Global Sage Era

Chapter 410

Chapter 406

In Gensokyo.

Huntuo Minor World has returned to Xu Sheng’s heart position and has become a close one with Xu Sheng.

The dream bubble where I was just now still exists, and an entire universe is contained in it, and there are countless civilizations in it.

Just like the previous wars between earth civilization and Zerg civilization, similar wars are happening all over the universe at the same time.

Each dream bubble is about the same size as Xu Sheng’s, but it contains a lot of things.

“Small and Big…”

He has a lot of insights in his heart, and the period of life he has experienced reminds him of a lot of things.

By this time, Xu Sheng had vaguely felt that his Ascension in Gensokyo was approaching its limit.

I have already understood so many laws of Ascension, in terms of Ascension’s magnitude, it has surpassed everyone.

As long as he has a firm belief and thinks that only a short time has passed when he goes out, then he will definitely set a new record.

Naturally it is a fancy name, but this is also like an achievement, and gaining can also get a great sense of satisfaction.

For so many Sages in history, if their achievements in the same period are surpassed by him, so much own confidence is also a great enhancement. Even if Xu Sheng is determined, he still wants to see that his own dedication can be rewarded.

“I’m now starting to find a way to escape Gensokyo, otherwise as the time trapped here grows, even if I tell myself that time has only passed shortly, the subconscious will refute this…”

Human subconsciousness is very difficult to control. If the time spent in Gensokyo is not long, like now, Xu Sheng can tell himself from the inside out that it was yesterday or even the last moment that he came to Gensokyo.

But if you experience a lot of things here, and a lot of past memories are blurred, you will naturally feel that a long time has passed. This is a human instinct, even if you become Sage, you can’t avoid it, unless you change The own consciousness is completely formatted and is not affected by external factors.

But there is a paradox here. If you completely format your consciousness, you will also lose the ability to imagine. After entering this Gensokyo, nothing but a dead silence will appear in front of you. Not to mention the understanding of Ascension’s own laws. It feels like a waste of time to stay here for a while.

Although the area of ​​Gensokyo is very large, at Xu Sheng’s speed, it doesn’t take much time to cover the entire area.

He walked in from where he was, and everything passing by was a dream bubble.

Countless worlds are ups and downs before his eyes, but it can’t bring him much touch.

No matter how touching stories are happening in these dream bubbles, he is just a passerby and cannot have any resonance.

Just like now, when recalling the universe of the previous universe, Xu Sheng can’t leave too many memories.

In that bubble, the area was obviously so big, but the area where the Huntuo people eventually moved was only two river systems.

There are so many civilizations in the entire Universe, with infinite demeanor, if the Huntuo people continue to contact, there will definitely be more changes.

But Xu Sheng finally chose to let the Huntuo people “leave without saying goodbye”. Efficiency is a very important word. In that universe, the Huntuo people can always have Ascension, but if he changes other methods, Ascension will only be faster.

The most precious nature of earth civilization to the Huntuo tribe is the thinking of doing things, which cannot be brought by any Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

A new route will bring people a lot of thinking. Xu Sheng can conclude that in the next time, more Martial Kings will appear in the Huntuo tribe, and even new gods will appear on the cultivator side.

In the process of Nascent Soul and Martial Spirit breakthrough, a lot of thinking about the essence of the universe is required. Although they are still not aware of it, Xu Sheng can help them pave the way.

However, he is very cautious even if it is paving the way. Similar practices are mixed in the human race. Optimistic people think that this can speed up the growth of the people, while pessimistic people think that this will damage the potential of the people, just like oviparous animals. When it comes out of the eggshell, humans give help.

Xu Sheng feels that both of these arguments make sense. He chose a more compromised approach, that is, to give a certain amount of assistance and help without affecting the potential.

But this kind of route does not mean that it is correct. Perhaps this kind of non-influence is just your subjective belief that when you make this move, you have already caused bad results.

Cultivating people is indeed a too complicated process. Compared with that, Xu Sheng is a little envious that they can continuously improve their strength with just a Cultivation Technique.

He has thought many times, if there are such methods in the human race, through simple cultivation, you can maintain the strength of Ascension, then how good is it?

