Global Sage Era

Chapter 428

Chapter 424: I’m Looking At Your Back

What is he doing now?

Did you go to an extraterritorial battlefield to do a mission again?

A person can be lonely sometimes…

“Lin Rui, I’m out for dinner.”

Just as Su Linrui was sitting by the window in a daze, her mother’s shout awakened her.


She hurriedly responded, the unprovoked panic on her face disappeared, she got up from her seat

In the living room, Su’s father and Su’s mother were communicating in a low voice.

“Lin Lin has been in a daze for the past few days when she came back. What’s wrong with you?” Father Su was a little frown. He wanted to help his daughter share the sorrow, or comfort her, but he never did. What effect.

Su’s mother’s mind is much more delicate than her husband’s, and the mother and daughter are more thoughtful, so she said with some speculation: “I think it might be…”

At this point, I didn’t say the next few words, but Su’s father raised his head in shock.

His thoughts turned a few times in his mind. He didn’t think about it before, so he was a little confused about his daughter’s state, but now when he thinks about it, everything makes sense.

“Hey, I think it might be a problem in this area, and it’s normal, after all, my daughter is older.”

There was a strange feeling in Father Su’s heart, but more of it was still happy.

This earth is different from Xu Sheng’s last life. The sooner you can determine the dao companion, the better, and you can support each other’s development when you are in college.

There is no need to rush to get married, but to make sure the relationship is good, at least they all agree.

But Father Su thought again, this is not right, if the daughter is in love, it will definitely not look like this, a bit like…unrequited love!

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at his wife, and found that his wife’s expression was also a little helpless, and then his eyes opened up: “Who, my daughter likes him, he dare not agree with him.”

Su’s mother rolled her eyes, “You keep your voice down, maybe your daughter didn’t tell others, and care about others.”

“I don’t care, my daughter is so good, if that kid dares not agree, I have to go up and break his leg!”

“Why are you breaking someone else’s leg?”

“In this way, when Lin Rui is chasing him, he can’t run away.”

Just as Mother Su’s eyes were closed, she couldn’t help but roll it over again, and she was guilty of her own man’s ‘illness’ again.

“Speak down, don’t let Lin Rui…”

“Dad, whose leg are you going to break?”

Su Linrui just walked down the stairs and looked at Own’s parents curiously.

The couple looked at each other and closed their mouths decisively.

“It’s okay, your dad happened to meet a more difficult alien race in the past two days, and he was about to break his leg.” Mother Su said without changing her face.

“Oh.” Su Linrui didn’t think much, nodded.

She went to the own seat and picked up a bowl to eat.

The husband and wife watched their daughter eating, but they did not move their chopsticks.

Su Linrui found something wrong after eating a few mouthfuls of dinner. She was still a little absent-minded just now, so she didn’t pay attention to the situation at first.

“Dad…Mom…what are you doing looking at me like this?”

Su Linrui’s voice was very small, and she didn’t know why she reacted like this, she just felt her heart beating fast.

“Ahem, Linlin, did you encounter something at school? You can talk to mom and dad about everything.” Su’s mother tongue is very gentle.

Su’s father listened a little anxiously. The two of them had discussed with the Sage panel just now, and decided to clarify the matter and ask them. Anyway, there is nothing left to say.

Su Linrui said strangely: “I didn’t encounter anything in school, everything is normal.”

In the first semester of the freshman year, Su Linrui’s strength Ascension was a bit higher than the standard line. Although it has not yet reached the standard of the top pick, the gap has narrowed a lot.

“Forget it, Mom and Dad don’t want to betray you anymore, just want to ask you…Do you have someone you like?”

Cang Dang.

The bowl in Su Linrui’s palm fell on the table.

The thoughts were so straightforwardly pierced that the girl felt a little at a loss.

“You…what are you talking about, I am now thinking about the strength of Ascension, which… how can I have time to think about it.”

She explained in a flustered manner, her words became a little stammered.

Okay, now it’s totally certain.

The couple glanced at each other, and they knew from the daughter’s reaction that now the daughter really had a favorite in her heart.

“What’s that person’s name? Where is he from? What is his personality?”

Su’s mother asked in a soft voice. They were all people who walked the holy path, and there was no need to be so circumspect.

Su Linrui was silent for a moment. She knew that she was indeed too obvious these days. She had always had a fluke mentality before, thinking that her parents hadn’t noticed it, but now it seems that she can’t hide such an abnormality.

But she couldn’t control it herself, and she clearly told herself not to think about it, but that figure would always appear in her mind.

