Global Sage Era

Chapter 340

Chapter 336: The Strongest Formation Master Qian Min

In Minor World.

The intelligent life belonging to the light-grain world of the Douxin tribe has spread far, and almost the entire land is full of their running figures.

At this time, because of the various defensive measures of the Huntuo people, the number of their deaths was close to 10 billion, accounting for one-tenth of the total number.

As far as the attacker is concerned, it was originally meant to be filled with human lives, especially when attacking a completely unfamiliar area with a cultivator, it would require countless lives to pile up.

Even if it is just to get close to the cultivators, they have to pay a heavy price.

This is not the most critical!

The defensive array belonging to the cultivator can only be destroyed by reaching a certain level of attack.

For example, the large formation that Qian Min gave to the Huntuo tribe was enough to resist the attack of the cultivator of the transformation stage.

Although Qian Min’s Cultivation Base is only the Nascent Soul middle stage, it is normal for the formation engineer to have a higher level than his own Cultivation Base.

It is even possible that a large formation belonging to the Nascent Soul level was deployed during the Foundation Building period. Of course, the resources required for such a formation are massive.

It just so happens that the Huntuo human race is extremely rich in resources in recent times, and it lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of resources for the time being. All these massive resources are used for the formation. Although these alien races cannot be resisted, it is very easy to block most of them. .

The area of ​​Minor World is still too small, which means that the depth is not enough.

If the depth is enough, even the cultivators can kill all opponents with waves of long-range attacks. Although this process may last for a long time, it is undoubtedly successful.

But now after only seven rounds of attacks, the other races are already close.

The speed of a high-level powerhouse is too fast, but the distance of a few kilometers will not take long to cross.

At this time, there are still ninety billion left in the hundreds of billions of alien races.

Most of these nine hundred were killed by Yin.

Kuang Yuan, who has the same strength, has also taken shots, but he is better at single attack. Although he also has all the methods of range attack, the effect obtained is not worth mentioning compared to Yin.


The sound of the opening of the first large array sounded.

In the north, the fastest flying alien race has entered the range of the big array.

But before these flying aliens were excited, thousands of Sword Qi appeared in the killing formation, but in a moment, these excited aliens all turned into fragments.

Thousands of alien deaths are silent, and the lethality of the formation division is too terrifying. Unseen creatures can’t even imagine before seeing them.

With the opening of the First World War, more formations were opened afterwards, and thousands of formations opened in a blink of an eye.

“Master, the energy consumption of the 137 formation Spirit Stones in the east is exhausted.”

“The energy of the magic circle in the west is also consumed too fast.”


Qian Min did not attack at this time. As the most powerful formation, he was the front of these big formations.

12,000 formations are divided into four directions, each of which has 3,000 formations, they are not divided. But energy flows through him to maximize the effect.

The difficulty of this kind of coordination can not find a second person besides him, even if Yin came to his position at this time, it is impossible to maintain so many formations.

In his vision, boundless blood was rising.

Occasionally there will be some blood of other colors, these are left by those aliens before they die.

It is no longer a word for blood to flow into a river. As many as 10 billion lives have died, the smallest being human beings. The blood in them all flows out and can fill a large lake!

The pungent smell of blood wafted throughout Minor World.

“Mother, what kind of smell is this? It smells so bad.”

A child who was only three or five years old was hiding at home. He suddenly sniffed his nose, and then ran into the house with disgust.

Although the woman in the house is mostly in coarse linen, the Spirit Power on her body is not weak, and she also has the strength of Qi Sea realm.

“It’s weird kid, if you don’t like the smell, cover your nose with a towel. Just get used to it.”

While soothing her own child, the woman looked anxiously into the distance. Naturally, she knew that her man was also involved in this battle.

Must survive!

She prayed in her heart, and at the same time prayed for the entire Huntuo race.

This time, their world was invaded. Everyone has no way of retreating. Only by repelling those invading guys can they be safe!

Similar words occurred in the entire Huntuo race.

The children don’t know so much, and the bloody smell in the air is too strong, even in their sleep, they can smell this smell, they can’t help but ask.

One parent chooses to conceal it, and another part is to tell the facts, telling own children that they must practice martial arts when they grow up, and kill all those alien races!

All the twelve thousand magic circles are operating at full capacity.

