Global Sage Era

Chapter 482

Chapter 478

Dahuang Palace.

Kuang Yuan put on his clothes and dealt with state affairs overnight.

If you can make a Martial Ancestor do this, you can imagine how many things Dahuang has at this time.

As for anyone other than Kuang Yuan, even with the assistance of the prime ministers, it would be impossible to achieve what he is now, almost perfect.

In Xu Sheng’s eyes, what Kuang Yuan has always done is almost perfect.

With a physical body, doing things like a machine can only be done by a determined generation like Kuang Yuan.


Kuang Yuan raised his head suspiciously, he felt an abnormal flow of air.

Then he refreshed and saw two people standing not far away.

“Meet the ancestors.”

Even if Kuang Yuan is the king of a country, he is still so humble when facing Xu Sheng. The long-term supreme position does not make him arrogant, he still knows to respect the ancestors.

Xu Sheng came to Kuang Yuan with Yin this time, naturally there was something to tell them.

Although the two are now the cultivator and the Martial Ancestor, they are still far from the early stage of breakthrough.

According to the 65% rule of comprehension, the strength of the citizens should be the middle stage close to the late stage.

The overall strength of the Huntuo race is not much different from his own strength, but the Realm of top figures such as Yin is a bit behind.

Yin and Kuangyuan also greeted each other. Although it has been hundreds of years since they last met, they have always felt about each other’s breath.

After all, the distance of thousands of miles is too close for their Realm, just like the next room.

Xu Sheng’s purpose for bringing Yin and Kuangyuan together this time is naturally to make their strength faster ascension.

I saw him flip over.

Five towers appeared in his palm.

These five towers are invisible and form a unified formation. Although they are still in Xu Sheng’s palm, they give people a feeling of non-stop operation.

“This is…”

Kuang Yuan looked at the five towers with some curiosity.

He could see some clues with his current Realm, but what surprised him was that no matter how he used Spiritual Sense to probe, he couldn’t get the slightest information.

The same is true for Yin next to him. He explored almost at the same time as Kuang Yuan, but found nothing.

Xu Sheng smiled lightly on his face. Although Yin and Kuangyuan are now considered powerful, they are still not enough to compare with the five towers—yes, these five towers are also called the five towers.

These five towers were not exchanged by Xu Sheng from the equivalence of everything, but condensed by themselves!

The material of the tower body is extremely rare. If it is forced to divide, it will probably reach the limit of the mortal world. It is also difficult for those Mahayana cultivators to obtain such materials.

It is not difficult for Xu Sheng to obtain such materials. He can collect some of these materials at his fingertips when he is attacking the world.

It’s just that these materials are usually used on oneself, and the Ascension’s law comprehension is rarely used by the people.

Condensing it now, it is naturally certain that this can maximize the efficiency.

The five towers were created by him in accordance with the five towers of Qianjing University. The shape of the tower itself is not very useful. The biggest feature is its stability, ensuring that no matter what people do, they can’t hurt the tower itself.

The tower incorporates some laws he has understood, which can greatly increase the combat power of the person entering it. Of course, like the five towers in reality, enabling such a function also requires a lot of energy.

Yin and Kuangyuan were naturally delighted after hearing this.

“Xie Anzu.”

The two saluted Xu Sheng very tacitly.

“These five towers are not all created for you two. Later, if someone meets the requirements for entering the tower, they can also enter…”

However, the conditions for the entry of the latter are relatively harsh. It is only for Yin and Kuangyuan to enter, and the resources consumed are not a big deal to Xu Sheng. Once the number of people is large, even he can’t bear it now.

The next step is to choose the parking location of the five towers.

As long as the previous Taoist monument was to facilitate the cultivator, Xu Sheng would definitely not be able to give it to the cultivator this time.

But the current strength of the Practitioner is high enough, and the Ascension cultivator really has no room to survive.

So after thinking about it for a while, Xu Sheng placed it at the midpoint of many cultivator secret realm, which was about 13,000 miles southwest of Tongtian City.

After placing it, Xu Sheng even laid out the entry requirements. Those with low strength will directly pass through after arriving here, without seeing the position of the five towers.

“I must enter the five towers!”

“I am expected to advance!”

“Task, I want to complete the task!”

The high rank cultivator and Practitioner are crazy. Although they are not yet qualified to enter, as long as they continue to complete tasks, they can meet the requirements.

When the outside world was turbulent, as the two highest Cultivation Base, Yin and Kuangyuan had entered the five towers.

Xu Sheng was acting in a small secret realm belonging to Qianjing University.

Compared with Endless Guixu, the secret realm named’Meteor Crater’ he was on at this time was like a continent smashed in half by a meteorite.

