Global Sage Era

Chapter 300

Chapter 296 Two Intersecting Lines

In the Huntuo tribe, more than five thousand Practitioners have gathered.

The entire Huntuo tribe has a population of more than 10,000, and the number of practitioners and cultivators are half each.

At the beginning, most of them were Practitioners, and the number of cultivators was only a small part.

But as the number of cultivators increases, the composition is constantly changing.

In the changes of generations, the cultivator is constantly concentrated, while the Practitioner is constantly moving outside, which is not the result of persecution.

But compared to the colorful Life outside, the Huntuo tribe is too bitterly cold. Up to now, there are no tall buildings in the tribe, and there are no entertainment venues, such as casinos and restaurants. That may exist.

Cultivators are not keen on enjoyment and spend most of their time in cultivation, so they can tolerate such a life of Huntuo tribe.

But Practitioner won’t work. Many teenagers don’t want to take a look at the outside world all the time after hearing about the prosperity of the outside world.

More importantly, in the tribe, no matter how strong they are, there are people pressing on them, and they are “grandchildren” wherever they go. Outside, as long as they have the strength, they can get the corresponding status. You can go to any place. Enjoy the service of others, this kind of erosion is hard to avoid.

Even the cultivator who pays attention to the pure-hearted and low-spirited cultivator can’t resist the temptation of the outside world to sneak out, let alone the Practitioner.

Therefore, in the changes year after year, the proportion of Practitioners in the tribe is getting less and less. Later, only Practitioners with strong enough strength will settle here. They know the hardship of Martial Dao climbing and know that this environment is for What a great benefit cultivation has.

For such people, even if the Huntuo tribe is a place like The Underworld, they will grit their teeth and insist.

Therefore, most of the Practitioners gathered in front of Kuang Yuan at this time are powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that the force in front of him is enough to let go to sweep all the cities.

So if he doesn’t consider the casualties, he doesn’t care what the city masters think.

“Master, everyone is ready and ready to go.”

After Xuan Yi inspected the situation of the entire tribe, he flew to Kuang Yuan and stopped.

Kuang Yuan didn’t answer immediately. He looked straight into the distance. A few miles away, a pair of calm eyes were looking towards this side.

Those were the eyes that belonged to Yin. At this time, beside Yin, he saw the three of Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Wang Fan. Behind the three, more cultivators stood against the wind, watching them.

Although the Huntuo Practitioner inevitably has a conceptual conflict with the cultivator in daily cultivation, this does not affect the friendship between each other.

Many people grew up together when they were young, but some people have Spiritual Roots and become cultivators, and some people cannot cultivate and become Practitioners.

Practitioners also contain Spiritual Roots. These people don’t like the path of cultivator. The blood of Practitioner is more in line with their ideas, so even if they can practice, they did not choose this path. Finally, they followed the Martial Master senior in the tribe. One type of cultivation up.

These people have also become powerful Practitioners. Although they took different routes, the level they finally reached was changed.

At this moment of departure, the cultivator didn’t choose more words, just watched so silently.

Both sides know each other, from this moment on, the two sides are like two intersecting straight lines, and they will gradually move away in the future.

The Practitioner gradually left the Huntuo tribe through the entrance, and soon the number of the entire Huntuo tribe was reduced by half, and the rest was the breath of cultivator.

“Master, why are they leaving, Uncle?”

Some ignorant young children are asking. They all have Spiritual Roots. Although they can’t breathe into the body for the time being, they can already teach some principles around them.

“It’s too messy outside, Uncle and the others are going out to solve the chaos.”

“Will they come back?”

“Yes…but I won’t live with us anymore. The Huntuo tribe is too small and there is a wider world outside.”

“Then Xiaoyan will also go outside to take a look!”

“Hehe, the outside world is so wonderful, don’t be dazzled when you go out then, don’t want to come back!”

“No, Xiaoyan can’t do without Master, but wherever Xiaoyan goes, he will always come back to Master!”


Xu Sheng looked at his emotions in Minor World in the endless return to the market, and he felt a little sorrowful in his heart.

The own Practitioner and the cultivator have already had a deep bond. They have fought side by side countless times, and the difference at this time seemed so cruel.

But for better development, it has to be separated. The country is a good home. Under the unified deployment of the country, Practitioner will be able to exert a more powerful force.

Moreover, the systematic training of Practitioner can maximize the utilization of resources. After all, Practitioner does not need to be enlightened like a cultivator, even if own comprehension is not enough, it may immediately breakthrough after a life and death battle.

The arrival of the Ancestral Land Practitioner made all the city owners and supporters of the city outside feel that the sky has fallen.

In their hearts, this time the big Elder will probably also bring the cultivator, but the final result is no.