Dozens of formation masters were sweating on their heads, and Chi Min, who was in the most center, had black hair originally covered in black, but at this time, his sideburns turned white unknowingly.


There is a young disciple who is still in a low way and is worried beside her. She looks at the white sideburns of the Master and feels very distressed.

But she couldn’t say anything to stop her, and now the entire Huntuo human race was in danger of life and death. For their own sake, for the sake of their people, they could only hold on to it!

The formation division has never been so generous and glorious once.

Only dozens of formation masters, under the leadership of Qian Min, blocked the invading aliens!

The alien races, which numbered as much as 90 billion, were originally threatening, but in front of 12,000 arrays, they were stopped for a year and three months!

A total of 463 days!

At this time, the original 90 billion alien races only left more than 50 billion, and more than 30 billion died under various formations!

Even now, there are still more than 700 formations in operation!

The more than 10,000 formations that have been destroyed are not directly destroyed by those aliens, but because of the lack of energy supply, Qianmin can only selectively give up.

The Huntuo human race did have sufficient resources in the past, but no matter how sufficient resources are available, the resources in the tribe are already stretched. Even the more than 700 formations are constantly being extinguished. According to the current progress. I can hold on for another month.

But it’s enough!

For more than a year, all Huntuo Practitioners have been prepared.

In the past time, under the leadership of their captain, they watched the aggression of those alien races.

I also saw the cruel madness belonging to these alien races.

Even the timid people have given up all unrealistic ideas at this time, and they just have to work hard if they want to survive!

“There are more than 50 billion…”

In the Battle of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Xu Sheng was still besieged by the five puzzlers.

It was still difficult to resist, but gradually, he became accustomed to the intensity of this attack, and even he felt that his own law comprehension continued to Ascension during this period of time. Although the amplitude of Ascension was slow, it was actually happening.

This is naturally good news.

In the past time, except for the time in the Law Tower, it was extremely difficult for him to comprehend the Law of Ascension most of the time.

Now his law comprehension is advancing to 14%. He feels that if he can digest the offensives of these five opponents, his own law comprehension will exceed 14%!

The talent of the human race is indeed to make all aliens crazy!

This rate of progress is billions of times faster than other races?

Even without the earth, the human race must be the pinnacle race in the universe!

The more Xu Sheng has a clear understanding of the world, the better he understands some things.

While resisting the various offensives of the five puzzled heart tribes, he supported the Huntuo tribe through that ray of contact.

When he saw that the resources on the Huntuo tribe were not enough, and Qian Min had not enough Spirit Stones to maintain the formation, he was ready to exchange it, but it happened that at this time the five puzzlers increased their offensive. This battle lasted more than a year. At the time, when I can separate my mind and pay attention to Minor World, it is already too late.

“More than 50 billion foreign races… the Huntuo race should be able to block it.”

Xu Sheng is still very clear about the strength of his people.

Although more than 50 billion alien races are powerful, they are only equivalent to the two and a half worlds before, and this kind of strength can already be dealt with.

It’s just that the price paid in the end must not be small.

In his mind, this battle might last for hundreds of years.

At the same time, he also had an idea to turn this aggression into a baptism for the Huntuo tribe.

For a long time, he has protected the Huntuo tribe so meticulously that all kinds of careerists have spawned among them.

Through this aggression, he wants to cultivate the sense of home and country of the Huntuo race!

This decision is not easy.

Because this means the death of hundreds of millions of human races-hundreds of years of ten years, even if only a few million deaths per generation, the final cumulative number will be very terrifying.

The lifespan of Qi Sea realm is only one or two hundred years.

Personal qualifications are limited, and there are a lot of data that show that war is of great benefit to the growth of strength.

Those who could not break through in the past may break through to a brand new Realm in such a battle.

In addition, some people can realize their own life value, and war does not mean a bad thing for them.

Of course, no matter what Xu Sheng thinks, as the invaded party, these things are passive.

It is certainly good to be able to actively choose the intensity of war.

These are just incidental. Many people are not as lucky as him. In this void battlefield, he is not the only one who is invaded by Minor World?

Those who have been invaded are lucky enough to be rescued by others. The unfortunate Minor World is directly destroyed and even killed directly!

On such a huge battlefield, everything can happen!

Xu Sheng knew that the only thing he could do was to do everything possible to be as fast as possible regardless of adversity and prosperity!

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