Global Sage Era

Chapter 279

Chapter 275 150,000 credits!

Xu Sheng marched in the endless ruins.

Soon we arrived at this abnormal area.

From the appearance point of view, this area is also dotted, and there are worlds of various civilization systems, but only a little observation can reveal that these worlds are a bit abnormally ‘weak’.

“Either the Spirit Source World is well hidden, or this area has already been discovered…”

Xu Sheng was constantly moving in this area. Compared with the outermost area of ​​the entire endless Guixu, it was just a trivial point at the moment, like a drop of water in the ocean. It would be impossible to find here if it hadn’t had exact coordinates.

Although this area is not large, it will take decades to explore the entire area.

“In just 70 years, I have found nine spiritual source heaven crystals. This harvest has greatly exceeded my previous expectations… Let’s set it for 30 years. If you still get nothing in 30 years, just leave here. Go back to school and stop fighting.”

Xu Sheng made the decision very quickly. Time cost is always the most important thing. No matter what time it should be put first, the acquisition speed of Lingyuan Tianjing is very cost-effective at present, but if it is not obtained for a long time, it will be Need to give up.

This is the same as mining. It is possible that the only mine was dug before, and 90% of the harvest was obtained in the first 10% of the time. It will not be worthwhile later. Now whether it is the verification process, is this mine only Such a mineral deposit.

I spent twenty-eight years in this ‘suspected area’.

Xu Sheng has explored most of the entire area, but he has never seen any valuable clues.

At this time, even if Xu Sheng was not reconciled, he still had to admit that he had wasted twenty-eight years.

“It seems that my luck really broke out before. How can there be such a good thing, I am greedy.”

Xu Sheng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and quickly adjusted his mood. Although he had not yet reached the set time of thirty years, he was no longer ready to find it anymore. He went straight back to school and first understood the Ascension of the own law to 2%.

Turning around, calling the spaceship, Xu Sheng rushed to the agreed time, but when he was about to leave this area, a strange breath suddenly rose from a distance.

He looked at that position abruptly.

Then took a deep breath.

The next moment, send a message directly to tell the spacecraft not to come, and rush to explode with a strange aura at the fastest speed!

In just three days, he reached the vicinity of the eruption.

Then in his eyes appeared piece after piece of ore phantom.

Each piece looks different.

Each piece represents a spiritual world!

But this is still not considered a spiritual source world group, because there is still a long distance between these spiritual source worlds.

But when he came to the first spiritual source world, the sight he saw made him stunned on the spot.

In his sight, further away, there is a huge mine condensed from ore!

This is the spiritual source world group!

really have!

There really is a spiritual source world group in this area, no longer in the center, no longer further away, just not far away when I came in!

If he had changed the direction and looked here, maybe it would only take three or two years to come here.

I almost missed it.

Xu Sheng didn’t know when it should be.

Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it.

These two poems are the best portrayal of this incident.

After a brief thought, Xu Sheng gave up the spiritual source world in front of him and went directly to the innermost spiritual source world group.

In the boundless void, thousands of spiritual source worlds gathered in one place, and they continuously absorbed the energy of the entire region and cultivated the spiritual materials in their own world.

Among these thousands of spiritual source worlds, the spiritual source world in the middle position is extremely powerful, and in it Xu Sheng felt the breath of a semi-holy rank.

But this is the last step, it will not reach it in this lifetime…because in the outermost area, once a semi-holy level world appears, it will be issued by Ganjing University a special cleanup task, and it will not take long for half of it. Saint-level students come here to pay.

At the moment, this spiritual source world obviously wants to break through to the semi-holy step, but its existence in the endless ruins is its greatest sorrow. Even if it is successfully promoted, it will not escape the fate of being annihilated, even if it has been hidden. , Luckily to become a Sage level, it is still useless, the earth will come here with a steady stream of strong people.

Xu Sheng watched him for a long time, and he and this spiritual source world will not have an intersection for the time being. If he dares to contact such a powerful spiritual source world, it will be no different from sending him to death. It can counterattack himself and restrain the sense of ownership. , Even if it kills itself, it will inevitably be annihilated, but its own death is a hundred death.

Of course Xu Sheng is not afraid of him, because the distance between each other now, if it really wants to shoot himself, it is enough to send a message to Huang Xuanlang to get him over. With Huang Xuanlang’s strength, it is probably only a matter of waving his hand to solve it. .

“So many spiritual source worlds, it saves me the time to search, but most of the worlds I can’t enter for the time being… I have to eat one bite at a time.” Xu Sheng obtained thousands of spiritual source world information. It’s almost there, except that the strength surpasses own.