But how can this kind of thing happen?

Regardless of the fact that the strength of these saints is very rough, the progress is different, but the changes in strength are very different.

This is one step from a mortal cultivation to the level of semi-sage!

The span is so large that it is unimaginable for other races. To achieve this step, they need to go through countless transformations, and countless people of the same race will fail and turn to ashes in the process.

It is the unique advantage of Human Race.

In fact, Ascension Minor World is the ‘cultivation Cultivation Technique’ of the Human Race, but this cultivation skill is too difficult, and all aspects must be considered.

“Huh? Why has Gensokyo become more and more intense recently?”

Outside the entrance of Gensokyo, the caretaker looked at it with some doubts. In his line of sight, Gensokyo was actually a fog area with varying concentrations. In addition to being able to feel that the fog area was full of Mental Energy, there were more Actually can’t feel it.

Even if he is the caretaker, he still has no way of knowing what the people who enter it are going through.

But he can see the changes in these fog.

Fog is always flowing, according to the usual practice, they will move at a gentle rate throughout the Gensokyo area.

Of course, there are also times when this law is broken. When people with extraordinary aptitude and too rapid strength appear, the flow of these mists will become faster.

In fact, everyone in it will affect the flow of the fog, but most people have the same strength ascension, and their influence on the fog is minimal, and it can’t cover its own laws. On the surface, there is no Any changes.

He has guarded this area for more than a hundred years (earth time), and he has seen a powerful genius come out from here, and many of them have become high sages or even true sages at this time.

When the fluctuations were the most intense, the fog seemed to have occurred in a riot, gathering somewhere in it.

After someone from the same period came out, they all frowned and narrated that when they were in it, they felt a sense of being involved in their thinking, which was very uncomfortable.

The caretaker naturally knows that this is because it has been affected. Gensokyo is an area of ​​thinking, and the power of thinking can affect each other. Some people who are too other people will affect people around them when their strength is rapid. It is actually understandable. The energy that was originally evenly distributed was robbed by the strong, so that those weak and small could not even reach the standard share, and naturally felt uncomfortable.

But naturally he wouldn’t say such a fact. The true sage of the school had already explained it, and there are things that don’t need to be known.

Not long after, other guards also discovered this situation.

“Is it Xu Sheng? Only he can cause such a big movement, right?”

“I think it is likely to be him, but it may also be other people. After all, there are many geniuses who have entered this time, and a few of them are also well-known for a long time.”

“The geniuses of the human race are endless. You and me have been here for a long time, but they only saw a glimmer of hope.”

“Hey, what’s the use of this? It’s incomparable.”

These guards naturally admire the human race in their hearts.

It was a torment to watch the extremely weak human races grow at an extremely fast speed, and their strength surpassed themselves before they could react.

Especially seeing the barrier of the holy realm that is almost impossible for them to cross, and the human race has crossed it so and so, and I feel a deep unfairness.

If they are allowed to choose, each of them will choose to become a human race. Unfortunately, such a method does not exist.

Countless races are studying how to make themselves a human race, but the final attempts have failed one by one.

For this reason, they once stolen the human life factors, let these factors take root in their own world, and cultivated a lot of mundane lives. There are so many worlds containing human races in the world today, and a large part of the reason is this.

However, because of the strength of the human race, most races will not go too far, even if it is far away from the human race, the race that wants to destroy the human race will not dare to do so.

After all, once the human race is angered, no one can face the thunderous fury of the human race.

The system that has been made and fired should be the god system. In their long-term experiments, they found that the human race is the best source of Ascension’s strength, so they transformed the gods, herded these human races in the own body world, and harvested their beliefs.

The earth naturally cannot tolerate this kind of existence, but although the overall strength of this deity system is not strong, it is only similar to that of the Terror Race, but their ability to continue the system is too strong. As long as a seed is emitted, the seed will soon bloom. As a result, it spreads at a staggering speed. As long as it spreads to the world, their world will be contaminated with the belief system.

There are also some traces of faith on the earth… Obviously this is also affected by some.

The complete elimination of the deity system is also a goal of the efforts of the human sages.

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