Global Sage Era

Chapter 336

Chapter 332

Ganjing University.

When most of the power was taken out by the three Sages, the power still in the school at this time was less than one-tenth.

The life of the freshman students hasn’t changed in any way, except for class, which is to enter the maintenance cabin to develop Minor World.

However, many familiar teachers have disappeared, so that sometimes they can’t find anyone if they want to ask any questions.

Xiao Feng and 28 other students are studying freely in the classroom of the champion class.

Each of them exchanged recent experiences and improved each other.

During the conversation, I don’t know who suddenly said the word’Xu Sheng’, and then everyone’s attention was attracted.

Everyone couldn’t help but imagine that Xu Sheng should be experiencing a grand scene now.

They have never seen the battlefields of semi-holy, quasi-holy, and holy realm.

But now they have the highest degree of law here, but only just 2%. This strength is still too far away from participating in the war. Even when he is about to end the next semester, there may not be one that can meet the standard.

Originally, they were absolutely outstanding in their respective provinces, except for the students in Qianjing City and Kunhai City, everyone else was absolutely first.

However, when the first place was selected from the spot, it seemed bleak and dull. In the contrast of Xu Sheng’s enchanting evildoer, everyone seemed to be not a genius.

Even though their current strength Ascension is faster than in the past, they still don’t. There is a far back standing in front, their vision is also raised, and they want to do their best to catch up.

“Don’t think too much, Xu Sheng has already surpassed the level of ordinary geniuses. Your main task now is to consolidate what you have learned. If you missed this year’s war, you will still have other battles in your sophomore year next year. The students of Ganjing University, what you lack most is all kinds of battles.”

At this moment, a figure walked in from outside.

Everyone stood up and shouted, “Song Shenghao.”

Although Qianjing University had mobilized most of its power, it was impossible for a larger school to maintain order without leaving a few teachers, so Song Mao was retained.

As a disciple of the Old Sage, although his strength is strong, he is more inclined to research. Recently, one of his experiments has reached a critical point, and he can’t get away, so he is not allowed to go there.

Among the remaining teachers, Song Ming is the strongest. Apart from him, there are no more than five or six senior sages, and dozens of junior sages.

After all, the Huoxin tribe is a middle-class tribe, and even with the power of Qianjing University, it is impossible to eliminate them easily, so this time it can be regarded as complete.

“We know, it’s just a faint unwillingness in my heart.”

Someone said later that it was not that Xu Sheng was dissatisfied in his heart, but he had set a goal since he was a child.

But now, just in college, his goal has been almost destroyed.

“I also encountered this situation when I was in school. All I can tell you is that a momentary lead does not mean a permanent lead. Although you are now pulled down by Xu Sheng, as long as you don’t give up, you can catch up one day. If you can enter the class, it already means that you have endless possibilities.”

“But I just can’t figure it out. It’s obviously the same courses and resources, and even his resources are not as good as mine. Why is his Ascension so much faster than me? This is unreasonable.” Some people’s tone was full of doubts.

After saying this, almost everyone subconsciously raised their heads to look at Song Mao.

Xu Sheng’s experience of rising like a comet is not unknown. On the contrary, almost everyone in the school now knows that he has a secret, otherwise there is no way to explain that he suddenly soared into the sky after he became a second model.

Although similar situations occurred in the past, those people are nothing compared to Xu Sheng’s progress.

Everyone is speculating about what happened to Xu Sheng to give him his current strength… If he can figure it out, can he copy his growth trajectory?

This is human nature, as long as the first signs are born, they can’t be organized at all.

Faced with twenty-nine pairs of eyes, Song Ming’s expression remained unchanged.

“I don’t know what happened to Xu Sheng, and I don’t want to know, but once I have to tell you.”

At this time, although Song Mao’s expression did not become serious, and his tone did not fluctuate, everyone felt the recognition of the attitude, and they immediately felt awe-inspiring and sat down.

“Everyone has their own chance. I believe you already know the true existence of Qi Luck.”

“Xu Sheng’s ability to achieve the current results proves that he has to beat you in all aspects. This is the effect of all aspects. If you try to get any answers from him, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, because of this. The result will only be that you will eventually be backlashed.”

Everyone was chewing these words carefully, they were all the proud of heaven, and they quickly realized what Song Ming wanted to express.

