Global Sage Era

Chapter 271

Chapter 267 Fifteen Crystals of Faith

The god of light has another identity.

Lord of the Abyss!

This identity has been hidden for countless thousands of years, and no one has discovered it.

He didn’t want to expose, but now his life is endangered, he can only choose to show this side.

But how did he know that he hadn’t met the cultivator? When he first came into contact, Yin had already discovered that he was wrong, and had been secretly guarding against his methods.

This is also the reason why he left the God of Light at the end, otherwise he would concentrate on destroying it as soon as possible under the threat of the God of Light.

After the abyss channel was suppressed by the Heaven-shading Seal, the God of Light found that the situation was no longer under his control. He wanted to repel the power of the Heaven-shading Seal, but no matter how hard he tried, the Seal of the Heaven-shading would not be affected in the slightest.

And when he tried, he knew his true face, Yin no longer kept his hands.

Naturally, the God of Light will not wait for death. He gathers all his divine powers without leaving a single hand.

The power blessed by Yin Yuan fell on it, and the two formed a stalemate in mid-air.

But at this moment, the other five rays of light came here, it was Kuang Yuan and others who controlled Magic Treasures to assist Yin.

In such a scene, you don’t care about going alone.


The God of Light roared, but it was of no use. With the suppression of the six Magic Treasures, his consciousness fell into eternal silence like the deity who was killed just before.

At this point, the main gods are all destroyed!

Although there are still deities remaining in some corners of this deity world, they are no longer able to cause any influence on the Huntuo tribe.

[Record]: You killed the god of light and gained 1,451,242 incense, seed of light, and breath of the abyss

Xu Sheng also received the reward message in the first time. The incense of the God of Light amounted to more than one million, which made him a little happy. As for the next two things, he also took a look at them. They can almost be regarded as better materials in the Nascent Soul period. The Seed of Light can nurture certain spirits, and the aura of the abyss can be added to the Seed of Magic Treasures. Naturally, one will be given to Yuhua and one for Qianmin.

Although the previous gods of war and the gods of destruction did not have so many rewards, they were also extremely impressive. Their strength alone is not worth so many rewards, but as the most powerful gods in this world of gods, they also Condensed some regular atmosphere, and replaced it with the immortal cultivation system, which means that the body is condensed with great luck.

The death of the god caused Xu Sheng to see a large number of pure white light spots in his sight.

This is what he saw through special means, that is, the goal of his trip, the pre-product of the crystallization of faith.

After the deity was completely destroyed, Gaia’s consciousness was rapidly weakened. Originally, it surpassed him a lot in strength, but now he can no longer feel the breath. Xu Sheng can easily break through its restraints, and his sight falls on the entire crystal wall system. .

The entire crystal wall system is centered on the most central Moss continent (the main material world), and there are star realms, god realms, and abysses on the periphery.

Although there are no gods in the God Realm at this time, there are still a lot of lives in it. These are all petitioners of the gods, who also contribute to the cause of the gods after Death.

But soon, these petitioners disappeared into powder one by one, and the gods they believed in were Death, and they couldn’t survive on their own.

The petitioner of the God of Light is the image of birdmen with elder wings, which is the so-called angel. These angels disappeared one by one before they had time to participate in the war.

In the abyss, a large number of abyss Devils are rioting. These chaotic creatures cannot feel what is happening on the main material plane. They only know destruction and killing!

But the princes of Devil were huddled in their own lair, and prayed that the abyss would not be stared at.

The strength of the God Realm is similar to them. Since the gods of the God Realm can be killed by the opponent, they are also Death when they encounter it.

They dared to peep their sights over before, but now no Maharaja Devil dared to do so, they were afraid of causing a murder for themselves.

In fact, Xu Sheng did not have the time to pay attention to them.

If these Devils did not come to provoke him, he would not deliberately clean them up. What he needed was the crystallization of faith, and Devil was useless to him.

In most of the crystal wall systems, Devil also absorbs faith, but this world because the abyss is located in a remote location, or the gods are better protected, so the Devils have not been able to reach out, but for hundreds of thousands of years In the time, without a belief system, they have also walked out an own path, and they can borrow the power of killing, Ascension.

If it is like the abyss that also uses faith to become gods, Xu Sheng will target them at the first time.

Huntuo Practitioner is advancing rapidly across the entire continent of Moss, adopting the same method as the Dire World, letting go of the scattered gatherings, and heading for the large cities.

Encountered countless resistances along the way, Huntuo Practitioners will take action to crush all these obstacles.