This is to become a matter between their Practitioner.

The outside world also has the existence of cultivator, but except for a small part who is eager to enjoy staying here, most of the others have accepted the task and stationed here.

They have already received a letter from the teacher, do not intervene in the next thing, once violated, there will be severe penalties.

In the outside world, the status of the cultivator is more or less higher than that of the Practitioner, but it is not so high as to kneel down when you see it in the ordinary cultivator world. It is more just relying on the strength of the opponent and treating it as a Senior thugs.

Many cultivators are obsessed with cultivation, unlike Practitioners who deal with people all day long, and are so active in their minds. Therefore, in the eyes of many city owners, those cultivators are like dumb gooses, which are extremely useful thugs.

“Xianchang, we have been in friendship for decades, you must help me at this time.”

“It’s not that I don’t help you, but that the famous teacher has to follow it.”

In Xuantian City, the city lord of Xuantian is persuading the long-bearded cultivator next to him with emotion and reason. This is a Gold Core Realm powerhouse, and it is considered powerful in the entire Huntuo cultivator.

And its status is also very high. Among the cultivators of outside activities, nearly one-third follow his orders.

In addition to him, another Gold Core cultivator with the same status is in Fang Tiancheng.

In fact, these two people do not belong to Yin, Yuhua, Xuan Yi, and Wang Fan. They have cultivated to this step by step. Their teachers were originally Foundation Building Cultivation Base, and they had already emerged as Immortal Ascension.

At this time, City Master Xuantian was already extremely anxious, and the arrival of the Ancestral Land Practitioner made him feel the gap between each other’s strength for the first time.

At first, Yuan was delusional to get through the process by delaying the tune without listening to the announcement, but at this time he told him that these were all his delusions.

Such a strong lineup, even without his strength, can gather all the small and medium-sized cities in one place.

The goal of the Ancestral Practitioner is very clear. Starting from the small city on the periphery, slowly spreading towards the center, then he will have to follow, and he will have to follow if he doesn’t.

But how could the Gold Core long-bearded cultivator agree to him?

It’s good to have friendship with each other, but Xiao Jiujiu, who was fighting in the heart of City Master Xuantian, has always known that now, it’s just imaginary and wrong.

What City Lord Xuantian didn’t know was that he passed a lot of information in the past. Their cultivator was different from the Practitioner, and the existence of the ancestral land was too important.

With his aptitude, if there is indeed a glimmer of hope of entering the Nascent Soul stage in the ancestral land, there is no need to have any thoughts in the outside world.

After feeling the firmness of the long-bearded cultivator, City Lord Xuantian was very distressed on the surface, but he was swearing in his heart. He knew that these cultivators were unreliable, and there were only great roads in his heart. These favors must not be in his heart. There is still some hope, now it seems that it is not used at all, it was in vain to please him so much before!

In the heart of City Master Xuantian, the Gold Core cultivator is far more trustworthy than Wu Ying Dzogchen. The latter may compete with him and want to get it, but the cultivator would never have such an idea.

Therefore, the attitude of the whole outside world towards the cultivator has always been to please.

City lord Xuantian had closed doors on the cultivator, and other city lords were in the same situation.

Suddenly, the whole outside world screamed.

But without cursing them for too long, Kuang Yuan and the Practitioners have already begun to compile.

Kuang Yuan knew the situation of the outside world and knew that those big cities could not obey his orders. Although he wanted to shoot all those people to death, in order to preserve the strength of the Huntuo human race to the maximum, he finally decided to change the method.

Dacheng City Lords have the idea of ​​ghosts in their hearts, but most of the small and medium-sized City Lords still dare not have too much ambition.

The first goal he chose this time was that he had already expressed his thoughts to him before, which meant that as long as he arrived, he would immediately lead the entire city’s Practitioners to join in.

Kuang Yuan believed that the city lord of the middle stage Wuying didn’t dare to deceive him.

More than five thousand ancestral land Practitioner came before this small city mightily.

Before he arrived, the city lord had led the strongest batch of Practitioners in the city waiting.

“Oh my God, is this the strength of the Practitioner of Ancestral Land!”

After the city lord felt the breath, he was immediately shocked.

Among the Five Thousand Ancestral Land Practitioners in front of them, most of them are stronger than themselves!

Those breaths that were as divine and enchanting made him tremble constantly, and he began to feel fortunate that he didn’t want to resist like the people of City Lord Xuantian!

Kuang Yuan didn’t care about the thoughts of the lord of this small city. In his heart, this time the incident could not be regarded as true at all.

He just brought the Practitioners out of the Huntuo tribe, and then unified all the strengths.

In the process, he didn’t want too much casualties, but if anyone dared to wave his arms in front of him, he wouldn’t mind destroying them directly!

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