In the past thirty years, if you say who is the easiest, it should be Kuangyuan.

The process of searching for the spiritual source celestial crystal is a process of confronting danger. Many times he was spotted by those powerful spirit source beasts, almost all of them died in a nine-dead life.

If it weren’t for Xu Sheng’s shots again and again at critical moments, a hundred Kuangyuan would not be enough to die.

However, danger is also accompanied by gains. In the experience of Life and Death, his strength has improved extremely fast, and now he is not far from Martial Spirit’s Great Perfection.

Once at the Martial Spirit Dzogchen, his strength will be between the Nascent Soul middle stage and the Nascent Soul late stage, and as his understanding deepens, he will completely possess the strength of the Nascent Soul late stage!

And when the breakthrough Martial Spirit becomes the Martial King, the spirit body will condense into the crown of the king, and the combat power will not be weaker than that of the Realm’s early stage!

From this Realm, the strength of the Practitioner and the Realm has always been equal to that of the cultivator.

In addition to Kuang Yuan, Yin’s Cultivation Base also broke through to the Nascent Soul middle stage again.

The other six Cultivation Bases didn’t have much breakthrough, and the four of Yuhuan, Qianmin, Xuanyi, and Xuanzheng were all limited to the Gold Core late stage.

After all, this is a breakthrough at a large level, and it is no longer an accumulation of quantity. It requires more insights to make a breakthrough.

In addition to personal qualifications, Spiritual Roots is only a part, and the mysterious and mysterious chances have a greater impact.

However, just when Kuang Yuan thought that such a day would be really comfortable, the sudden Tianyu made his brows bitter.


“This kid still wants to be lazy.”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help but laugh when he felt Kuang Yuan’s thoughts.

If such an opportunity is in someone else’s, you can’t ask for it, and you can take care of yourself along the way. Even if there is danger, it is just a surprise, and I will guarantee his safety.

The experience gained in the process is all own, and he doesn’t look at how fast his advancement is now, and Yin’s combat power has been surpassed by him.

Yin is now just the neutral of Nascent Soul middle stage. Although he can leapfrog, Kuangyuan is no worse than him. He can also leapfrog. Realm surpasses Nascent Soul middle stage. Only Nascent Soul late stage can crush him. .

However, the difficulty of Martial Spirit breakthrough to Martial King is higher than the difficulty of Nascent Soul breakthrough to Huashen. As Xu Sheng predicts, Kuang Yuan will probably be stuck in this Realm for a long time.

Complaining is complaining. Kuang Yuan couldn’t avoid this fate in the end. When Minor World merged with Spiritual Source World again, he walked out of the Huntuo tribe, separated from the others, and chose a direction to move forward.

Kuang Yuan was already very familiar with the search for the middle world. It only took him three months to find the clues, and then he entered the middle world for another three months.

Then it took a year to cross the realm one after another, avoiding the guardian beast, and touching the spiritual source heaven crystal.

“One and a half years…” Xu Sheng was very satisfied with this number. Compared with this efficiency, the twenty-eight years wasted before were nothing.

In the next fifty years, Xu Sheng’s speed in acquiring the spiritual source celestial crystals continued to increase, and he obtained a total of 32 spiritual source celestial crystals!

Adding the previous nine, he now has 41 in his hand!

Can redeem 61,500 points!

It is almost certain that even those sophomores can’t get credits as fast as him. A total of one hundred and fifty years are only five days of earth time, and so many credits are enough for him to be in the Tower of Laws. The comprehension of the Lieutenant General’s Law has been increased to more than 3%!

The 15% rule of comprehension may be achieved in only two months.

“This spiritual source world is my treasure!”

Xu Sheng looked at the spiritual source worlds in the distance, thousands of worlds, only about one-tenth, he was enough to deal with, but this was also the number of four to five hundred.



Keep brushing!

Year after year passed, Xu Sheng kept finding suitable goals in this spiritual world.

The speed of finding the spiritual source celestial crystal is still accelerating, and now it takes less than a year on average to use one.

However, in such a fast time, there is no way to get more incense. In a year in each world, the number of incense can only be tens of millions.

Although his current incense has reached 3 billion, it is not a big deal for the next exchange.

Fifty, sixty, seventy…

Soon there were 100 Lingyuan Heaven Crystals in Xu Sheng’s hand!

At this time, his mission has been 203 years old, one year close to Earth time!

“It’s time to go back one hundred spiritual source celestial crystals. I need to comprehend the law of Ascension, so that it is safer… this piece of spiritual source world group should not suddenly disappear.”

Although Xu Sheng is worried, he also knows that no matter how much resources he has, he needs to be transformed into his own strength in time!

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