Global Sage Era

Chapter 306

Chapter 302 Fang Su Is Crazy?

Battle tower.

One hundred people from each of the east and west campuses have entered.

This is the first time that the two campuses have competed on such a large scale.

The East Campus is here, and the twenty-nine members of the champion class are naturally standing at the forefront. In this way, no one can stay aside from matters related to the reputation of the campus.

Of course, some people don’t care, such as Gong Ziwen, who is self-centered, how does the East Campus do with him? But no matter what he thought in his heart, he would never show it on the surface.

The same is true on the West Campus. Fang Su, as the leader, is the one who speaks the least. All the provocative words are spoken by other people around him. For the group of people standing at the top of this grade, these words are not worthwhile. they said.

But this is the general trend.

When the ‘power’ rises, no one can stay out of it.

A hundred people on each side stood in rehearsed positions. The front one was the main battle, and the last one was the main resource.

In this kind of battle, resources are also very important things, and in the battle tower, Taling can also adjust the time according to the limit that everyone can bear.

It would have cost a lot of credits.

But when Xiao Feng came to inquire, he found that the school had opened up permissions for them.

This reminded him of the news that had been circulating. Generally speaking, when it came to a fight between two campuses, Sage from each other’s campus was actually paying attention.

This kind of battle will take more than half a year at every turn, and if you just ask students to deal with credits, they won’t be able to get them out.

It can be regarded as a solution to the worries of the students.

Xiao Feng can imagine that the Sages of the East Campus were definitely not happy when they saw the students from the West Campus dared to come over to them.

After everyone was ready, the battle of two hundred people began.

When Taring put everyone on the battlefield, everyone felt that there were countless Stars flickering in front of them.

Then two hundred worlds condensed in one place, one hundred on each side formed a huge land, and there was a buffer zone in the center of the two huge land.

At this time, everyone’s data is naturally virtual, and it is simulated based on the information uploaded by everyone before.

All if someone deliberately hides their strength, there is no way, but the person next to them can tell most of them if they don’t try their best. Such behavior will be liquidated after the fact.

“Mu Fei, you are at the forefront with a few people who are good at defending.”

“Lu Shan, look for opportunities with a dozen people who are good at attacking.”

“Wu Su, you bring a dozen people assigned to you to add gain status to everyone.”


The instructions were conveyed by Xiao Feng one by one.

Now his position on the East Campus has basically been determined, and no one has the slightest objection to his plan.

Even a proud person like Lu Shan knew that in the face of such a battle, if he didn’t cooperate with other people, then as long as one of his own people would be wiped out.

A hundred Minor Worlds are all running. Although they are all virtual data, the performance of those people is not much different from the real ones.

The simulation ability of the warring tower is extremely powerful. As long as the data is uploaded, it can basically simulate most of it according to own development. This is also the precious feature of the warring tower, otherwise it cannot be parallel with the law tower and the time tower.

When preparing for the east campus, the situation on the west campus was similar.

It was Fang Su who gave the order. He was a powerful person in the main battle, and at the same time he was not much inferior to Xiao Feng in terms of strategy. It was precisely this way that he could always suppress Xiao Feng in the comprehensive ranking among the five towers.

The two collided several times in previous engagements.

There was even a one-on-one battle, and the final result was a pity. After Xiao Feng fought with Fang Su, he lost to Fang Su.

After that battle, Xiao Feng was depressed for a long time, which was a big blow to him.

This is also the second time he has lost since childhood.

Fang Sudang has not lost yet (the Ten Thousand Clan Territory has not directly fought with Xu Sheng), so although he knows that Xu Sheng’s strength surpasses him, his confidence has not yet been hit.

After the two parties finished the preliminary preparations, the students responsible for the defense soon came to the forefront.

There are tens of thousands of people sent by each side, and the number of people of ten people together is more than 500,000.

The people on both sides add up to more than one million people, and they face each other in the central battlefield.

The people on both sides are constantly approaching, the stone men, the mountain giants, the iron wall men… all races are of the kind that look very heavy. Although they are insufficient in attack, they are extremely difficult to break through. Difficult things.

And after these defensive races, they are the extremely powerful races like Baihe Jianxiu and Shadow Mantis. They hide their bodies and look for opportunities to make breakthroughs.

A wave of brilliance came from the rear and fell on the people in front.

