Global Sage Era

Chapter 493

Chapter 489: God-given Secret Realm

The void, which should be pitch black, was filled with all kinds of Ambilight at this time.

As thousands of colors illuminate the eyeball from a far distance, everything in the line of sight is this peculiar place.

With Xu Sheng’s current strength, as far as he could see, he was far from seeing the border.

In this piece of brilliance, he actually felt a sense of insignificance.

At the same time, there are countless laws and auras coming out of it, which belong to the major sources, thousands of laws.

There is one Xu Sheng is very familiar with, and it is his current protection law.

Every law cultivated by the human race is real in the universe, but because the universe’s level is too high, the way the law exists is too stable, they can’t notice it under normal circumstances.

Now it is equivalent to the same situation, but Xu Sheng can feel it, which is enough to explain the peculiarity of this area in front of him.

This is the secret realm gifted by heaven.

Xu Sheng didn’t know how it was discovered, only that it was owned by the school when Qianjing University was founded.

“What a nice view…”

Someone murmured to himself, that she belonged to a junior girl with a law comprehension of more than 80%!

When the transit secret realm first set off, Xu Sheng could roughly feel that the strength of the person next to him was about the same as himself. He didn’t know who was weak and who was strong, but now as the destination arrives, he can already feel his own breath. Among a group of people is the weakest.

It’s just that no one cares too much about this, after all, there is Old Sage standing next to Xu Sheng.

As a true sage, even if he deliberately restrained his breath, when standing beside him, he could feel a difference in life level, and awe could not help appearing from the bottom of his heart.

“This is the secret realm we are going to enter this time… I seem to have already felt the opportunity to advance.”

A boy with a gloomy expression on his face showed a smile that didn’t match his temperament, so that everyone who saw him next to him was surprised.

“This guy can laugh? It’s really the sun coming out from the west.”

“Hey, it’s a genius secret realm after all. In order to get a spot, I’ve been doing missions during this time but I’m crazy.”

The opening time of the secret realm is destined to be inaccessible to the group of people standing in the forefront. Every year, the students who can enter are the second-class students. This is also regarded by these students as the greatest opportunity to catch up with the previous group. people.

It’s just that Xu Sheng’s appearance now makes many people feel uncomfortable.

Because in their hearts, the heaven-sent secret realm was originally dedicated to their group of people, but Xu Sheng, a monster like Xu Cheng, also came to occupy their place, and it was too ugly to eat.

Xu Sheng himself felt some of the meaning in his sight, but he didn’t think much about it. It was the school’s arrangement for him to enter the secret realm. As for how others think about it…what does it have to do with him.

“Do you feel the pressure? Your entry this time will definitely be the target of public criticism, so be sure to follow what I told you before and focus on being safe.”

Gu Shiyi’s voice came directly into Xu Sheng’s mind. He did not directly tell those students not to take action against Xu Sheng. On his side, Xu Sheng’s incident was also an exercise.

It can be said that in ancient times, Yi never let go of any events that would allow Xu Sheng to grow up.

After all a hundred people have arrived, the secret realm will be opened by the ancient Yi to open the secret realm.

The main reason he followed was also the same. Every time a godsend secret realm was opened, a true sage needed to act.

A hundred students with a law comprehension approaching the semi-sage level watched quietly, and a trace of excitement gradually surged in their hearts.

As a portal-like thing appeared, Xu Sheng felt a suction falling on him before he could react, and then his consciousness began to drop rapidly.

The other ninety-nine students are in the same situation. They are different from what they thought. The secret realm is not waiting for them to enter, but to attract the surrounding objects indiscriminately.

In ancient times, Yi was also attractive, but this kind of suction had no effect on him.

The only people who came this time were him and a hundred other students. In ancient times, after making sure that there was no danger around, Yi disappeared from this area.

Only in an inexplicable place can you feel a pair of eyes staring here.

The area where the heaven-sent secret realm is located is not a secret realm. Although it is guarded by the power of Qianjing University, there are still alien minds who fainted to carry out suicide attacks.

When Xu Sheng opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a universe with a different feeling.

It is obvious that the current area is not the world.

This is different from the situation where endless Guixu is a part of the world. The secret realm is obviously an independent area, which is a bit similar to the realm of the world.

“Everyone is in a different area, and there is no second person within my sensing range.”

Xu Sheng withdrew his own consciousness. He had searched a lot of areas just now, but apart from the occasional world, there was no sign of human race.

It’s as if a hundred people were thrown into the ocean.