“he is…”

With Su Linrui’s quiet narration, the couple’s hearts gradually got a general impression.

“Wait… this name seems familiar…”

Father Su frowned, searching his own memory.

“I also seem to have heard this name somewhere.” Su Mu is in the same situation.

Suddenly, the two of them almost simultaneously remembered who this person was.

“Is that the one who is hailed as the first genius since the founding of Qianjing University?”

When she heard her parents say so, Su Linrui showed a blush on her face, and then nodded gently.


Su’s father felt a little pain somewhere, and he immediately understood why his daughter’s excellence is still in this situation these days, even if his daughter is the best in his eyes, but for that kind of enchanting…

The husband and wife couldn’t say what they had originally prepared. Originally, their idea was that no matter who the daughter liked, they would encourage her to chase after her, but if it was not possible, they would still be able to do something later.

But now this situation is a bit troublesome.

“In short, no matter who you like, we support it. Now you are still young, even if you fail in the end, it’s okay. Dao companion depends on fate.”

Su Linrui nodded silently, she thought so in her heart.

Now she didn’t say her own mind, maybe in that piece of wood, she was just a good friend.

Every time she thinks about this, she feels a bit wronged and angry, and can’t help but want to punch that guy twice.

But when I saw it, all that was left was happiness.


The wristband shook suddenly.

Su Linrui lifted up and looked at it, and the sad expression on her face was immediately replaced by surprise.

She got up from her seat almost reflexively, turned around and wanted to go back to the room to change clothes.

But as soon as I stood up, I thought of something, and my face suddenly turned red.

The husband and wife are both from here, so how can I not know who sent the news.

“Go go, don’t worry about us.”

After seeing his daughter change clothes and go out as quickly as possible, Father Su said in a sigh, “My daughter is big.”

At the entrance of Xiaoyaojin, Xu Sheng looked at the pedestrians in the past, looking for the face he was familiar with.

Thinking of the information he had just received, he couldn’t help but show a smile on his face.

Originally worried that Su Linrui didn’t have time, but she didn’t expect that she would be free too.

Ten minutes later, Xu Sheng saw the beautiful figure in the distance, and he waved to greet him.

“long time no see.”

When he walked in front of him, he said with a smile.

Su Linrui suddenly stood still on the spot. Just as Xu Cheng was a little confused, she chuckled out: “It’s been a long time.”

In fact, it has been so long, and it has only been more than 20 days.

Of course, hundreds of years have passed in Xu Sheng’s senses, so it’s really a long time.

But in Su Linrui’s feelings, it was indeed a long time.

The two walked side by side on the road in front of Xiaoyaojin. The last time they walked like this was in September.

At that time, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension was only a few tenths of a point, and he didn’t expect that in just more than four months, his own law comprehension was close to 36%, which has doubled hundreds of times.

“What are you gaining in the endless return to the market this time? I feel that the aura in you seems to be a lot stronger.” Su Linrui asked curiously.

“It’s a gain.” Xu Sheng gave a general overview of his own experience.

At first, Su Linrui was still listening very carefully, but when she got to the back, her mouth was slightly open and she couldn’t close it.

“You mean, your current law comprehension is close to 36%?”

Even if Su Linrui has thought about Xu Sheng’s current strength, she must have a lot of Ascension, but she never thought about it from 22% to 36%.

Naturally, she was happy for Xu Sheng, but at the same time she was a little depressed…The joy that the original law comprehension had finally reached 3% was gone, and the gap between herself and him was getting bigger and bigger.

Thinking of what her parents said to herself just now at home, she inevitably felt a sense of inferiority in her heart.

The man next to him, although he looks very indifferent all the time, but the record he has set all the time surpasses everyone. He is like a star that exudes light, so dazzling.

Standing next to him, it was just an ordinary little Planet no matter how bleak it was.

The restless heart suddenly settled down.

She looked up at Xu Sheng’s profile, and said softly: “I’m so happy for you, I wish you a half-holy soon.”

“I borrow your good words.” Xu Sheng laughed, he didn’t think much, his eyes swept over the surrounding shops, feeling the peace of mind he hadn’t seen for a long time.

There are familiar environments, familiar people, and familiar dialects.

Everything is so comfortable for him.

This is a completely different feeling from being in Qianjing University and being in an extraterritorial battlefield.

Only then did he understand how ridiculous his own idea was before.

Su Linrui did not speak. She felt the change in Xu Sheng’s mood. She gradually forgot about other things, with a soft smile on her face.

That’s good too, isn’t it?

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