Global Sage Era

Chapter 475

Chapter 471

This is an unprecedented crisis.

As long as you take a wrong step, you will be overwhelmed.

Xu Sheng proceeded along the planned route.

But always forced to reorganize the route.

Unknowingly, he has deviated a lot from the original route, but he has no choice. He has too much sense of exploration. If he does not change the route, then waiting for own is to be discovered.

The consciousness of that Dao, whether he is found or not, is constantly patrolling in different areas. At the beginning, there is no organization at all, but in the end, it seems that each Dao is responsible for an area, and there are places where they cross each other. .

Xu Sheng has no time to care about the changes in Minor World. The cultivation of the Huntuo race has encountered a bigger problem. Many people are stunned, not knowing why the world’s love for them suddenly disappeared.

Some people remembered what Xu Sheng had said, kept their minds, and secretly waited for the world to change.

But more people can’t wait. Their lives are only a few hundred years. For Xu Sheng, what happened in an instant is a lifetime for them.

There is no doubt that they are the most unlucky generation, and no generation has their situation.

Even with the protection of the two-way paperweight, it is becoming more and more difficult for Xu Sheng to advance.

His purpose is obviously not difficult to guess, so the closer to the periphery, the more awareness of searching.

They stayed in the outermost area, looking for fluctuations that showed signs of leaving.

Xu Sheng had to stop, he already felt an extreme danger.

Consciously has noticed his existence, and is now confirming his existence through various signs.

He didn’t know which soul he was aware of. If he was below the high sage soul, he still had the possibility of avoiding it, if it was the only true sage soul sage – the situation would be extremely bad.

But the most worrying thing happened.

When Xu Sheng noticed that the energy of the two-way paperweight was declining at a pouring speed, he immediately knew that the one who had already sensed his approximate position at this time was the true saint-level Soul Sorrow!

As the teacher’s refinement, the paperweight Erxiang, even the arrival of the high sage, could not cause its energy consumption so fast. Only the existence of the same level can make his body react like this.

“It seems that my luck is not very good.”

Xu Sheng whispered, he had no feelings of sadness or despair at this time.

At such a dangerous time, his mentality became astonishingly like a Pinghu, even though he found a solution quickly in his heart, he did not show the slightest anxiety on the surface.

In the past few times when he was in danger, he had roughly this kind of change. Maybe people who knew were worried about him, but he himself was able to calm down.

If others are allowed to evaluate, Xu Sheng would be “quiet in every big event”.

It’s just that he himself hasn’t thought about this. In his opinion, he just maintains a basic calm no matter what.

The huge black shadow in the center of the blurry area suddenly opened his eyes like two universes. He cast his gaze to a certain position and made a rumble voice: “Found it.”

This consciousness spread so far, many people didn’t realize what happened at the beginning.

But immediately, they understood the meaning and couldn’t help looking in that direction with excitement one by one.

A human race!

This is a rare benefit, if you can find him first, then you can get a big benefit!

But just when they thought this way, the True Sage Soul had broken their illusions.

Then they heard excited laughter they had never heard before.

“It turned out to be him…hahaha, it is really a big profit to trade him with an ordinary talent of my clan.”

Many beings are puzzled, who can make this happy so much, but one thing is certain is that this must be a certain genius of the human race.

There are so many geniuses of the human race that they all have heard of, and they know that the Daoist race can cross the Realm one after another in a short time, from a weak existence to a powerful power.

It is impossible to say that they are not envied. If they are allowed to choose, most of them will choose to become a human race. After all, the probability of a human race becoming a holy realm is too high.

“I know him! Xu Sheng, known as the first genius of the Human Race!”

“Hahaha, it turned out to be him, this time he made a lot of money!”

Without a long interval, the consciousness that belonged to the soul of a high sage level also violently fluctuated.

They followed closely and discovered the existence of Xu Sheng, especially after recognizing Xu Sheng’s identity, each of them was extremely excited.

The Soulshang Clan used to classify the various geniuses of the Human Race. Among them, Xu Sheng was in the absolute first echelon, and even the Soulshang suggested that he be placed on a separate echelon.

His performance has been too amazing for a long time, and at the current rate of progress, it is very likely that the Human Race will be able to produce another Holy Sovereign soon!

Even if they don’t become the most holy, becoming the ultimate holy level is almost absolute, and that’s what they absolutely don’t want to see.

However, humans like this kind of genius have always been very well protected. Although many races, including Soulshang, have made plans to kill them, they were only taken by the humans when they first acted. Fight it while Xu Sheng didn’t know it, Human Sages had already protected too many times.

This time he broke into the territory of the Soulshang Clan by himself!

If you can’t even seize this opportunity, then their souls don’t need to be called the pinnacle race!

More and more existences have discovered Xu Sheng’s identity.

When they saw the weak figure protected by a supreme treasure, everyone felt like they had been lucky.

No one shot first, they waited silently for the arrangement of the adult.

The true saint level souls teleported directly from the own seat, its huge body, just being there, it made many low-level beings breathless.

The first moment it came here was not to capture Xu Sheng, but to make arrangements that Xu Sheng seemed to be puzzled by.

But even if he didn’t understand, Xu Sheng was able to completely guess what was happening right now.

If he guessed correctly…

The opponent should be arranging a means to prevent himself from being resurrected.

A heart keeps sinking.

The extremely deep darkness flooded Xu Sheng’s heart.

No matter what dangers have been encountered before, in the face of this time, they all seem so insignificant.

“After all, I didn’t escape.”

Xu Sheng’s expression was calm. He raised his head and looked directly at the huge black shadow. Although his own breath was comparable to that of an ant, he looked straight without fear.

The only pity is that I have no chance to kill such a level of existence…

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