Global Sage Era

Chapter 471

Chapter 467 Talent [Soul Forge]

In the 236th year after entering the sphere of influence of the Soulshang clan, Xu Sheng once again discovered the familiar silk thread.

It just passed by Xu Sheng’s eyes, and countless threads of silk didn’t know where to emanate from, and where they went directly through the space.

The number of silk threads is too much, it can be said to cover the sky.

“Such a large scale…maybe it was the method used by that true saint level soul sorrow.”

Xu Sheng was extremely in awe. He would never touch such a thread, and he would be discovered if he was not sure.

“What, you said that the previous situation has happened again?”

In the glorious Great Hall, Kuang Yuan, who received the news, looked ugly.

Who knows that after hundreds of years, the sudden death situation has reappeared.

The difference from last time is that this time there is no rule to speak of, and everyone is panicked.

In the Huntuo tribe, the souls of tens of thousands of people have been drawn, and they just fell into their own residence without warning, leaving their relatives distraught.

Xu Sheng had already found out when the first subject had a situation.

There are so many threads around him, even if he can avoid it, the Huntuo human race is in the scale of billions after all, and it is impossible for them to avoid it.

The role of the silk thread spans a distance, and Xu Sheng can’t stop it all.

More importantly, if there are too many people, it is impossible for him to bring people back to life, but there are as many as trillions of incense, and his current incense is just a drop in the bucket.

The power contained in the silk thread is not much, it is just the power that conforms to the rules and draws the human soul out with a hint of skill.

But the level is still too high for ordinary beings, so no one can stop it.

There are some soul talents in the Huntuo tribe, and their resistance to this thread is even stronger than that of the Martial King, but they can resist more time, and the final result is that the soul is drawn away.

But the extra time was enough for Xu Sheng to assist them.

He has now analyzed the operating mechanism of the silk thread, as long as a certain amount of power is spent, it can be directly erased.

The soul talent is useful, so naturally it is to add a talent to the Huntuo race.

The blessing of the two physiques of the Ninth Stage battle body and Dao body made Xu Sheng have given up the exchange of other talents.

Even the previously exchanged bloody battle bodies are now more integrated into the Ninth Stage battle body. If you rush to exchange new talents, it may only have a counterproductive effect.

However, the Ninth Stage body is more on the body, and there are not many soul gains—not to say that. It should be said that the first few stages of the Ninth Stage body focus on the body, and wait until later. The body and soul develop in both directions, but the distant water can’t save the near fire. If you want to redeem the next few Ninth Stage battle bodies, I don’t know that it will be the year of the monkey.

Xu Sheng opened up everything equivalent to find suitable talents.

After screening for the equivalent of everything, there are not many talents that meet Xu Sheng’s requirements.

Several of them are not in conflict at the moment, but those that may affect the development potential of the Huntuo race in the future are all excluded.

So after Xu Sheng hesitated, he chose a talent called [Soul Forge].

【Soul Furnace】

Category: Talent

Description: Using the soul as a furnace, refining abnormalities, and blessing the body

Exchange required: Twelve hundred billion incense

There are actually many descriptions of the Soul Forge, but the most important thing is these fourteen words.

This kind of talent ability will make Silk thread automatically be refined by them when it comes into contact with the soul of the Huntuo human race. Although it is impossible to refining because of the difference in rank, this delay is enough for Xu Sheng to take action.

Although tens of thousands of souls of the Huntuo human race have been drawn, they have been accumulated over decades, and they are subdivided into one or two per day.

Although most of Xu Sheng’s energy is used outside to avoid danger, there is no problem in dividing a small part to solve the problem of the Huntuo tribe.

In fact, it wouldn’t be so troublesome if you put it on the students of the holy path, but it’s just tens of thousands of people. If you die, you will die. It will be added soon.

But Xu Sheng can’t just let it go just because the number of people is small, because the bottom line is refreshed time and time again. It doesn’t matter if it is tens of thousands. Next time it will become hundreds of thousands. Next time it may be millions… It also changes from the road of humanity to the road of sacredness.

Xu Sheng knows the truth very clearly, and he has been warned by many people in the past.

The road of human nature is not an easy one. There are too many reasons that may shake your mind and make you unconsciously deviate from your initial choice.

Many people who follow the path of sacredness were actually supporters of the path of humanity at the beginning, but as time passed, they unknowingly stepped onto the side of sacredness.

