Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 575 Return to Nothingness

The evil god felt very embarrassed, not to mention that there was a human girl watching below.

But Tianyu ignored him at all. His fists were like sandbags and hammers, hitting the evil god again and again, twisting his body like a twist.

"I'm so angry."

The evil god cursed, spread his hands in the air, and swung them down on Tianyu's head like a palm leaf fan.


However, Tianyu was extremely flexible in his extreme state, and his speed was so abnormal that he could easily avoid the evil god's movements.

The evil god who reached the perfect state seemed so fragile under close-range physical attacks. In Tianyu's eyes, every one of his movements seemed like slow motion.

"Too slow, too slow."

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Tianyu shook his head and slashed the evil god's neck with a fierce hand knife, almost knocking him unconscious.

"Hmph, the death hourglass countdown is only three minutes. After three minutes, let's see how you can hold on!" The evil god said coldly.

Tianyu looked up at the death hourglass and was shocked.

"Only three minutes?"

At this moment, he suddenly stood in the void, and the extremely terrifying aura on his body slowly condensed.

Tianyu's aura was so terrifying that the evil god retreated step by step.

Seeing the light on Tianyu's body swaying everywhere, the sword technique, Shushan sword technique, Tathagata palm, Maoshan Taoism, violent thunder, one by one, special abilities, turned into a small ball of light and floated out of his body.

Tianyu seemed to have entered a very strange state. He compressed all the terrible abilities in his body sharply.

"No, you are doing something extremely dangerous. Stop it quickly, otherwise it is very likely to destroy the world!" The evil god suddenly realized that it was extremely bad and immediately shouted loudly to Tianyu.

But Tianyu was desperate at this moment. There was no evil god in his eyes. What he thought in his mind was to break all obstacles in front of him and smash every enemy.

"I will name this move the final end!"

Tianyu's voice was very flat, as if he was talking to the sky.

More than 10 small balls of light swirled out of his body, and finally connected into a string of beads in the air.

Then under Tianyu's control, these beads were compressed madly towards the center.

And every time it was compressed, the air seemed to collapse a large area.

The density of space was shrinking rapidly, and the tiles of houses in the distance broke instantly, tall buildings, floor tiles on commercial streets, sewer covers, shopping mall cabinets, etc.

Everything that could be seen was distorted and deformed, and the space they were in seemed to be undergoing drastic changes, making them unable to accommodate this level, and then they were broken one after another.

"Young man, are you crazy?"

The evil god finally knew he was afraid. He could feel that the space he was in was on the road to destruction, and it was going further and further away, and he would never come back.

"If you destroy this world, this girl will die with you!"

The evil god suddenly woke up and prepared to threaten Tianyu with Zhao Ziqiu.

Tianyu sighed faintly. This was his only concern, but it was difficult to get off the tiger at this time. This move had condensed boundless momentum and it was impossible to disintegrate it.

"Forget it, let it all return to nothingness. The score of this mission will depend on the situation!"

Tianyu said to himself silently in his heart, but deep in his heart, there was always a trace of sadness lingering in his heart

Finally, these more than 10 small light balls have melted into a huge light ball, only the outline of the edge has not been fully formed. When it is formed, it is the moment when Tianyu will completely explode this attack.

But just at this moment, the evil god was already screaming in fear and ran away at a high speed.

Although at this time, there was only a little bit of residual sand in the hourglass above his head, and there was still about half a minute left.

But even if it was half a minute, the evil god did not dare to stay here, after all, Tianyu at this time was too scary.

He seemed to have become the center of a dense spider web, and all the worlds around him had begun to collapse and crack, as if the laws of the universe had been completely tampered with, and the entire world had to be reshaped again.

This feeling was really terrifying, and the unprecedented terror overturned everything.

The evil god who had reached the perfect state, even though he knew that he would be invincible in half a minute, felt his scalp tingling at this time, without any thoughts, and only knew to run away.

It was very tragic that Zhao Ziqiu, who was standing on the main road at this time, fell into a state of confusion again.

She suddenly woke up, suddenly confused, and her state was very unstable. Tianyu glanced at Zhao Ziqiu and showed a warm smile

"Don't worry, after this mission is over, I will definitely come back to this world to find you again!" Tianyu said softly.

Then, he finally compressed the ball of light into shape and shot it towards the evil god in the distance.


The sky and the earth spun, as if the end of the world had come. Unimaginable power exploded, and the houses collapsed one by one, unable to hold out even for a breath.

The streets on the ground all collapsed, and there was a huge ditch, starting from Tianyu's toes, and instantly spreading to the distance.

Then, in about three breaths, the entire human city was divided into two.

At this time, the people hiding in the house were trembling. They could feel that the world was shaking violently, and there were rubble and bricks falling from the ceiling, and the ground began to shake violently.

And they could also smell the smell of blood, which was gradually eroding and devouring the world.

But at this time, they dared not leave the door, and could only be like a snail hiding in its shell, holding the last hope, and gradually falling into despair.

The evil god in the distance let out an unwilling roar and scream, and the sound gradually weakened.

When everything returned to nothingness, Tianyu slowly opened his eyes and looked at the devastated world in front of him. He said to himself: "Did it succeed?"

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