Global Sage Era

Chapter 440

Chapter 436 All Realms Collapse, Trillions of Incense (1)

“The demons are here!”


The sky is breaking.

Above the sky, two huge phantoms were constantly fighting each other.

One is spherical and the other is upright.

Ordinary beings can’t see the fluctuations of their hands.

On the earth, countless lives are running and fleeing.

There are stone giants the size of a mountain, and there are also giant birds that spread their wings to cover the sky.

They were once the overlords of a land, and wherever they could see were their hunting grounds.

Thousands of years have passed, they have lived freely on their own territory, and no one can impose their own will on them.

But at this time, these former overlords fled in haste like the weak rabbit Magical Beasts.

They are just one of the members of the fleeing army.

Rabbit Magical Beasts can be regarded as one of the bottom-most creatures in the food chain on this land, as long as the beasts with a little more powerful combat power can regard them as prey.

For a long time, in order to maintain the continuity of the race, they have evolved a strong ability to reproduce. One child can give birth to more than a dozen children, two to three children a year, and it only takes one and a half years for the larvae to reach maturity.

A rabbit running on the burning ground was suddenly caught by an arm extending from above.

This is an extremely strong arm with extremely complicated patterns on it, and a strange light gleams on it from time to time, and an aura of destruction is released from it.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect to catch a meat rabbit at this time. It looks like a blessing.”

There was a heroic laughter, and the brawny man who grabbed the rabbit used his mouth, and the struggling rabbit broke its neck and lost its breath.

Several people next to the strong man also laughed and said, “But this rabbit is not enough to fill your stomach, it’s only enough for a tooth-fighting ceremony.”

This is obviously a small team. Although they are all running and their standing positions seem to have no tactics, they are actually a variant of the former Universe.

As the first formation of Xu Sheng’s exchange, the Universe Great Formation played a very important role, and in many cases laid the foundation for Xu Sheng to win.

However, as the strength of the Huntuo tribe continued to grow, the effect of the Universe was gradually unable to keep up with the war. So after that, the genius formation teachers in the Huntuo tribe began to improve. After the continuous improvement of generations of formation teachers, now Although the Universe Great Array can no longer be called the Universe Great Array, its power is many times stronger than before. Even the Martial Spirit can be called my “Universe Star Dou Great Array” in groups of several people through the week. Strong formation increases combat power.

Even in the equivalence of everything, the evaluation of the Universe Star Wars is extremely high, and it is precisely because of the appearance of this formation that Xu Sheng dispelled the idea of ​​redeeming a higher-level formation.

Since the subjects themselves can upgrade all kinds of things, he is also happy to save money here. Of course, the more important thing is that this ability of independent innovation is what he has always hoped for.

“The incense obtained in this world is one or two billion more than the previous one…but the cultivators have exchanged more things, and the incense they can accumulate in the end is estimated to be about the same as the previous one.”

Xu Sheng was still paying attention to the situation of his people while fighting against Gaia’s consciousness on the other side.

Although he thought that most of the time he would not take action and see their own good fortune, but sometimes some Martial Spirit and Nascent Soul could not help but take action when they entered the realm of death.

As a person on the road of human nature, he should have paid more attention to this point. After all, even those students on the path of sacred nature would not stand by when they see problems with high-level subjects. No, maybe they would just shoot and say. Uncertain, because from the point of view of profit, it is not easy to cultivate a Martial Spirit or Nascent Soul, and the resources consumed are measured in huge amounts.

In other words, Xu Sheng relied on the equivalence of everything, and wanted to cultivate the consciousness of his people in the early stage, and guide them on the right path from the beginning.

The students of the Sacred Path generally have this or that in the late stage, and the main factor is ‘growth by seedlings’.

The Holy Path only seeks to raise the strength of the people to the highest in the shortest possible time. Other than that, they are all secondary. Even if they are aware of the loss of their people’s potential, they will not hesitate in the slightest.

At this time, Xu Sheng’s standard comprehension of the laws of the world was about 31%.

After a hundred years of battle and growth in the previous world, the strength of the Huntuo race has also increased a lot.

However, in order to find this suitable world, he was delayed for three more years. During these three years, he encountered several 33% and 34% worlds. Such a world is not his most suitable goal, so All go around to avoid it.

Fifty-seven years.

This is the time when the Huntuo tribe entered this world.

The progress should be a little faster compared to the previous world, and now the progress of the entire world being attacked has exceeded two-thirds.

The powerful life is also much less.

But in the same way, beyond the 30% level, creatures of the hole virtual level appeared in this world.