It is different from the void in the endless ruins, because of its small size, the location of the void here is filled with a lot of rubble.

It is naturally not so easy to act in such an area.

Those with low strength cannot Ascension strength in such an environment.

This secret realm is generally for students who have a 60~65% understanding of the law. At this time, there are only more than a hundred people in this secret realm, most of them are juniors, and a small part is through other paths. Entering other school students and social people.

As the most popular student at Ganjing University today, he has naturally received a lot of attention in this secret realm.

Almost every time he met other people, they would come up and talk a few words.

Some are purely familiar, while others are asking Xu Sheng if he can form a team.

Almost all of them were students from Qianjing University. The people outside were awed when they saw Xu Sheng. On the one hand, they couldn’t understand how Xu Sheng could achieve this level of strength in such a short period of time. On the other hand, they secretly looked forward to Xu Sheng’s ability. Make a good impression on yourself.

People outside would not have the arrogance of Qianjing University students, and many of them are middle-aged people in their 40s or 50s.

These middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s can be said to be able to have their current strengths. It can be said that they have been slowly grind up. They have rarely wanted high resources for a long time, and they have suffered in the process.

Xu Sheng had suffered such hardships before, so he didn’t have any contempt in his heart. On the contrary, he felt that it was a great thing to be able to maintain an upward mentality in such a gap.

“Xiao Feng and the others should be able to qualify in the past few days… it’s going to be lively.”

Naturally, Xu Sheng thought of those classmates and friends on earth.

Of course, the one who cares most is a woman who smiles and smiles.

“Lin Rui’s strength is a bit worse than them, and it may not be qualified until the end of April.”

Xu Sheng felt a little entangled in her heart. She hoped that Su Linrui could enter the secret realm’s Ascension strength as soon as possible, and she did not want her to face the danger so early.

He now understands some of the “hidden rules” of the Human Race. According to Su Linrui’s current potential, he is really in danger, and it is not enough for Sage to rescue her.

If the death was caused by personal reasons, it would be very difficult for Extreme Sage to take action to resurrect it.

There are hundreds of deaths in Qianjing University every year. There are students of all levels. Not that the survival rate of the Tianzi class is necessarily higher than that of the yellow character class.

The idea in Xu Sheng’s mind is naturally to team up with Su Linrui.

In fact, it is equivalent to the large and trumpet in the game.

The two experienced in an area not far apart. Once the weaker side encounters a problem, the stronger side can support it.

He and Huang Xuanlang’s current model is similar to this.

Of course, what Xu Sheng looks forward to most is that both sides can stand in the same position and help each other.

It will take more time for Realm to break through after entering the Holy Realm. Many people will stay for a long time after entering the Holy Realm. Even if it is only five or six years, it is enough for people who were not even semi-sage to break into the Holy Realm.

The other four members of the Xuance team are still quasi-sages, and even some distance from the peak, but Huang Xuanlang himself does not care too much. He himself cannot enter the realm of the high sage in a short time. Wait time for the promotion of own teammates.

Ascension Realm has some people who are fast and some are slow. Nie Sheng is undoubtedly the one who walks the fastest. At first, there was no one who could fight shoulder to shoulder by his side, but now more than a hundred years have passed, his side has already accounted for four people of the same level. The existence of, there are more extreme sages and high sages below.

The crater secret realm is already very small for the current Xu Sheng Ascension, so he will return to Earth directly after completing the task at hand.

After handing over the task, he will go to the next secret realm that is more in line with his own strength.

Among the many secret realms in Qianjing University, the reason why endless Guixu has such an important position is that it can provide students at all levels to exercise, while other secret realms are only suitable for a certain stage.

In terms of the speed of Ascension, these exclusive secret realms are naturally faster. It is precisely for this ‘tiny’ Ascension that Xu Sheng chose to walk out of the endless ruins.

Because he came to this crater secret realm, Huang Xuanlang didn’t choose to follow him, because Sage Realm was a waste of time when he came here.

Xu Sheng has taken some risks, but cultivation is to take risks for the slightest improvement.

Almost as soon as Xu Sheng returned to the earth, his wristband vibrated.

Above is the message from Xiao Feng.

“I got the qualification to go outside the domain!”

Because of the different time flow rate, this information has been sent for more than a long time. According to Xu Sheng’s understanding of Xiao Feng, the latter must have gone outside the territory at this time.

“I hope everything outside the domain is the same as you imagined.”

Xu Sheng seemed to see Xiao Feng’s cold sweat now, and couldn’t help but smile.

My friends are catching up, I have to be even more oily…

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