Global Sage Era

Chapter 332

Chapter 328 Shameless Human Race!

The number of intelligent lives in the light particle world is as high as tens of billions, but most of them are mortal races without any strength.

The Huntuo race was a mortal race at the beginning. At that time, it was difficult for even a Practitioner in the tribe to come out, and a cultivator with Spiritual Roots was even more impossible.

After more than a thousand years of development, the Huntuo race is already a Hong-level race, and the gap between the mortal-level race and them is like cloud and mud.

Normal world warfare is protracted. It is extremely normal for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. The two sides will use various means to probe everything about their opponents, and they want to know each other and win every battle.

But this kind of battle initiated by the human race is completely different. Those unnecessary probing links can be ignored. The two sides are the most intense war.

The result will soon appear in such an intense war.

The Huntuo race’s force this time is close to 12 million, which is about one percent of the number on the opposite side, but its overall strength is several times higher.

All members are Qi Sea realm, and the strength of those mortal-level races limited to the body refining realm is just acting as a consumable role.

The Huoxin Clan also understands this truth, and the purpose is to reduce the state of the Huntuo Clan as much as possible, so as to gain opportunities for future engagements.

This is a matter of life and death, and life seems so humble at this time.

The intelligent races in the light particle world fell in pieces, and each race was wiped out; the casualties on the Huntuo human race were not small, and hundreds of thousands of people were already asleep in this area.

Practitioners with more than hundreds of thousands of Qi Sea realm, even people like Peng Xiao, can be regarded as traumatic. This is also the power of the mind-conflicting tribe with a 15% understanding of the law.

So in addition to the strength of own Practitioner, a mature system is needed to quickly replenish the lost Practitioner.

There is no doubt that the Huntuo human race or Da Huang has been able to do this at this time.

With a population of more than 100 million, as long as the resources are sufficient, there are at least a few million people born each year.

As long as these millions can grow up normally, they will eventually become a Qi Sea realm Practitioner.

To be cruel, these sacrificed Practitioners actually have no effect on the overall strength of the Huntuo tribe. After they die, their original resources will be inherited by a new generation of Practitioners.

Perhaps instinctively because of their existence, the new generation of Practitioners do not have enough resources to grow to a very high Realm, but after their death, the position is vacated, which is a good thing for the new generation of Practitioners.

There are many things that you can’t think about. If you think too much, you will become cruel. But this is the nature of this world. Resources are never enough. At best, it is a matter of priority.

Whether it is a Practitioner or a cultivator, the demand for resources is terrifying. In order to obtain enough resources for their own cultivation, they will do various things.

It’s like the emergence of evil cultivators, which confirms this truth.

Compared with other races, the resources of the Huntuo tribe are high enough, but people’s desires have no end. If you have a good one, you will want better. At the same time, you can imagine what other people’s people are like. It is absolutely infinite blood and darkness.

Xu Sheng is very easy to imagine these things. Even if he is not confident that he can avoid such things from happening now, people’s minds are unpredictable. Even if it is his ancestor, some people are beginning to disregard it.

It is also ironic. The more powerful the person, the greater the suspicion of his ancestor. Many of them are Practitioners and cultivators who have poured resources and energy into him, but now they are suspicious of him.

But there are also comforting things. At least the seven people including Yin and Kuang Yuan have not changed, and they still regard him as their own spiritual support in their hearts.

In the system of gods, believers of gods will eventually waver in many beliefs. This is still based on their set of’shepherd’ system, which is like the inclusive human race. After the mind waits for liberation, some people will appear. The problem is more normal.

In the sky, a dozen or so breaths approached quickly.

Kuang Yuan, who had been paying attention to the situation, appeared in the eyes of Kuang Yuan, The next moment, and above his head, a huge crown appeared.

As soon as this crown appeared, it suppressed the entire battlefield, all beings couldn’t help but cast their sights on it, and the soul was completely occupied.

For the first time, the strength of the Martial King realm was shown in front of the Huntuo race and the life of this light particle world.

The words seemed so thin at this time, even if they just urged their momentum to show a small part of their strength, they still caused the intelligent life of the light particle world to stagnate.

Even the dozens of menacing and powerful life auras in front were a frustration, and they were greatly affected.

They are all affected, not to mention the lives below Nascent Soul and Nascent Soul. They almost become stagnant in their thinking. Many of the battlefields that originally had advantages have fallen into disadvantages at this time, and they have been expanded by the Practitioner. He Huntuo cultivator seize the opportunity to kill them on the spot.

This is the power of a high-end combat power on a battlefield, which can establish an advantage for oneself from the fundamental momentum!