Even if Xu Sheng blessed Yin and Kuangyuan at the beginning, it was still quite difficult for the two of them to resist this creature. Now they can barely maintain the situation. They want to defeat or even kill them head-on. It’s possible.

In this way, the pressure on Wang Fan’s body became extremely great, the two most powerful people were both involved, and the remaining powerful creatures had to be resolved by him.

Even though he is now the cultivator of the middle stage of the god of transformation, but facing the powerful creatures of the double-digit late stage of the god of transformation, he can’t fight back.

The scene was so pity that people watched it, it was not called a war at all, it was completely ravaged.

But strangely, when the late stage creatures that besieged Wang Fan wanted to leave, they were dragged back by a force, unable to leave the battlefield.

“Hugh…want to…go…”

Wang Fan’s eyes were bloodshot.

At this time, I saw a large number of filaments extending from him, and these filaments dragged dozens of late stage levels of transformation in place.

What’s weirder is that no matter what methods these creatures use, they can’t cut off this bloodshot.

“It’s also good enough.”

Xu Sheng is the person who knows the situation best. The reason why these creatures can’t cut off the bloodshot is because this bloodshot is condensed by Wang Fan with his life!

In other words, unless he is killed, the bloodshot cannot be cut off at all!

This is a desperate trick.

The reason why Xu Sheng didn’t stop it was because he had already seen that this was also an opportunity for Xu Sheng to advance to the late stage.

Perhaps it was a relationship experienced by the Practitioner. Although Wang Fan has become a cultivator, he can still see a strong shadow of the Practitioner when he fights with people.

Even speaking, if he only talks about fighting this aspect, he is even more pure than Yin.

Because of his identity, Yin has inevitably learned some miscellaneous subjects. Although they are not proficient, they can be regarded as understanding.

The Taoism that Wang Fan himself learned was related to fighting, and all the Taoism he created were related to increasing his own damage.

But since Wang Fan had such a will, Xu Sheng would naturally not stop it.

He is only guiding the people, not deciding their fate, just like when Yin chose to burn his life during the college entrance examination, he didn’t stop it too much (although he couldn’t stop it).

“I hope you can go further.”

Xu Sheng looked forward to Wang Fan even more. Compared with Yin and the others, Wang Fan’s start was undoubtedly the worst, but now, even Transcendent’s claims are not as good as his aptitude and luck.

Of course, the declaration itself is not very bad. It is also the Cultivation Base of the Martial King middle stage, and the road towards the late stage is also rapid.

In the past 57 years, four Martial Spirit Dzogchen and two Nascent Soul Dzogchen advanced.

The Huntuo race now has twenty-nine people at the level of Martial King.

There is no reason that the accumulation is enough now, and the power of the Huntuo human race begins to explode.

At the same time, the advancement brought by the war is faster than usual. Up to now, the number of Nascent Soul Dzogchen and Martial Spirit Dzogchen has not decreased, but has increased significantly.

The advancement of Martial Spirit and Nascent Soul is naturally not without danger, 100%.

In fact, so far, most of the people who chose breakthrough have failed. The failure is usually a direct death. The loss of the Cultivation Base is a good ending.

So behind the success of nine people are the failures of dozens of hundreds of people.

Not a single failed subject appeared in Xu Sheng’s heart, especially when he was able to see whether he succeeded or not, but he couldn’t stop him from suffering even more.

But even if he doesn’t choose breakthrough, he has experienced many such scenes in the past. After all, the life span of a thousand years accounts for one-third of the current existence of the Huntuo race. Even if many people are afraid of breaking through and losing their lives, it’s because of the limit. Arrival also had to fight to the death.

There are few people like the Huntuo race, most of them have hard work, and the strength of the race that is constantly ascending makes them unwilling to choose to keep Realm for safety.


A blood line extending from Wang Fan shattered.

The creature on the opposite side immediately let out an excited laugh. It turned around and wanted to leave here. The other existence was enough to destroy the big demon in front of it. It was the most correct way to go to other battlefields.

But it does not know that its break free does not mean freedom!

Waiting for it will be Death!

“Ho ho ho ho…”

The surrounding area seemed to have turned into blood, and based on the broken bloodline, the extremely rich Blood Qi exuded.

‘Blood Alchemy! ’

A powerful Taoism born out of the evil way!

Created by Wang Fan’s killing in a hundred years!

Although this law is not an evil way, because the source is evil, a strong evil style can be felt on it.

Even if the aura that exudes is grand and grand, people who see this scene will definitely be shocked and rush back!


Wang Fan raised his head, and the striped road flashed on his face.

It is extremely fascinating to reflect him!

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