Global Sage Era

Chapter 364

Chapter 360: Cruel

On the other hand, when Xu Sheng slowed down slightly because of the opening of the sect interface, a group of sophomores led by Lin Zhiyan and Tao Xingchun felt relieved.

At this time, Xu Sheng’s slowing down made them think that their backlash was inadequate and that this competition was about to win on their own!

In fact, they were extremely disbelieved. For so long, the cooperation of more than a dozen of them hadn’t let Xu Sheng go too far!

No matter how they accelerate so much, Xu Sheng’s speed in gaining points is not slow in the slightest, like a ghost, following them all the time.

This is undoubtedly a great torture for them who attach great importance to rankings. They almost couldn’t help but ask Xu Sheng, what kind of medicine have you knocked on? One person can give us so many people. contend?

Xu Sheng’s acceleration is not something people of the same strength can withstand.

From the awakening of the equivalence of all things to the present, he is the only one who chases after others, and no one has ever widened the gap with him.

The equivalent and powerful effect of everything is destined that Xu Sheng will always only get faster and faster. As long as the person who is surpassed by him can only follow behind him, it is almost impossible to surpass him again.

Once in the second model, the first place in the class and the first place in the school were the goals he looked up to, but through the second and third models, he has made those who had looked up to look up to him.

When it came to the college entrance examination, it was the same situation. When each other stood at the same starting line and participated in the selection of places, those people had already been dumped and could not see the shadow.

Then there is the territory of ten thousand races, and now.

In the final analysis, the sophomore is no different from the people he has surpassed. As long as he is really determined to surpass, then they are just a small mountain on his way forward.

Of course, such a fact is unacceptable by those who are transcended, just like Lin Zhiyan and others now feel extra tortured.

Xu Sheng’s temporary break also gave them a sigh of relief.

However, if they know the truth, they may feel even more desperate, because they have sacrificed the development of some people in order to maintain the current high speed.

In order to get points, it is a bit disregarding the casualties of the people.

Originally, the average level of Lin Zhiyan’s subjects was not as high as Xu Sheng’s. Now, because of this situation, a large number of casualties have occurred. Now his strength has not changed much compared with two or three hundred years ago.

Even some high-level civilian casualties have not yet been fully supplemented.

From this point of view, Lin Zhiyan was not a small sacrifice in order to achieve the current situation. If it weren’t for someone else to support him, he would definitely not clenched his teeth until now.

It is with the help of others that he can continue to accelerate the speed of acquiring points with his constant strength of the people, otherwise, with his current strength, the speed of acquiring points has dropped by at least 50%!

The opponents he is looking for now are all around 20% rule comprehension. The strength of such opponents is completely against him. Even if he can gain some advantages by relying on the stronger talents of his subjects, but if he wants to end the battle in a short time There is a price to pay.

In order to assist him, the light-grain worlds of these confused minds have collided with other people’s Minor Worlds in advance, and the power in them has been consumed a lot. Officially because of this, the safety of his people can be ensured, otherwise the intensity , Let alone continue, it is difficult to persist for a hundred years!

In Lin Zhiyan’s Minor World, in just a few hundred years, the atmosphere has been completely different from before.

Hundreds of years ago, the human races in Minor World lived and worked in peace and contentment. They could have time to enjoy life. Even some human races who did not like Martial Dao and practice Lin Zhiyan would not take any coercive measures against them, but now these Man is not allowed to exist, he needs to mobilize every bit of strength.

Don’t want to cultivate?

OK! Then you can go out and contribute to Terran, whether it is mining or economic development, as long as you can make a contribution!

Everyone’s potential has been squeezed, and the policies of large and small countries have also changed, and they have begun to advocate force.

The result of advocating force is that various crimes continue to occur, and there have been many bloodshed and grievances.

If Xu Sheng saw such a thing, he would definitely stop it immediately, but Lin Zhiyan, who took the saintly path, didn’t react at all. He just cast his eyes indifferently and continued to watch the strength of his people increase.

He just needs enough Practitioners!

And what will happen to these Practitioners in the end?

They will become cannon fodder in the battle with the light particle world!

The probability of survival of these Practitioners is extremely small, as long as those who have certain characteristics will be saved by him in advance, and used to advance the reserve of more advanced talents.

In such a world, human lives become extremely worthless.

Originally, as the people of the human race, they shouldn’t experience such a life, but now because of a competition, everything has changed.

Naturally, some people want to resist, and even revolt because of it, but the end result is cruel.

