Global Sage Era

Chapter 401

Chapter 397 The Third Type of Contact

The Huntuo people living in Minor World did not feel the change in their position.

Space is deceptive.

At the level of mundane life, the position changes in the universe will not make them feel any sense, even if the most powerful of them, such as Yin and Kuang Yuan, are already at the level of the Martial King, they are still the same.

Yin is still developing Buddhism. As the person who talks about Buddhism, his speed of developing congregation is not fast, and he can only develop one every few years or so.

So far, even his three apprentices, not all of them have joined the teachings.

Because of his fighting ability and his suitable character, Wang Fan has been drawn in by him, while Yuhua and Qianmin are more focused on pill refining and refining, so he is not ready to disturb them.

But on this day, Kuang Yuan, who was dealing with state affairs, frowned.

He carefully examined the memorial in his hand.

Immediately, he laughed.

“Interesting, did you enter Minor World without our knowledge?”

When he arrived in his current Realm, he naturally knew that the world he was in had a world barrier, and it was this barrier that protected them from the rootless wind outside.

The past nearly two thousand years of history has also proved this point. No creature has ever passed the world barrier without disturbing them.

But yesterday this situation was broken.

According to a county magistrate below, they caught an outsider.

Specifically, only this outsider took the initiative to send it to the door…

He dropped from the sky on a strange flying object, crushing many buildings.

When he was surrounded by people, he still looked at the treasure on his face, but soon the surprise and excitement on his face turned into panic.

Dahuang’s martial arts style is growing, let alone a county. Even a small village with only a few dozen households still has a Martial Master level in it.

In the county seat, Martial Spirit is not uncommon.

The combat power is equivalent to the Martial Spirit in the Gold Core period, which is considered powerful in most low-energy worlds.

This time I’m in the world of ancient warrior mecha. Although its civilization level has fifth-level, its body cultivator is no more than Nascent Soul. Normally, it is not bad for individual explorers to have the strength of Foundation Building. Yes, and even more daring, maybe it’s just Qi Sea realm’s strength that dares to come out.

These adventurers, whose strength is only around the Qi Sea realm, generally do not have a high social status in earth civilization. The only reason they come out is to find a new resource planet.

Once they find such a planet, their class will be flown on immediately. There have been many examples of this in the past.

But for the population base of tens of trillions of earth civilizations, the probability is still too small.

At the moment, the first earth civilization adventurer to break into Huntuo Minor World will naturally think that he is lucky.

Especially when he saw that there was a legacy of their human race on this planet, he was even more ecstatic. The moment he landed on this planet, he even thought about how to enter and leave the upper class in the future.

But soon reality shattered his fantasy.

Where is the treasure house at your fingertips here! It is a fierce beast!

Oh my God, why is every breath here so powerful, he even felt a few breaths no less than Gold Core…

Kuang Yuan officially saw this human race different from the Huntuo race.

He carefully looked at the people in front of him who had been sealed with mobility. They only had a life span of forty or fifty, but they could have the strength of the Martial Master late stage, which was pretty impressive-this evaluation criterion was naturally not the Huntuo human race.

He has seen too many races in the past two thousand years, and has formed a set of own judgments.

“Where are you from?”

Kuang Yuan asked directly, and the words he uttered were the official language of the Earth Federation.

The Spiritual Sense of Martial King is extremely powerful, and learning a language is just a matter of blinking an eye for them.

Xu Sheng is no stranger to it. Along the way, he has seen enough powerful Practitioners who can learn the lingua franca in an instant.

Although for them, learning language is just a matter of indoctrination, but it is always a foreign object, and it is not done on their own strength.

If you follow the pure technological route, you will naturally not care about this, but their earth civilization is not. Each of them cultivates Kungfu and also advocates power.

Everyone at the top is eager to break through the highest Realm. Since the first cultivator of Realm has been released for hundreds of years, it has never appeared again.

“I come from Bihe Star. It is located in the 34th dimension of the Big Spring. It is a resource star for the development of animal husbandry.”

Xu Sheng can be said to answer all questions, and the answers are all true. He is too aware of the powerful methods of cultivator. He is good to be obedient. Once he is found to be false in speech, it is very likely that The next moment will be Be killed.

