Global Sage Era

Chapter 421

Chapter 417 I Said It Was A Coincidence, Do You Believe It?


Is someone calling me?

Xu Sheng turned his gaze somewhat puzzled.

At the same time he turned his head, the Heart of Rules had fallen asleep on his ‘throat’ and entered his abdomen.

Afterwards, a lot of sentiment appeared in his heart, and the comprehension of the law began to surging violently.

It is hard to imagine that after experiencing such a big Ascension, his current law comprehension can still Ascension at such a rapid speed.

In fact, the way to maximize the effect of the Heart of Rules is to wait for a while before absorbing it, but Xu Sheng is now anxious to increase the Ascension of the rules to more than 35%, so he can’t control that much.

Everything that happened in Endless Return Market could not be concealed from the Sages of Qianjing University.

So when the five-member group saw Xu Sheng’s current situation, even though they were hated and mad and wanted to interrupt his law comprehension Ascension on the spot, they did not dare.

If they do, their lightest punishment will be abolished Cultivation Base.

Humans hate things like shooting behind the scenes. In history, there was a true saint who made a sneak attack when another true saint was Realm Ascension because of his personal desires, causing the death of the other person.

At that time, there was a long debate about how to punish this true sage, and many people thought that it should be made to commit crimes and meritorious service. After all, the human race is now very lacking in combat power, and a true sage can play a big role in the frontal battlefield.

But the final result was that Sheng Nie shot himself, raising his palm to kill this true saint.

The true sage is considered powerful in the entire universe. This true sage who was killed by Nie Sheng is actually stronger than the three true sages of Qianjing University in terms of strength, but he does not have the slightest ability to resist in front of the most sage. , In the end can only die in fear.

A true saint can’t avoid the fate of Death. After this, unless there is that kind of iron and heart, no one will dare to do this again, which naturally gives the rest of the human race a lot of safety.

As for buying a murderer, there is no such thing. If the person who attacked has no blood feud with the person who was attacked, Sage will focus on the investigation, and then find out the mastermind behind.

The 35% ‘threshold’ was thus crossed, and Xu Sheng’s law comprehension quickly reached 35.54%. At this time, only half of the energy of the Heart of Rules was consumed. If it continues, another percentage point of Ascension should be no problem.

However, Xu Sheng did not continue this process, just let the heart of rule exist in own body in its current state.

His purpose of doing this is naturally to maximize the effect in the future. He couldn’t control the Ascension just now, and it was already like this when he could control it.

At this time, Xu Sheng finally had time to pay attention to the new ‘uninvited guests’.

I was seen by others while I was in Ascension, so I was naturally a little embarrassed.

But what is even more embarrassing is that he already wants to understand everything through cause and effect.

After all, his thoughts are already moving extremely fast now, and the five people in front of him appear here, and the expression of own is too obvious.

In addition, it also explained some of the doubts he had always had, such as why some signs did not seem to be left by only one person, and that the layer of stone did not look like it was naturally generated.

Looking at the five people on the opposite side, Xu Sheng thought for a while and said innocently: “…I said this is a coincidence, do you believe it?”

“Ha ha.”

All five of them squeezed out a smile abruptly.


That’s a coincidence! have to! very! what!

Xu Sheng was also helpless, he really didn’t lie, it was really a coincidence.

Who knows such a coincidence, this thing is left by the five of you.

No, you can’t say that.

He had also considered that some of this super giant world was discovered by these five people, but in the end, they absolutely couldn’t do this step with their strength.

Also, leaving a world on the way to Gensokyo, Ascension’s strength is not logical.

strictly speaking.

There are indeed some luck factors for Xu Sheng to get the heart of rules, and some factors that rob these five people’s chances.

But things like treasures don’t mean whoever finds them belongs to him.

Now the facts are clear. These five people tried once, but in the end they didn’t get the rules.

Then when I came, the heart of rules came to own, and it could only be said that this was own luck.