The ubiquitous aura of the secret realm gifted by the gods made Xu Sheng feel extremely comfortable. He felt his own body was absorbing some energy in the void, and he only sensed some laws a little, and he felt ascension.

Such an area deserves to be the foundation of Qianjing University, where the understanding of Ascension’s law can be far faster than the endless return to the ruins.

Xu Sheng chose a direction at will. He didn’t find any valuable treasures in this area, and it didn’t make much sense to stay here.

After just leaving for about three years, a malicious consciousness suddenly appeared in front of him.

He felt tight.

“There is life.”

Soon Xu Sheng saw the owner of this consciousness, a huge being like a scorpion.

There are seven luminous spots on this scorpion, and a large amount of life breath comes out from each of them.

This is the world nurtured by the life instinct of the scorpion.

A life like this that can transform into a form is a level higher than those worlds that Xu Cheng has been conquering all the time. After all, those are considered to be within the sphere of influence of the human race, and they are all formless bodies.

“It’s almost equivalent to 75% of the law comprehension…you can try to solve it.”

Xu Sheng’s current law comprehension is 71.36%, which is not much different from this scorpion, but the opponent is divided into seven worlds. In the case of one-to-one, he is definitely not the opponent of the Huntuo race. He did not consider too much. Make sure to solve this scorpion.

At the line of the seven luminous points, there is a dim red core, which is the core that maintains the consciousness of this Scorpio, which is higher than the heart of rules.

“According to what the teacher told me before, there are not many lives in the secret realm given by the gods, and every one you encounter needs to be grasped.”

[Record]: The world channel is opening

The two worlds merged, but what Xu Sheng did not expect was that when he approached, the tail of the scorpion pierced his heart at an extremely fast speed.

There is a world in its tail, which can be actively attacked by it. Obviously, this world has the strongest ability to attack.

Xu Sheng didn’t evade, and he was in love with him.


The barriers of the two worlds collided.

In the sight of life like Xu Sheng, he and this scorpion smashed into each other head-on, but at the level of Minor World, it was the two worlds approaching in a slow and rapid way.

Minor World.

All the Huntuo people raised their heads to look at the huge moon in the sky, which occupies the entire sky.

The earth began to tremble, and even the low-powered could not stand still.

But the strength that belongs to the Huntuo tribe has already been prepared, and the overwhelming cultivator and Practitioner are already waiting somewhere.

In the sky, on boats, Flying Swords, Jade Talisman, and all kinds of flying Magic Treasures, cultivators are looking at the upcoming world channel with a look of expectation.

On the earth, countless spirit beasts roared, countless souls and Martial Soul found in the sky, and the space around the strong Martial Ancestor was shattering.

The world channel suddenly opened.



Wang Fan and Xuan Zheng made their voices in the sky and the earth respectively.

As their voices fell, the cultivator and the Practitioner, each accounting for 5 billion, marched towards the end of the world channel.

The cultivator’s overall strength at this time has reached one third of that of the Practitioner. This time, because he wants to obtain enough cultivation resources, the cultivator’s enthusiasm for war is obviously several orders of magnitude higher than that of the Practitioner.

The cultivator almost sent out most of its power, leaving only those who lacked strength and didn’t like fighting to stay in the rear.

On the Practitioner’s side, Dahuang had almost one-third of his power. There were too many Practitioners and it was not so easy to mobilize. The first wave was temporarily recruited so much, and there was still a large army gathering in the follow-up.

When the Huntuo race entered the other side of the world, they encountered a huge alien life that had also been prepared.

This is a world that purely develops vitality and blood. They don’t have a complicated cultivation system. The method of Ascension’s strength is to dig out own blood. This is also the method used by most races except humans.

Human races are good at developing various systems and creating various techniques, while alien races are good at making the life appearing in their own world extremely powerful, without so many bells and whistles.

The millstone of war reappeared.

The first collision caused nearly tens of millions of casualties.

Obviously, the opponent was not like the Huntuo human race. He brought out the elite, and most of the people killed by the Huntuo human race’s Martial Skill for the first time were ordinary lives.

But the cannon fodder also has the use of cannon fodder. They consume the power of the Huntuo Practitioner and cultivator, so that they will cause huge damage to the Huntuo people in the subsequent fire, which is an instantaneous death of hundreds of thousands of people.

But before these aliens cheered, temples appeared from the ground behind.

【Hall of Heroes】

Category: Palace

Description: Convene the souls of heroic spirits and return from the dead

Exchange consumption: 13.5 billion

The light of countless souls was recalled from the battlefield far away.

They fell into the temple and turned into a Daoist shadow on the soul-calling platform in the temple.

The dead Wu Ying is resurrected!

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