“Martial Dao…”

Practitioners all have hot eyes, they have seen a wider world, Martial Dao doesn’t need a cultivator, and the road is slightly weaker!

“Can the Practitioner be so powerful? This kind of strength can already be compared with the cultivator in the ancient records!”

The Nascent Soul cultivators were shocked. Although they have not resorted to their mouths, they still have a sense of superiority in their hearts, especially when they see that Practitioner needs a higher Realm to have the combat power they want to rival. so.

But this mentality was completely shattered today. Kuang Yuan used his Realm and Cultivation Base to prove that the Practitioner and the cultivator are completely the same!

That crown is too dazzling, and such a method is also beyond the reach of their cultivator!

Yin watched quietly, and after a long time, he only smiled faintly.

Seeing silently, there is wind.

Then the people around Yin suddenly felt like a source of gravity suddenly appeared beside them. After they searched for it in a hurry, they finally found that Yin was the source of everything.

What is Huashen?

It is not only the Nascent Soul transforming god, but also the human transforming god.

Immortals, or celestial gods, immortals are naturally incomparably powerful, which is a completely different level, but the fact that gods are not as good as immortals does not mean that gods are not powerful.

Gods still have powerful magic power and supernatural powers, and being transformed into gods by humans also means the detachment of one’s Realm, which is more and more different from humans.

Lifespan of more than three thousand years is only the most basic aspect. Although lifespan is very important, it is no longer the most important.

“It’s the big Elder!”

When the cultivators perceive Yin’s breath, the mentality that had been changed because of Kuang Yuan’s crown changed again.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the spirit of spirit shown by Yin is a shot of a booster, giving all cultivators strong confidence.

On the battlefield, two powerful auras appeared on the side of the Huntuo race.

Only these two breaths completely suppressed the dozen or so breaths on the opposite side.

Practitioner and cultivator are trying their best to distinguish, but their final result is actually the same.

The big Elder and the big clan elders turned out to be inseparable. People who tried to distinguish between the strong and the weak are naturally strong. Everyone has fought side by side with Yin and Kuang Yuan. In their hearts, Kuang Yuan is still a big clan elder.

“The Practitioner can be so powerful.”

Xuan Yi was pleasantly surprised, he subconsciously looked at Xuan Zheng, and found that the latter’s eyes were also excited.

Although they have long known that the Practitioner is no longer weaker than the cultivator from the Martial King realm, it is only a record. When there are no conclusive facts, they can’t help but murmur in their hearts.

Now, everything is settled, and they are also looking forward to the Martial King Realm in their hearts.

Become a Martial King powerhouse as soon as possible, and be able to really’pull your chest up’ in front of the cultivator.

Even if both of them are unavoidable, let alone other Practitioners.

“Invaders, get out of our world!!!”

The earth-shaking roar resounded across the sky, and many low-strength Practitioners and cultivators were covering their ears in pain.

And Yin and Kuangyuan felt more, more than a dozen voices rang in their minds, and at the same time several mental attacks rushed towards them.

More than a dozen opponents at the transformation level have different appearances, and most of them are completely inconceivable by human imagination. Ordinary people simply lose their sanity just by seeing their appearance.

Most of them are the power levels of the middle stage before the transformation of the gods, only one is the Cultivation Base of the late stage transformation of the gods, but the strange thing is that it seems to have suffered serious injuries, and most of the body is burning with black inflammation. Its momentum is at most a line higher than the middle stage of the god of transformation.

This kind of strength is not a hindrance to Yin and Kuang Yuan, even if Xu Sheng does not volunteer for them, they are quite likely to kill each other.

However, there is still the original power falling from the sky, blending into Yin and Kuang Yuan’s body, greatly enhancing their strength.

If they were originally equivalent to the ordinary middle stage of Huashen, now they have reached the relatively powerful stage of Huashen late stage. Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law of Ascension has greatly enhanced his Ascension ability for his subjects.

In other words, it is Sages, even if it is to directly catalyze an ordinary person to the level of an immortal, it is very common. Even if they really want to, they can make ordinary people ascend to the sky and become a real immortal!

For Sage, immortals are just more powerful beings, and in essence they are not much different from ordinary beings.

The difference between Immortal Saints is countless times greater than the difference between Deva.

“The ancestors have taken action!”

“Victory will belong to us!”

Xu Sheng’s actions sharply increased the morale of the Huntuo tribe.

“Human Race, you are always so shameless!”

This time angrily replaced by the Confused Race, facing the human race, they themselves did not have any way to live in the Ascension Light Particle World.

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