So for a moment, he didn't answer.

Feng Chuan gave him an answer:"60-40."

After listening to it, Zhang Dahai nodded several times:"My guess is similar to the principal's, Miao Yuan 60, Jiang Yun 40."

Because no matter how Miao Yuan is, he is also a serious martial artist.

As a result, Feng Chuan actually shook his head:"The 60 I mentioned refers to Jiang Yun."

Zhang Dahai's expression froze directly.

But he would not doubt Feng Chuan, after all, this was the guess of a half-step master.

So when Zhang Dahai looked at Jiang Yun again, he took a deep breath, because he found that every time he looked at Jiang Yun, he could have a new understanding of him.

His eyes returned to Lei Yang.

After telling Miao Yuan that he could not win, Lei Yang turned his eyes to Jiang Yun.

"I will be relieved to have you at Jiang Province Wuda in the future. I hope you can lead Jiangda to the top! Complete the goals and wishes that none of us have completed before!"

After that, after patting Jiang Yun on the shoulder again, Lei Yang led a large group of people from the Red Gold Alliance and left here.

Before leaving, Miao Yuan stared at Jiang Yun with ill intentions and moved his mouth. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning of waiting for me was all there.

Ning Qinglian gathered some members of the Red Lotus Alliance to prepare a welcome ceremony for Jiang Yun.

As for the male freshmen who followed Jiang Yun to join the Red Lotus Alliance, when they looked at the second floor of the lunch canteen, which was full of beautiful young ladies/seniors, they felt that their lives were worth it. They thought that they really did not make a mistake in joining the Red Lotus Alliance.

"Aren't you a member of the Red Gold Alliance?"

Looking at Luo Yang who came with him, Jiang Yun frowned and glanced at him.

Luo Yang nudged Jiang Yun with his elbow and said,"I'm going to take you to do the warrior certification task this afternoon."

"Take me to do the certification task in the afternoon? You are kidding me!"

Jiang Yun didn't believe this guy's lies, because as soon as he entered the cafeteria, his eyes stole all over the beautiful senior sister, just like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and he was dazzled by the sight.

"Shh~, don't say it directly, it's okay as long as everyone understands it in their hearts."

Luo Yang actually didn't want to get involved in these troublesome matters, but there was no way. As a boy, he had to support the majority of male compatriots. This is called political correctness.

Even if he wanted to, he could never say it out loud.

Otherwise, he might not even have a place to live. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he would be"smashed" by a bunch of men.

So in this matter, Luo Yang still envied Jiang Yun.

First, he was the first person to try it out, and he could be with a bunch of young ladies every day. This was simply too cool.

Second, Jiang Yun's strength was strong enough to sweep away all the freshmen, and he had the ability to protect himself, so he was not afraid of any secret revenge in private.

On the other hand, he couldn't do that at all, so he could only be in Cao's camp but his heart was in Han.

After hearing this Jiang Yun was very interested in the history of the Red Lotus Alliance and the Red Gold Alliance.

In fact, it was not just Jiang Yun. Some freshmen who didn't know the truth were also very curious about this. How did the Jiang Province Wuda University start a conflict between men and women?

Then they asked Luo Yang about it.

Luo Yang answered everyone like this:"It can't be said that it's a conflict between men and women.

It's the hard power of the Jiang Province Wuda University.

Girls are stronger than boys.

You can see it by looking at the rankings on the official website.

Among the top ten, six are girls and only four are boys.

Moreover, the first place is not Lei Yang, but Ning Qinglian.

Finally, other students of Wuda University used this point to criticize the men of our Jiang Province Wuda University as trash.

They were actually bullied by a bunch of women.

In the end, what would you do?"

This must be to beat up these old women, get back the place, and prove yourself to others!

But no one said this out loud. They just looked at each other on the table, smiling awkwardly, and looking at each other.

Luo Yang also knew that everyone understood it in their hearts, so he continued:"This is the current reason. As for the beginning, it was the breakup between Lei Yang and Ning Qinglian, which caused a fight between the man and the woman!"

Breakup fight!

"Damn, this is quite exciting!"

Jiang Yun immediately put his ears closer to Luo Yang, wanting to listen carefully to this big gossip.

"Originally, these two were the famous golden couple of Jiang University. To be honest, if they were not of legal age, they would have immediately obtained a marriage certificate. But what no one expected was that Lei Yang actually had a fiancée! And she even found him in the school!"

"What? Fiancee! No way, is Senior Lei Yang such a scumbag? I think he looks quite honest. I never thought that he would play so many tricks behind the scenes."

"This is called"Don't judge a person by his appearance""

"In this matter, even if I were a boy, I would definitely stand on the side of Senior Ning Qinglian!"

But the situation turned around later, Luo Yang continued:"But Lei Yang himself didn't know about this fiancée. According to him, she was a childhood sweetheart arranged by his family when he was young."

"I think Lei Yang is a bit wronged."

"That's right, after all, it was a marriage arranged by the family, not to mention that he himself didn't know about it."

Luo Yang:"But do you think Ning Qinglian will believe it? So Ning Qinglian's best friend, Yan Honger, the vice president of the Red Lotus Alliance, called on all the girls in the school to seek justice for Ning Qinglian! This is the reason why the Red Lotus Alliance was established.

And Lei Yang's good brothers, of course, couldn't stand the unreasonable troubles of these girls, so they established the Red Gold Alliance to help Lei Yang. In the end, men and women were in opposition, and all kinds of battles, this fight lasted for three years.

The cafeteria where we are eating now was originally the only one in the school, but it was taken down by the Red Lotus Alliance. After that, Yan Honger directly hung a banner saying that men and dogs are not allowed to enter. In the end, the school had no choice but to build a new one.

In the end, we should be the first group of boys who came here to eat in the past three years, so my fellow students, cherish the present, because hell has just begun!"

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