Global Sage Era

Chapter 385

Chapter 381

This is a vast world. Looking around, there is no end in sight within thousands of miles.

In this world, there are hundreds of millions of people in Life. They are physically strong and spirited.

There are a variety of spirit creatures and spirit beasts that survive, and some have powerful talents and supernatural powers, which can automatically increase their strength as their lifespan grows.

There are all kinds of mysterious wonders.

The most central area is a huge empire. The leader of the empire is very talented and in his prime of life. The promulgation of various laws and regulations keeps the entire country running in an orderly manner.

Occasionally there are chaotic sects, but as soon as the heads of these sects changed, they were dealt with by the buried dark child, and in the end not even a spray was revealed.

In terms of appearance and temperament, the humans of this world are taller, and their temperaments are more natural. This allows them to absorb Spiritual Qi much faster than ordinary humans.

【Body of Naling】

A relatively good system is a kind of talent, and there is a small chance of awakening during normal development.

However, the situation in this Minor World should not be such a small chance, because it would take tens of thousands of years for everyone in this world to have this system.

At the moment this situation is undoubtedly the application of the blood card.

The blood card can be said to be the most advanced type of card. At first, it is a single type, and then to multiple players, then one generation, two generations, and three generations. The highest level is a permanent talent.

The talent provided by the blood card is also divided by quality.

The body of Naling is considered a small best in the elementary level. There is almost no way to obtain such a card in the early stage, and it can only be bestowed by making contributions.

The function of the body of the spirit is to have an effect on any system, because its own function is to increase the absorption speed of Spiritual Qi and accelerate the growth rate of strength.

Therefore, if the effect of the body of the spirit is removed, the development time of the world in front of you will be at most thousands of years.

In just a few thousand years, Minor World and its people can be developed to such a scale, and the qualifications of its ancestors are absolutely terrifying.

Even the people in the champion class of Qianjing University are far inferior to this one!

Even Xiao Feng Fang Su and the others are absolutely inferior in strength.

If defined according to the standards of Qianjing University, it is probably between freshman and sophomore.

Even those in the champion class, Minor World is not as good as the one in front of me, but compared to the sophomores, it is a lot worse.

First of all, although the human race in this world is strong, the strength of adult individuals is not that strong. Second, the number of cultivators is very small, obviously because the inheritance time is relatively short.

“The next step should be to focus on the cultivation of high-level subjects… If I finish searching the place I found, I should be able to obtain enough resources!”

Lu Yuan looked at his own subjects, and various plans appeared in his mind.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but compare with that guy in his mind. The last time he heard about him was more than half a month ago. At that time, he heard that his law comprehension has reached a high level, and I don’t know if he has caught up with him now. Some.

After coming to Luyuan University, he passed a series of tests and finally won the highest number of training places. The school has poured into him not knowing how many resources, and his growth rate of strength has broken all records since the establishment of the school. Even many sophomores are not his opponents!

He was somewhat satisfied with this, but he didn’t dare to slack off either, because he knew that in the other school, his own friends were also rapidly Ascension.

Consciousness broke away from own Minor World, and Lu Yuan returned to his ontological consciousness.

Only then did he discover that he was not in the maintenance cabin, and the environment he was in was actually in the world!

Surrounded by an endless void, there are dots of worlds in the void, and hundreds of powerful auras exist beside him.

Among these hundreds of auras, the six are the most. These are the six high sages, where they exist and the surrounding space is being oppressed.

One of the highest sages closest to Lu Yuan saw his consciousness detached from Minor World, and couldn’t help but smile: “This time, the harvest is good. Your law comprehension has successfully broken through by 10%. Even with your strength, It can be said to be the first among people of the same age in Kunhai University.”

“The qualifications of the disciples are just average, they are all cultivated by teachers and schools.” Lu Yuan replied neither humble nor overbearing. He has an understanding of own qualifications, and there is still a gap between the top group.

“Haha, qualifications and important, but not the most important, I am optimistic about your disposition, even if you are behind now, who can reach a higher position in the future may be.” The president of Luyuan University laughed.

The thing that made him most happy this year was that he came out of a seedling like Lu Yuan, because he was less depressed because he didn’t fight for Xu Sheng.

When Lu Yuan first participated in the trial, he was not as good as he is now. At that time, he just barely won the spot.

But who knows that in the next experience, the speed of progress is getting faster and faster, and the advantages shown are more and more, which makes him feel like picking up treasures, and in the end, it makes him unable to help but give birth to the idea of ​​accepting disciples. Received it under the door.