When outside the city, the cultivator will take action and take a wide range of spell attacks.

That kind of scale is many times larger than the mage of the gods world, and within an hour, a large city will be razed to the ground.

All places where there is faith are the targets of the Huntuo people, as long as there are places where there are temples, they are all key targets.

For two full years, the Huntuo tribe’s footprints have traveled to various locations on the entire continent of Moss.

All the temples have been destroyed, and some of the remaining power that escaped will also be sent to the Practitioner team for crusade.

During this period, the Huntuo Practitioner also caused some casualties, but because of this, there were more people in Breakthrough Realm. After the whole war, as usual, the overall strength of the Huntuo Practitioner did not decline but ascending.

At the same time, a new batch of Qi Sea realm practitioners appeared in Minor World. In just two years, a thousand young people broke through Realm.

The strength of Huntuo Practitioner has increased rapidly!

The total number of the Huntuo race has reached the three million mark, and it is moving to a higher level of five million!

Outside of the crystal wall system, Xu Sheng has been condensing the crystallization of faith for more than two years.

In front of him, a pure white crystal the size of a pebble was floating there, and various prayers came from inside.

In the distance of consciousness, Gaia in this world has been weakened to the extreme, and it is on the verge of dissipating.

At a certain moment, when the pure white crystal was completely formed and no longer grows, Gaia consciousness also disappeared suddenly, and the entire crystal wall system was completely gray from the original dim to extreme condition.

“Hey, is it so fast? It seems to be only two years, right?”

“It seems that his people are well cultivated, and this speed is considered very fast among us.”

“Time is running out, let’s speed up the action.”

There are other students who have come to do this task are discussing that the three-day task time is not enough, and the average faith crystallization cannot be obtained for more than three years. This is a very stressful process.

“The first one.”

Xu Sheng smiled at the crystal of faith in his hand.

He originally estimated that the time was two and a half years, but now it is a good thing to be half a year ahead. If the speed increases, he will be able to complete the task in less than two days.

The sooner you complete the task, it also means that you can take on more tasks, and you will grow faster than others, which is naturally a good thing.

However, every time Xu Sheng’s comprehension of the law increases, after all, it is only a small world, and his current strength has hardly obtained Ascension.

At that time, nearly 500 million incense was obtained, which made own ‘wallet’ bulge again.

If the entire continent of Moss is completely eliminated, the final incense should be more than 1.5 billion, but there is no need to do so. When he later destroys other gods, he can also obtain the same incense and consume the same time. The most important thing is Or do the task first.

He quickly sent instructions to the people to return to Minor World. When the last Huntuo race also entered, Xu Sheng led Minor World back.

Minor World separated from the continent of Moss and then entered his chest.

The entire process lasted for a short time, and then Xu Sheng quickly separated from the crystal wall system. After searching for it, he chose a crystal wall system next to it.

But this time, after seeing the situation in this world, he was taken aback. It looked like a world with almost the same light, but the strength in it was a level higher than that of Moss. The strong god-tier power was a new incarnation. Not to mention the period, the number is more than ten!

With this kind of strength, the Huntuo human race used to deliver food, and he would definitely not stubbornly touch this crystal wall system.

The task is to pick up soft persimmons, not just enter a crystal wall system and cause a war, the initiative is on his side, and Gaia consciousness can’t take the initiative to chase it out.

He chose another crystal wall system with a dimmer light. This time the level of strength was finally closer to that of the Moss Continent. Xu Sheng merged Minor World with it according to the previous situation.

The most powerful of this crystal wall system is the ocean one. Among them, the sea god is the most powerful god, possessing the strength of Nascent Soul Dzogchen level.

However, for Xu Sheng, the type of the gods does not make any sense. As long as the strength level is still in the Nascent Soul stage, he can let Yin eliminate them.

In the same two years, this crystal wall system was attacked, and Xu Sheng once again condensed a crystal of faith.

Continue to look for the next target. This time when entering the new crystal wall system, the number of Huntuo Practitioners is no longer on the order of 20,000, but it has increased again to 30,000!

The joining of more than two thousand new forces shortened the whole process by nearly a month, and Xu Sheng obtained the third crystal of faith.

Then there are the fourth and fifth… all the way to the fifteenth!

In twenty-seven years, Xu Sheng had already completed more than half of the task.

And this result was also discovered by the sophomores who had been paying attention, and they were all shocked and inexplicable.

“He condensed another one.”

“Another one is condensed.”

“Again… Another condensed one!”

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