Most people immediately put out their thoughts, but there were also a few people who were disdainful, and they had already decided what to do.

If you don’t fight for the chance, can you wait for it to be delivered?

Song Mingdong looked like a fire.

But he just sneered in his heart.

The students’ personal secrets are protected, especially those in their champion class are even more concerned by Extreme Sage.

Everyone can take away their own opportunities, but in the same way, they don’t want to take away other people’s opportunities. Once they violate this rule, the consequences will be unbearable even if they are geniuses.

There are too many geniuses in Terran, and a large number will appear every year.

Compared with genius, the rules of the entire human race are the most important. Once someone violates this rule, it is equivalent to breaking the foundation of the entire human race. This is absolutely unforgivable.

These children are still young and can’t grasp the doorway.

But people’s hearts are complicated, and some people are destined to take the risk, even if he is a high sage, they can’t prevent this from happening.

At this time, Xu Sheng didn’t know that a discussion about own was going on in the champion class of Qianjing University far away on the earth.

The existence of the equivalent of everything is his greatest secret.

This is not only related to his ability to quickly Ascension, but also related to the mystery of his life experience.

He doesn’t care about many things, but he knows what to do and what not to do. He forcibly shifts his own thoughts and doesn’t think about those things.

Why didn’t he want to figure out why he was able to come here?

But that said, with his current weak strength, there is no possibility of knowing it even if it is a hundred times.

It’s like he has entered Qianjing University now, and supposedly has a bright future in the future, but still no one can tell him everything in the past.

Although his last suspicion has been removed during the college entrance examination, it is strange that no one has come to contact him like this.

In the past few months, he has been ready to come into contact with own.

And came up with a series of countermeasures for possible situations.

The most important point is naturally that the origin of own cannot be said, otherwise if the above thinks that there is a problem and breaks the path of own, then it is too late to cry.

“Xu Sheng, you are a little far away from us, don’t continue to stay away.”

Suddenly, Huang Xuanlang’s voice rang in his ears.

Xu Sheng was awakened, and after looking at the environment in front of him, he discovered that he had unknowingly entered a deeper position of the Confusion Clan.

The five members of the Xuan Ce team are all in a remote location behind. If the quasi-sage of the Confusion Clan suddenly makes a move at this distance, it is really very likely that the rescue will not be possible.

Xu Sheng immediately began to retreat, and just as he retreated, he suddenly discovered that the movements of the surrounding puzzlers were not right.

I don’t know when, they actually formed an encirclement without making a sound!

Xu Sheng is right in the middle of them!

The strengths of the surrounded by several puzzlers were not strong, all of them were at the level of 10% to 15%, and it was precisely because they did not threaten Xu Sheng, so Xu Sheng did not react immediately.

Otherwise, as long as the confused minds who are close to the own15% law comprehension level reach two, he will be shocked and quickly retreat.

The goal of the Confusion Clan is already obvious, relying on the number advantage to besieged Xu Sheng!

At this time, Xu Sheng suddenly had a thought in his mind.

The fascinating ability of the confused mind clan has not been revealed since he participated in the war.

But is it really not showing up?

Maybe it’s already working, but I and others didn’t notice it!

It’s just like the situation of thinking and fascinating just now. It’s incredible to think about it now, but it just happened.

Xu Sheng’s expression became solemn.

It seems that the Huoxin Clan has already noticed himself and understood the identity of own.

[Warning]: Your Minor World is being forcibly connected! ! !

The blood red prompt on the Sage interface suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xu Sheng’s mood also became solemn.

The five light particle worlds floated out together at this time, a feeling of dragging appeared, and then Xu Sheng found that his own perspective suddenly zoomed in.

Huntuo Minor World is around, and there are five light particle worlds beside it, breaking the world barrier and connecting with Minor World.

Xu Sheng immediately issued a heavenly order to the Huntuo tribe.

This is a premeditated raid.

Although the strength of the confused heart clan alone is not as good as his own, there are currently five opponents, which are enough to threaten him.

But the more such a situation, the more you can’t panic.

Only by maintaining stability can we have greater opportunities.

The voices of the five confusing people also appeared in his mind, like magic sounds filling his ears, stirring his sea of ​​consciousness, and a thought of giving up began to form.

“Want to shake my fighting spirit? Dreaming!”

Xu Sheng’s eyes were extremely firm, no matter how these voices sounded, he was not moved at all.

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