Global Sage Era

Chapter 284

Chapter 280 Forced Connection to Minor World

“Student Xu, what are you doing? Isn’t it good to chat with the senior sister?”

Han Su’s voice was a little aggrieved attentively, like a little girl who had been disappointed in her heart.

Xu Sheng showed a blank look on his face: “Are you talking to me?”

The expression on Han Su’s face looked even stranger, she nodded and smiled: “Xu Sheng, of course, I’m talking to you, is there a third person here?”

Xu Sheng’s face was still blank, “Are you talking about that freshman student of this year?”

Han Su stopped talking, just staring at him weirdly.

Xu Sheng’s mood is getting deeper and deeper, it seems that the other party has no the slightest temptation, and has completely determined own’s current identity.

three sides.

1. She knew the identity of own right from the beginning, she rushed over here deliberately, but she needs to be sure.

2. There are some special items on her body that can help her see through her identity. This possibility is half and half.

Third, her strength is above Semi-Holy, this probability is small, but there is also a realistic possibility in front of her.

The power of the law suddenly began to surge from the whole body.

Xu Sheng took the lead in launching the offensive!

Han Su was also surprised by Xu Sheng’s decisiveness. When she thought Xu Sheng would take the opportunity to attack, she found that Xu Sheng had no love for war and fled directly to the entrance, not even entangled!

But even so, Han Su’s expression remained unchanged.

In the endless void, two grand consciousnesses chased and fled, moving quickly.

But the person being chased in the front is obviously slower, and the latter is approaching at an extremely fast speed.

“You must hold on, I will come as soon as possible!”

Huang Xuanlang, who was on the mission, rushed over as soon as he received Xu Sheng’s distress message. At his speed, he could rush over as long as Xu Sheng could last for more than a month!

This is already an extremely fast speed, no matter if it is a moment in the endless return to the ruins for more than a month.

He had also suspected Han Su’s identity, and spent time visiting nearby to observe Han Su’s situation. After a while, he was basically ruled out of suspicion. But who knew that after a hundred years of forbearance, it suddenly broke out. This is what he really did not expect. of.

In fact, it is also related to Huang Xuanlang’s identity. Although he was instructed by Song Miao to protect Xu Sheng, he is not really a protector of the Tao. Big.

It is not a feudal society. They are all equal. Huang Xuanlang wants to become Sage’s genius. It is extremely rare that he can allocate a part of his energy to protect Xu Shengdu.

“You can’t jump! Ha ha ha ha…”

Han Su’s voice sounded from the rear, and his laughter became lower and lower, like a nightmare in the deepest part of his soul, which could easily evoke the fear in his heart.

Fear is definitely an unfamiliar emotion to Xu Sheng. With the earth behind, his confidence has always been very strong.

But now there was inevitably fear in his heart, which directly affected his state and caused his speed to start to decline.

“She is definitely not a human!”

Xu Sheng’s consciousness was turning frantically at this time, and this ability to dominate the soul was not owned by the human race at all.

Thousands of races related to this kept flashing past, and he distinguished one by one, and ivory searched to find the most likely answer.

Terrans have been dealing with other civilization systems for so long, and they are very familiar with their respective advantages and disadvantages, and students are required to keep them in mind.

But Xu Sheng couldn’t determine who his opponent was this time based on the current information.

What is certain is that if you dare to attack him, the other party has already made preparations to pay the price. No matter if you will be okay this time, you will face the cruel blows of mankind!

In the process of Han Su chasing Xu Sheng behind, a hazy light also appeared from her, and the Minor World belonging to her was linked with Xu Sheng’s Minor World in the dimension of traversing space!

[Record]: Your Minor World is being hacked and is expected to be connected in three days

Minor World is forcibly connected!

This is a means of forcibly occurring when facing an adversary. The active invader will pay a lot of effort to build a special channel!

It is one of the most essential rules branded in the universe!

Even the Holy One has no way to go against this process, as long as one party is willing to pay the price, the other party’s Minor World will definitely be invaded!

Minor World is an extremely important existence for the human race, and being destroyed in a frontal attack will cause serious damage to the body.

Therefore, Han Su chose this method completely in Xu Sheng’s expectation.

But at this moment, in the face of Han Su’s forced connection, Xu Sheng did not show any panic on his face.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of relief!

“No matter what, Han Su’s comprehension of the law is placed here, her people cannot be particularly strong, and it is still unknown who will die!” Xu Sheng’s eyes were bright.

When Han Su came near him, if he were really stronger, he might have given up this area a long time ago. It is precisely because the gap between the two sides is not big that he feels that he can have the time to react even if she has any situation. Go down.