In an instant, the aura of each individual soared. This was a strength bonus given by Wu Su and other partial assistance subjects. Although they did not directly participate in the war, the result was that they did not need to directly participate in the war.

Some of these gain states directly increase all aspects of quality, while others greatly increase fighting spirit, so soon the two parties can no longer hold back and begin to actively rush towards each other.

Above the two hundred worlds, two hundred huge phantoms were watching. At a certain critical moment, they began to consume the origin and strengthen their own people.

This kind of strength Ascension is very scary, almost double the strength of the people in a short time.

About ten days later, the leading forces on both sides collided, and then there was an eruption of blood and fire.

Various origins are also entangled at this time, and different law comprehensions also show different powers.




All kinds of roars, there are people with flying ability, races with hidden assassination ability, and races with extreme speed.

All races show the power of their own race. The two sides may be flesh and blood, or they may be stone or jade. When they collide together, they produce images that make the brows jump wildly.

Xiao Feng gave instructions in the middle, and at first he was able to withstand the high pressure consumption, but after a month, he already felt mentally exhausted.

This kind of consumption is almost equivalent to a hundred times that of his own person. According to the current state, he can support it for three months is considered a great thing.

But he also knew that Fang Su would not be any better than himself.

Although he lost the last battle, he also knew that the difference in strength between him and Fang Su was not large, and that the difference in strength was extremely small. Since he felt the tremendous pressure, the opponent was in the same situation.

Fang Su’s situation at this time was indeed similar to that of Xiao Feng, or even slightly worse.

Because the West Campus is different from the East Campus’s full recognition of Xiao Feng, many people do not perform his instructions so strictly, which makes him have to make up for the shortcomings from time to time, which makes him consume more energy.

So if this goes on, he feels that the situation will definitely be bad.

“Time can’t be delayed, Xiao Feng is very strong. Once I can’t hold it and the command is in chaos, then the West Campus will win a question mark.”

The reason why the West Campus dared to fight like this this time was naturally because of confidence. This confidence came from the support of Gao Sheng behind him. After knowing that there was an extremely powerful student in the East Campus, all Gao Sheng raised their resources.

This kind of increase is at the expense of some of the speed of Ascension, and it will not happen in the usual way.

Ganjing University was naturally unhappy after learning about these behaviors, but they couldn’t interfere either. This was Gao Sheng’s help to his descendants, and they couldn’t forcefully stop them except by accusing them.

Therefore, the speed of Ascension in the West Campus was not affected by the failure of the Ten Thousand Clan Territory, and the speed of Ascension was not worse than in previous years.

The East Campus might have outperformed the West Campus this year and it was blocked because of this. The West Campus was still a little worse in terms of strength throughout the day.

But no one can say anything, birth is the biggest influencing factor.

In Sage’s eyes, luck is also a decisive factor in reaching the top.

If your luck is not good enough, you may encounter a powerful alien when you are doing missions outside the territory, and then you will be killed directly without the support of the earth. This situation has happened many times before.

Although it is not that there will be accidents due to poor luck, the relationship between the two is indeed positively correlated after demonstration.

The offensive in the West Campus became fierce under Fang Su’s deployment.

Almost used a life-for-life style of play, and both sides’ losses are exponentially ascending.

“Are the people on the west campus crazy?”

“What disease did they have?”

The East Campus students looked at the top and felt incredible.

Xiao Feng also became a little frantic because of this situation.

“What exactly is Fang Su’s thinking? He shouldn’t have made such a decision.”

Xiao Feng’s eyes were full of confusing women, and he regarded Fang Su as an opponent of the same level in his heart.

He would never do such a behavior, so there must be a reason for this situation now.

Fang Su must be thinking of something in his heart.

The people on both sides are constantly dying, and the defensive race at the top will soon die almost.

After the defensive race died, the sacrifice speed of the people on both sides doubled even more.

In the blink of an eye for a month, a troop finally broke through the blockade on the West Campus and came into contact with the Minor World of the students on the East Campus.

At this moment, the complexion of all the East Campus students changed drastically.

This situation must not be allowed to continue!

Everyone can let the people support the attacked Minor World.

But the east campus wanted to rescue, but the west campus desperately blocked them, and the people from both sides flooded into this Minor World.

The final result was very tragic. The entire Minor World area was beaten to pieces, and all the lives in it died!

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