Global Sage Era

Chapter 295

Chapter 291: Xu Sheng’s New Record

Can Xu Sheng make it to the ninth level?

Xu Sheng is on the tenth level!

These two sentences almost appeared in everyone’s chat records.

When I heard the news, everyone’s mind was blank.

What’s happening here?

That’s the tenth level?

No matter whether it is a student who is optimistic and believes in Xu Sheng, no one thought he could make it to the tenth level, because now there is more than a month before the end of the semester. To the tenth level.

Haven’t you been ahead of others for more than a month?

Ascension’s strength is getting faster and faster, and now it is the strength of the tenth level, so how many levels will it take until the end of this semester?

Some people’s first reaction was the eleventh level, but they were told rationally that with Xu Sheng’s current momentum, it would definitely be more than just the eleventh level by then.

But they didn’t dare to think about higher.

That’s not a level they can understand. It’s hard to even create a fourth and fifth level. The world after the tenth level is beyond their imagination.

At this time, among the freshman students, those who have not been outside the territory accounted for the majority. Most of the Tianzi classes have been there, and the Dizi classes may have a small part, but the Xuanzi and Huangzi students all stay at school. inside.

The extraterritorial is too dangerous, and with their current strength, it is not enough to go to the extraterritorial.

The news spread quickly throughout the freshman year.

Fang Su, Xiao Feng and others also knew for the first time.

“This guy, told me that if he didn’t find me to gather together after he came back, he still sneaked into the tower.” Xiao Feng shook his head when he knew it, but he knew that Xu Sheng’s character was also just about thinking about breaking into the tower. So I just broke in.

Looking at the guy’s current tower speed, it is estimated that he wants credits. After all, there is no special situation. He is not very keen to get out of this limelight.

Fang Su’s current mood is extremely unbeautiful. Finally, a month after Xu Sheng disappeared, he recovered a little sense of existence, and it was still that kind of force as expected.

The tenth level of the law tower, he is confident that he will be there at the end of this semester, but will that guy only stay at the eleventh level?

Everyone is still waiting.

Xu Sheng hasn’t come out of the Tower of Laws yet, indicating that he is still breaking through the barriers.

Which level can he get to?

Can you break the previous record and reach the eleventh level now?

Time passed by every minute and every second.

What used to be a short time has now become extremely tormented.

The only remaining senior seniors in the school have also come out, wanting to see how far this younger brother who can disturb the school every time can do this time.



“His stats have changed again!”

Everyone in Xu Sheng looked at the ranking data in the Law Tower. Xu Sheng was already number one, so the ranking on the first page did not change.

The only thing that changed was the words in the first line.

First place, Xu Sheng, the eleventh pass (0%)

Second place, Fang Su, seventh level (5%)

Third place, Xiao Feng, sixth level (99%)

With the emergence of Xu Sheng’s news, the entire school knew about Xu Sheng’s breakthrough to the eleventh pass.

This is definitely a milestone record!

In previous years, although there have been students who broke through to the eleventh pass in the first semester of the freshman year, those people did not break through until the end of the semester, or simply after the end of the semester.

How could he break through so early like Xu Sheng.

Just when everyone gathered in front of the Tower of Laws and wanted to take a look at the present style of this man of the wind, they waited for a while and didn’t see the familiar voice.

At almost the same moment, everyone had a thought in their minds, knowing what is happening now:

Xu Sheng-still going through the barriers!

The torrent of laws in front of him swept like a turbulent wave.

Different from the state of being gentler during cultivation, it is more to help him understand. The power of law at this time is the state of killing for safety, and the purpose is to kill him.

Therefore, although the two cannot be compared in terms of energy level, the pressure caused by the single theory is similar to the feeling of the fourth floor of the Tower of Law.

Every minute and every second that Xu Sheng spent in the eleventh level was difficult, and it was a familiar feeling of suffocation.

But since the four hours on the fourth floor of the Law Tower have been spent, how can this eleventh pass stop him?

10% progress.

20% progress.

50% progress.

98% progress.

99% progress.

The eleventh level finally came to an end. At this moment, Xu Sheng felt that his body was about to be smashed.

At this moment, the pressure he felt had surpassed that in the fourth floor of the law tower.

The pure feeling of Death caused a wave of fear in his heart.

This is also part of the test of his state of mind. If he is afraid of Death, his own actions will hesitate, the power to fight the law will become slow, and then he will face failure.

If from the beginning, the pressure of the eleventh level was like this, Xu Sheng didn’t think he could get through.

But now he has reached the last step, at such a distance, he will crawl over even if he gritted his teeth!

Finally, with a loud bang.