He still has more than a hundred years of life to enjoy, and his family is still waiting for him to return. He doesn’t want to lose his precious life just because of an expedition.

Kuang Yuan doesn’t know what is better than the river star, what the big spring is, but his face did not show it, he just nodded faintly, and then hummed slightly.

Next, he asked some questions to roughly figure out the situation.

After knowing how big this’world’ is, Kuang Yuan’s face that has not changed emotions finally appeared shocked.

Every planet is as big as Minor World, and such a planet is almost infinite in the entire so-called Universe?

Indeed, when ordinary beings first realize the breadth of the universe, they will inevitably be shocked.

Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, who were listening in the Great Hall, were equally shocked. They hadn’t seen huge areas in the past. Some of them were thousands of times larger than the Huntuo World, but compared to the so-called Universe. It pales in comparison again.

Xu Sheng was taken away, not in the kind of detention for prisoners, but in a kind of house arrest.

He did not do any harm when he came to Minor World. It can also be used as a news channel to understand the earth’s civilization, so as to soothe his emotions, and then call it when he needs it.

Without much hesitation, Kuang Yuan directly informed Yin of the news.

After hearing this, Yin was slightly surprised and said: “This earth civilization is in such a huge world? Then their resources…”

Kuang Yuan shook his head and said, “There should not be many resources available for us. I asked them about the power level of cultivator and Practitioner. They are still at a very low level. If the resources are sufficient, this can’t be the case.”

Yin nodded. He wanted to understand this since he said this sentence, but now he is curious about this earth civilization. From Kuang Yuan’s narrative, he already knows that this is a world completely different from theirs.

“Otherwise, you and I will check the situation first, because they are both human races and there is no need to meet directly in life and death.”

Kuang Yuan thought for a while when he heard the words, and then he nodded happily, “This is a good method. You and I have not joined forces for a long time.”

Yin smiled when he heard the words, now is different from the past, both of them are now in high status, and every move involves countless people’s minds.

Yin and Kuangyuan walked silently.

Even their disciples don’t know.

It is normal for the two of them to not show up for more than ten years in the Realm.

Not all of them are for the purpose of keeping secrets. It is just a case of accidentally hitting in by mistakes like Xu Sheng, and it is impossible for a second person to come over in a short period of time.

I just don’t think it is necessary, and there is no time for such a big world to be known to everyone.

Recently, the impetuous wind in the Huntuo race has been on the rise, and many people are doing everything they can to improve the strength of Realm.

It’s very common to cultivate things like evil, besides, there are also some who use all kinds of strange methods to cultivate. Their purpose is to higher status. For this reason, even if they use crooked ways, they don’t hesitate.

Both Yin and Kuangyuan have repeatedly banned this, which has become a very common situation in the Huntuo race.

The two left in the spaceship when Xu Sheng came.

This is a low-level civilian spacecraft, but since it is made in the fifth-level civilization, it couldn’t be easier to travel faster than light.

This speed surprised both of them.

“That’s right.”

Xu Sheng, who was not far away, smiled. Although he never issued a heavenly order from the beginning to the end, he actually directed the whole thing.

It is too easy for him to influence his judgment for a common life who only has the strength during the Qi training period.

It is too easy to affect mechanical objects like spacecraft.

Otherwise, how could he be met soon after he put Huntuo Minor World here?

He had planned Yin and Kuangyuan’s itinerary a long time ago. The thoughts he turns every second are counted in hundreds of millions. For the life of the universe, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an omniscient and omnipotent god.

“Next is your contact with the earth civilization leader… This leader is not a simple character.”

Xu Sheng muttered to himself, regarding their meeting, he also conceived many possibilities.

This civilized leader of the earth is a woman, currently only forty-two years old.

This can be said to be an incredible thing.

In terms of the ability to manage the country, Kuang Yuan has too much to learn from her, and this is Xu Sheng’s purpose.

The efficient operation of modern society is a very important point. Dahuang is still a feudal system, and the two cannot be compared at all.

Later, Xu Sheng also thought about letting Dahuang transition into modern society.

But modern society has a very bad shortcoming… His ancestor’s position will become awkward.

Modern society does not advocate the myth of a certain person, so it is easy for people to feel dependent.

Xu Sheng himself is a member of modern society and naturally has a deep understanding.

But when it comes to developing people… the feudal system is indeed the best.

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