They can’t be blamed for this. It can only be said that because of the improvement of Realm, the perspective of looking at the problem is different from before.

After the Huntuo people received the talent that Xu Sheng loaded, many people felt that the own spirit had changed.

They can’t say what this feeling is, but they know that the ancestor must have made another move.

Almost all of them knelt down, either toward the direction of the spiritual monument, or entered the family ancestral hall, kneeling in front of the memorial tablet.

Even if it was Yin and Kuang Yuan, they paid a deep respect before the Lingbei.

Since this incident, all the Huntuo races have been surprised to find that no one has died due to accidents.

According to many people, they once felt their own soul being drawn, and when they felt that they were about to die, a warm force suddenly enveloped them and pulled them back from the cold place.

The power of warmth, this is the most frequent word.

“Is it you, ancestor…”

Yin looked towards the direction of the dojo in the Huntuo tribe. Although the ancestors did not show up most of the time, he had a feeling that the ancestors had been paying attention to the growth of the Huntuo tribe.

Without the care of the ancestors, the Huntuo race would not be where they are now.

“Ancestor, what kind of Realm are you!”

Kuang Yuan’s thoughts are different from Yin. Although he is also grateful to Xu Sheng in his heart, he is more impulsive to reach the Realm where Xu Sheng is and see the scenery there.

But how could Kuang Yuan know that Xu Sheng’s Realm was inaccessible to him in his entire life.

As Xu Sheng continues to advance, the number of silk threads is also increasing.

Originally, he thought he would definitely not be able to solve all of them one day, but to his surprise, some talented individuals appeared in the Huntuo tribe. Their soul furnace talents have undergone an abnormal change, and they can resist this thread for hundreds of years. !

Although it is impossible to refine the silk thread, as long as they maintain the state, the silk thread will no longer be able to drag their soul away!

On the contrary, because of the exercise of the silk thread, their spirits have become extremely tough. Although they endure unimaginable pains, their soul abilities are stronger than everyone!

The strength of the soul is not only the resistance of the soul, but their understanding and learning speed are also faster than normal people. These lives will turn the previously harmful things into beneficial!

But such a talent only belongs to a small group of people. Xu Sheng tried to extend this talent to everyone, but the final conclusion is that only upgraded can be produced, and it is non-inheritable.

There is no other way. Although I am disappointed, it is good news to reconcile the harm of the silk thread to the advantage.

The big sects gradually discovered these people and rushed to receive them under the door.

Although these dispositions are different, they have one thing in common: everyone is a determined generation.

Whether it is martial arts or immortal cultivation, as long as the talent is not too bad, there will be good deeds in the case of determined.

There are not many geniuses in the Huntuo race, and they have the Ninth Stage combat body and the Qingwei Dao body, and their qualifications are basically not bad.

These people with abnormal talents will grow to a sufficient height in a few hundred years.

Xu Sheng was very pleased that the vitality of an ethnic group was still strong. If the external interference factors were not too strong, they would be able to grow and thrive as long as they were given a little chance.

In the blink of an eye, several years of Shujian had passed, and Xu Sheng’s current position was still in a fuzzy area, and he was still far away from the sphere of influence of the Soulshang clan.

At this current rate, it may not be possible to span thousands of years.

His speed is still too slow.

Thousands of years, on the other side of the earth, didn’t know how long it had passed. He also thought about whether Ganjing University would treat himself as Death if he didn’t get news of own for a long time.

In the end he can only let himself not think about it.

No matter how long the road ahead, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will never give up.

In the 287th year after entering the sphere of influence of the Soulshang clan, the number of silk threads increased, but the impact on the Huntuo clan was much smaller.

He still underestimated the resilience of the human race. Although most people’s soul furnaces are not upgraded, many people have found a set of methods to deal with the silk thread through their own exploration, which can greatly increase their vision against the silk thread.

This undoubtedly greatly reduced Xu Sheng’s pressure, allowing him to solve the problems of the people with less energy.

In the 332nd year after entering the sphere of influence of the Soulshang clan, the influence of the silk thread was almost non-existent. On the contrary, it allowed countless Huntuo races to grow and exercise their will.

The unexpected situation also made Xu Sheng more pleased.

In the four hundred and thirty-seventh year after entering the sphere of influence of the Soulshang clan, a sudden discovery made Xu Sheng’s expression serious.

In the void, his figure has stopped.

Not far away, a huge but weird world is staying there…

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