After Lu Yuan worshipped himself as a teacher, although he was inclined in resources, he did not move the school’s resources and did not break the rules.

At that time, his idea was to train Lu Yuan to a position where he could compete with the first place of those two universities, but who knew that his progress was far beyond Own’s expectations.

The first semester has not yet ended, and the law comprehension has exceeded 10%. The first place of Kunhai University in the same period is only about 3%. The gap between the two is too big.

If it weren’t for a evildoer in Qianjing University, Luyuan University would definitely overwhelm all schools this time.

It’s a pity, they obviously came from Luyuan City, but in the end they couldn’t grasp it.

Also, even if they have done their utmost to cultivate, it is impossible for him to reach the height he is now. Coming to Luyuan University really delayed him.

Such evildoers should not be confined to the competition in this university. His future task is the survival of the human race.

Lu Yuan felt the meaning of his teacher’s words, and couldn’t help but ask: “Is there any news coming from him? How far is it this time?”

The president of Luyuan University was silent for a moment and replied: “The battle of Qianjing University’s strength has ended. In this battle, Xu Sheng ranked first in the sophomore year.”

The pupils shrank suddenly.

Lu Yuan squeezed his fists subconsciously, feeling a little hard to breathe.

“First sophomore… Isn’t it… Then his current law comprehension is more than 20%?”

Thinking of that number, the president of Luyuan University couldn’t help but smile and said, “Yes, it’s over 20%, and when he just returned, he won another 500,000 credits from Qianjing University after that. According to calculations, he The final rule of understanding should be close to 22%.”


With Lu Yuan’s tenacity, Rao felt that the goal he had been struggling for was loosening at this moment.

He originally thought that he would narrow the gap between them after experiencing the training of a hundred times the resources of the school, but he did not expect that the final result would be like this.

When he understood the 3% rule, he was already 10%.

When he finally reached 10%, he had already reached 22%.

The gap between them is getting bigger and bigger, and seeing him as a target… is really a shocking thing.

In terms of resources, even if he is only in Lu Yuan, but because of this year’s special training plan, he knows that he will definitely not be worse than Xu Cheng. This can be seen from other people who surpassed the two universities.

“You don’t need to care too much. His existence is unreasonable. His future is also infinitely vast. Maybe you still have the opportunity to fight together in the future.” The president of Luyuan University can’t tell you what you continue to work hard, and you can surpass it in the future. His words, Xu Sheng’s existence, really surprised everyone, including him.

Almost all Sages on the earth are very optimistic about Xu Sheng, and they have a very high evaluation of him in their hearts. Many people are very convinced that the possibility of him entering the true sage in the future is very great, and the possibility of the sage is not small, even The ultimate holy… there is hope!

The aliens also knew about this, and they had been arranging life to disadvantage Xu Sheng since more than a month ago, but in the end they were all stopped by the Sages.

He knew that even Xu Sheng, the client himself, didn’t know how much attention he received, and most of those senior executives were paying attention to his growth.

As for his identity?

It’s no longer a problem.

Because even the Holy One has spoken!

With the most holy endorsement, naturally no one will doubt it.

“Teacher, rest assured, no matter what I encounter, I will maintain an enterprising heart.” Lu Yuan’s eyes were firm. Once in his third year of high school, he would still be shaken by his rank being surpassed.

After so many years of baptism in the extraterritorial battlefield, he has already cut away those instability, and now he is only left with a pure saint Dao heart.

He knows that Xu Sheng is the same as himself. Based on his understanding of him, even with such a big improvement, he will definitely not be proud, and will only continue to move forward on the ground.

“I haven’t forgotten the one-year appointment.”

He said to himself in his heart that he always remembered the appointment he had made on the campus of the Third Middle School. At that time, he didn’t even have the slightest chance to fight. After half a year, he must stand upright in front of him in a meeting hall. World War One!

Feeling the unshakable will of his apprentice, the president of Luyuan University was extremely pleased. He felt more and more that Lu Yuan was the most satisfied apprentice he had accepted.

Some people are like that, and the aptitude shown at the beginning may not be surprising, but as time goes by, he is more and more able to amaze everyone!

He never thought of comparing Lu Yuan with Xu Sheng, both of whom will be important members of the human race in the future.

On the contrary, he is more happy that there is a person like Xu Sheng. It is his existence that can fully stimulate Lu Yuan’s potential!

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