Lin Zhiyan can tolerate your other actions. He wants to influence the increase of own strength, but it does not exist at all. He directly suppresses those who want to revolt!

As an ancestor, he can feel the emotions and thoughts of his people, can see the entire Minor World, and no one can hide in front of him.

If the ancestors really wanted to do something to their own people… the people would never resist.

The strength gap between each other is too big, and the people are originally part of the human race’s strength.

I have never heard that a certain part of the human race can resist the human race, and ultimately harm the human race, right?

Although the two are separate in material meaning, the people are part of the human race. This relationship is similar to the relationship between flesh and blood and noumenon.

Just because of a change in one’s own thinking, the living environment of the people will change accordingly.

There are too many such things, or this is a normal development trend.

Even Xu Sheng is the same.

He wants Practitioner and cultivator to develop together, so now Practitioner and cultivator are in peace.

He wants the Practitioner to overpower the cultivator, and there will be wars between each other.

What the people want to develop into is completely determined by the ancestors.

When Lin Zhiyan’s people were miserable, the situation of the Huntuo people was completely different.

Because of the establishment of the sect, the cultivator in the entire Huntuo race now has a way forward.

Although people with insufficient Cultivation Base can’t perceive the existence of sects, but the advanced Cultivation Base such as Yin and Wang Fan have conveyed all the things, let them tell all the cultivators, naturally no one will doubt.

The cultivator has a goal to endeavor, and the damage to the Practitioner is greatly reduced.

Practitioner suffers less harm and conflicts with each other.

So in the next period of time, Practitioners are very happy to see the scene where the cultivator no longer appears. Even if there is a cultivator, it will change from the previous arrogant appearance and become easier to talk.

“The ancestors can always solve a lot of things.”

In the palace, Kuang Yuan was extremely emotional. He had been on the throne for long enough. The seat of Kingdom Lord Dahuang is now more and more unattractive to him. If he can, he can even pass this position to others.

But he knew that he couldn’t. The ancestors were still looking at him. His old man hoped that he would continue to take Da Huang to a farther position.

“What’s the domestic situation?”

“The world is stable.”

An in-house attendant came up to report that the weather in Minor World can be said to be smooth, and this year’s spiritual things have been a bumper harvest.

This is a natural thing. Xu Sheng now has a strong control over the Minor World environment. As long as he wants, he can keep the environment and climate unchanged.

But he would not do this either. Many wonders are extremely demanding on the environment, and even require constant changes in the environment to maintain their existence.

Humans need suitable environments, but these environments may not necessarily adapt to these wonders or special envoys.

Kuang Yuan stood up from the dragon chair, his gaze fell to the top of Tongtian City, overlooking the entire land, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

This huge area also has own credit on the ground.

After the Spiritual Sense launched by Kuang Yuan, a pair of wise and plain eyes rose at the same time, which came from the Huntuo tribe.

This is when Yin who is being cultivated feels Kuang Yuan’s breath, and his heart is moved, and at the same time his own sight is raised.

And at the ‘above’ of the two, they belonged to Xu Sheng’s eyes.

The entire sky is his eyes, and everything under this sky is watched by him.

Now that the sect interface has just opened, he naturally pays more attention to the development of the sect.

There are currently three main sects in Minor World, that is, the sects of Wang Fan’s trio. Only these three sects are accepted by the sect interface and displayed on his information.

Others can be said to be influential. From the evaluation criteria, the sects that can be regarded as part of the sect need at least the existence of the gods.

Regardless of whether it is the leader or too high Elder, as long as he is above the god of transformation, he has the qualifications.

One day, if Jijiao grows strong enough, then when he opens the conference, all sects above Huashen can send people to participate.

Transformation of gods is composed of humanized gods, which is an extremely important dividing line in Realm, and it is also an important division in martial arts.

It was about three years for the development of the Huntuo people. When the time came, Xu Sheng sent down the Tianyu, and the conquest, which had been stopped for several years, was about to begin again.

When he was not conquering, Lin Zhiyan did not stop there, widening the gap by one place.

Although he is not very anxious in his heart, it is time for the end of this hundreds of years of ‘tug-of-war’.

Yin and Kuangyuan quickly obeyed after the Tianyu came down.

The convening of the Practitioner is still very simple.

As for the cultivator, which is often difficult to gather, this time under the emphasis of the Yin sect, they suddenly became enthusiastic and responded, and a large enough team was assembled in a short time!

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