The comprehension of the 12% rule is three times higher than that of myself, but it takes a lot of time to kill myself in the endless void, and I am not without any resistance.

This period of time was enough for Huang Xuanlang to rush over, and even if he was injured, he would be able to make up for it after the earth.

Of course there is the most important point, paperweight two ways!

The reason why he didn’t take it out right now was because he didn’t know if the opponent had any hole cards.

No one is the king of cards from the beginning.

If the two-way paperweight is exposed, it will be an unfavorable situation for him. At the very least, we need to know what the opponent has to rely on. At the most critical time, we will offer the two-way paperweight and reverse it!

In Minor World, the Huntuo people are all moving!

This is not a conquest, but an invasion!

Almost at the moment when Xu Sheng descended the Tianyu, the whole Minor World capable forces gathered.

Even the female Practitioner did not shrink back, to contribute to the protection of their own world.

After a hundred years, the number of Huntuo races has increased again by a large margin, even under the constraints of resources, it still exceeds 100 million!

The area of ​​Minor World, which was still sufficient, has become crowded again.

The one hundred million Qi Sea realm Practitioner, easily gathered millions of combat power, gathered in one place and soaring into the sky!

When Xu Sheng first entered the endless ruins, his Qi Sea realm Practitioner had only more than 20,000 people, but after hundreds of years, it has increased by fifty times!

Such a powerful force can be called terrifying even among sophomores.

“Our world is undergoing an invasion!”

Kuang Yuan stood in front of all the Practitioners. He looked at an area that was exuding abnormal fluctuations, and his eyes flickered with cold.

“Huntuo Practitioners, would you like to see your home destroyed?”


“Can you bear the humiliation of your wife and children?”

“can not!”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“Tear all enemies apart!”

The Practitioners roared in unison.

With just a few words, Kuang Yuan mobilized everyone’s fighting spirit to the top.

There is a peculiar power in his voice, not to confuse people, but to make people unite. It is a very special power.

In Xu Sheng’s eyes, one of Kuang Yuan’s inherent attributes [Commander] is shining brightly.

These more detailed familiarizations include strength, speed, potential, Cultivation Technique progress… and are also important standards that Xu Sheng has been referring to.

And Kuang Yuan’s [Commander] attribute has always been very high, so many years have passed, and it is growing continuously. Among the entire Huntuo race, there is only one person who can compare with him, Xuan Zheng.

Even Xuan Yi, his only disciple, was far behind in this respect.

Yin is standing a lot far away from Kuang Yuan. Behind him are nearly ten thousand cultivators. Many of these cultivators are not strong enough, but their own characteristics allow them to not participate in frontal battles, as long as they give some help from the rear. NS.

Because Xu Sheng didn’t know what the strength of Han Su’s people was, the warning issued to the Huntuo people was of the highest standard, which was the calamity of genocide.

Under this circumstance, every bit of the strength of the Huntuo human race must be used, and the lion is still trying its best to fight the rabbit, not to mention that Xu Cheng is not the lion now, but the little white rabbit that was slain by the lion.

The space finally shattered under the gaze of millions of Huntuo people.

At this moment of shattering, a handful of people including Yin and Kuangyuan seem to remember the scene more than 500 years ago, the scene of the Huntuo tribe being invaded.

Especially the spiritual battle that made all of them unforgettable, everyone died in it once and for all.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, I would see such a scene one day.

“I don’t know how many people will die this time.”

There is a worry in Yuhua’s heart that every time Minor World is invaded, there will be a lot of casualties.

Invasion, the word is too unfamiliar to the current Huntuo race, it has been too long and too long since there has been no foreign race invading it, it was they who took the initiative to conquer other worlds.

The moment when the two sides are connected to the world.

In the endless ruins, Xu Sheng and Han Su both saw each other’s strength for the first time.

Then a sharp cry appeared.


Just like countless people who were surprised by Xu Sheng’s performance.

But Xu Sheng suddenly made a fist at this time, and his guess was correct!

Opposite the Huntuo race at this time is an army of millions!

Majestic, the power on his body is extremely terrifying!


Most of these people are the strength of the Body Refining Realm!

No matter how powerful they were, they suddenly became so small in front of Huntuo Practitioner.

Millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

Han Su looked like he had seen a ghost at this time.

“How can your people be so powerful? This is absolutely a blindfold, it can’t be true!”

Han Su yelled and felt a deep sense of danger at the same time.

She hurriedly wanted to disconnect, but what she saw was Xu Sheng’s friendly smile.

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