But at the same time, Xu Sheng also knew very well that these five people would not listen to own’s defense at all.

The atmosphere on both sides became very weird.

Xu Sheng is still a little uncomfortable considering the friendship at the school.

The five-member group completely regarded Xu Sheng as an enemy, a villain who took away his chance!

From their point of view, the two sides had a jail before, and Xu Sheng knew that they were looking for something, but now it happens to be a little bit in front of them to get the rule of mind out, all for them. The bamboo basket was empty!

Indeed, no matter how you look at it… Xu Sheng’s behavior seems to be deliberate.

Even a little bit of conspiracy theory, can be regarded as Xu Sheng following them, secretly watching the super giant world in his eyes, and then immediately go to Gensokyo to own power Ascension, and then get the opportunity first.

If it wasn’t for Xu Sheng to be the person involved, he might have believed it!

“Xu Sheng, I can feel that you have not digested all of the rules. If you spit out the rest and make up for the loss you digested, we can leave it alone.”

The captain of the five-man team looked at Xu Sheng with cold eyes. Now it is useless to be angry. The wisest choice is to see if he can recover a little loss.

In terms of comparative strength, although Xu Sheng is strong and his law comprehension has surpassed them, there are five of them here, and self-confidence can be suppressed!

Not to mention the people, Xu Sheng’s previous law comprehension was only 22%, how strong can people of this level be? Even if their people suffered heavy injuries in previous battles, and they are far from regaining their vitality, they are more than enough to deal with.

Although the human race prohibits cannibalism, it does not prohibit proper ‘signs’.

For example, when encountering contradictions, it is normal to resolve the contradiction through competition among the people.

Although Xu Sheng is a freshman and they are a junior, but the strength of the two sides is unaware, even if they make a move, the school can’t say that they are bullying the small.

The five people’s thoughts can be said to be the same. They have teamed up with each other for more than a year. There is not much communication at all, and they all know what to do next.

They all looked at Xu Sheng with the same eyes. To be precise, they were staring at Xu Sheng, as if they were about to burn his body with their eyes and take the Heart of Rules out of Xu Sheng’s body.

If it were before entering Gensokyo, Xu Sheng might feel extremely pressured to face such five people.

But now, the five people who are not as strong as own are looking at them with hatred, no matter how fierce they behave, they can’t have any influence on them.

Xu Sheng was also very clear about the other party’s plan at this moment, so he put away the smile on his face and was ready to fight at any time.

As for what the guy on the other side said to spit out the heart of the rules and make up for it, what a joke!

He discovered the Heart of Rules, and the super giant world is not anyone’s private property!

The eyes of the two sides met in the void, and a large number of electric sparks were born.

Void electricity has become a reality at this moment!

“Xu Sheng is that you don’t know good or bad, don’t blame us!”

The captain of the five-person team grinned, and his lanky figure suddenly became bigger at this moment.

Although the size of his body does not represent the strength of his strength, as his body grows larger, his aura is indeed climbing upwards.

At the same time, the other four people also made various actions, and their breath was also rising.

“Although I rarely fight human races, it doesn’t mean I will be afraid!”

A sharp light appeared in Xu Sheng’s eyes.

From high school to the present, he has played against the human race only a handful of times.

In the current situation, apart from the previous sneak attack, I have never encountered it again!

The Wudao consciousness suppressed it, and wanted to suppress Xu Sheng’s consciousness in the most violent way.

They think Own is strong enough, and Xu Sheng just started ascension after all, and the foundation is not strong yet, and there is no way to resist.

But what surprised them was that under their pressure, Xu Sheng’s consciousness was as solid as steel. Even if the consciousness of the five of them were united, they could not shake this consciousness!

“This is impossible!”

The voices of the five people sounded in each other’s minds, and the development in front of them was different from what they had imagined. They couldn’t figure out how a person with just Ascension strength could condense the consciousness like this!

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