The one-hundred-meter-high wave of the law disappeared, and after the last blow that could smash his own bones, Xu Sheng’s body weakened.

The first place, Xu Sheng, the twelfth level (0%)

Second place, Fang Su, seventh level (5%)

Third place, Xiao Feng, sixth level (99%)

He glanced at the tower’s ranking, and he has now entered the twelfth level.

Seeing that the power of the law began to condense in front of him, it was the twelfth level that was about to begin, and Xu Sheng directly ordered Ta Ling.

“Stop going through the barriers.”

The power of the law that was being condensed immediately began to dissipate, and everything became smooth.

Xu Sheng rested on the spot for five minutes to ease his physical strength, then he stood up on the floor with his hands, and then walked towards the illuminated exit.

He is recovering quickly now, and in just a few minutes, he has recovered for the most part.

Going through a level is about the same as running a kilometer.

“Xu Sheng!”

“You are amazing!”

“You are the pride of our East Campus!”

When Xu Sheng walked out of the Tower of Law, he didn’t even see the outside scene clearly, and all kinds of sounds suddenly appeared in his ears.

Xu Sheng’s heart beat slightly faster, just a normal physiological reaction.

But he was not surprised, because he had expected such a scene, after all, it was like this when he first rushed to the tower.

Although there are many people in front of us, they have not been as many as the last time. Most of them are freshman students.

“It’s amazing, the twelfth level!”

“I was developing my people. I rushed over when I heard about this. It was a pervert! At this time, I can get to the twelfth level. How much can he get to after more than a month?”

“Should be the most powerful student in more than a hundred years, right?”

“I remember the previous record was the 13th or 14th level before the next semester?”

“Thirteen levels. After the ten levels, the difficulty of each level is doubled. The fourteen levels are too difficult. It should be more than 10% of the principle of comprehension.”

“Hs…the 10% rule comprehension level is required in the first semester. This is horrible! Normal people seem to be able to reach 3%, which is above the average level.”

“Who can say no? Xu Sheng has been perverted since the college entrance examination. He did not expect that his stamina has not diminished at all, and he is getting stronger and stronger. I guess, the sophomore students are very stressed. .”

There were too many voices in the surrounding discussion, Xu Sheng did not deliberately listen, but the tide of appreciation continued to fall into his ears, so that he could only respond with nodding and smiling at everyone’s greetings.

“Xu Sheng, are you going to go to the other four towers next?”

“Could you tell us how sure you are? It’s too painful to wait.”

“Yeah, I don’t have to wait for the result if I know how many levels you can reach.”

Everyone asked.

Xu Sheng is now doing missions on the battlefield outside the territory, and he doesn’t need to go to classrooms during the day, and he certainly won’t go to a tower a day like last time. This is a waste of time.

“Well, I’m going to break the time tower next. As for the first level I can make, I don’t know.”

Xu Sheng would not say anything that did not appear on the spot, because that was just a big talk. He was more detailed and proved everything with facts.

Others were naturally disappointed that they didn’t get an answer, but many people also learned more about Xu Sheng’s personality, so they nodded silently.

If you are not busy, just wait for the result together. Anyway, it will take more than an hour before and after. If you are busy, turn around and leave. You will see the result on the forum later.

Xu Sheng walked to the Time Tower, and the crowd behind him also moved with him. Such ‘spectacular’ scenes rarely appear in Qianjing University.

Even the first graders in previous years couldn’t do such a thing at all. Only Xu Sheng, whose grades far surpassed everyone else, could do such a thing.

A few minutes later Xu Sheng walked to the Time Tower, and then went straight into the tower.

“The Time Tower is definitely not as high as the Law Tower, so there will be a little less credit… now the goal is to reach the eleventh level!”

The time tower is the remaining four towers, he is the most sure to be able to break through to the eleventh level, if it does not work, the other three will definitely not work.

Xu Sheng walked in the long river of time, constantly breaking through the barriers, and outside the tower, there are eagerly awaited freshmen and very few sophomores.

Finally, the results came out.

Time tower freshman ranking.

First place, Xu Sheng, eleventh pass (12%)

“Eleven levels too!”

“I knew he would definitely be able to make it to the eleventh level. The last time his time tower score was very close to that of the law tower.”

After Xu Sheng finished the time tower, he immediately went to the remaining three towers.

The ranking of the first year students of Jingzhan Tower, first place, Xu Sheng, the eleventh level (5%)

Tactics Tower freshman ranking, first place, Xu Sheng, eleventh level (5%)

Zimin Tower freshman ranking, first place, Xu Sheng, eleventh level (0%)

Five towers, all through the tenth level!

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