Global Sage Era

Chapter 258

Chapter 254 Special Training Program

Time enters November.

The time in college seems to be faster than in high school.

In Xu Sheng’s feelings, it seemed that he was just listening to the class, and then participated in a territory of ten thousand races, and nearly two months passed.

The impression of Qianjing University in his heart is not very deep, even he has not been out of the gate of Qianjing University until now, and he doesn’t even know what is in the huge city of Qianjing.

As the center of the entire Chinese civilization, Qianjing is the “Sacred Land” in the hearts of countless people. The people in China are okay. If the other Sihua districts are busy with Ascension’s strength on weekdays, they don’t have the time to come and see it.

The conquest of the Dire World is being carried out step by step. Xu Sheng has set up some conditions in the maintenance cabin. As long as one of them is triggered, he will be alerted. When that happens, he needs to immediately put down his business and go to the world. The conquest of the people is guided.

In the four years of university, the freshman year is the most spent in school, and ordinary students basically have no chance to leave school.

By the sophomore year, the school will issue various tasks, and the time at school will begin to decrease rapidly, roughly half to half.

The junior year is outside for longer, often being a character for ten and a half months and then coming back to rest for three or two days, exchanging some supplies to accept new tasks, finding partners to complete the task together.

The senior year basically didn’t appear in school. At that time, I was dedicated to breaking through to a higher Realm, and maybe I could only see a senior in school for a few days in school.

Xu Sheng has recently noticed that there are fewer people walking in the school. He knew that the sophomore students, after learning a small part of the best things in school, began to gradually go outside to do tasks.

The change from freshman to sophomore is naturally not made overnight. It does not mean that you are all sent to do tasks as soon as you reach sophomore, but there is a one- to two-month adaptation time. Basically, it starts in November. Everyone is the least. Have to complete a task amount.

Even if it is the main resource, they will still go out to do the task, but they may choose to team up with others, so that they will be safer in the event of a situation.

Passing by the book-shaped building, Xu Sheng subconsciously glanced inside.

This is the ‘Mission Building’. You have all kinds of quests released, most of which are released by the school, and only a small part are released by outsiders.

Entering with a student ID, freshman students have no permission and will be stopped at the door.

People walk in and out constantly, and the expressions on their faces are also different.

Xu Sheng has observed the expressions of these people, and from the expressions in some of their expressions, one can know whether they are satisfied or disappointed with the task.

But this time, when he saw three people coming out of it, there was sadness on his face.

Someone is dead!

Xu Sheng’s heart was shocked. Such an expression rarely appeared, but not appearing once meant that a student fell in the task. After seeing such an expression, he would usually see an obituary on the school’s internal network before long. .

Although he didn’t know each other, Xu Sheng still felt a little heavy in his heart when he saw the expressions of these three people.

Compared with other people who have traveled to the world of force, own luck may be considered the best.

Up to now, I haven’t experienced life and death—not counting cheap parents.

“That place is too dangerous…”

“…School…how could we go to…”

As he walked far, Xu Sheng faintly heard what the three people were talking about.

When he walked to the class, Xu Sheng sat down in his own seat.

As the squad leader, he is usually the first one to come, and some people will report to him if they ask for leave or anything.

It was almost before and after the time, Xiao Feng also came in from outside the classroom, Qianjing University was very large, Xu Sheng wanted to pass the mission building, so he detoured slightly.

“Yesterday Fang Su went to the five towers.”

As soon as Xiao Feng sat down, he turned his head and said to Xu Sheng.

“What’s the result?” Xu Sheng actually had an answer in his heart. If Fang Su surpassed himself, then it would not have been so peaceful last night at all, and the own wristband will probably vibrate and fly.

“The Tower of Law and the Tower of Time are both second, the Tower of War is the third, the Tower of Strategy is the fifth, and the Tower of the People is seventh.”

Xu Sheng raised his brows: “It’s worse than I thought.”

“He is really good, but everyone is only between five and five, the gap is not big…Of course you have to be excluded.” Xiao Feng said slowly.

Xu Sheng’s grades were too weak. Others were still struggling on the third floor. He had already broken through to the fifth floor. When they reached the fifth floor, this guy didn’t know which floor he was going to.

During the chat between the two, more and more people came to the class, and many of them took the initiative to greet Xu Sheng. Of course, there were exceptions, such as Gong Ziwen and Xiao Yalin.

Xiao Yalin is because there is a ghost in her heart. Although she does not admit it, she was the one who went up to bite Xu Sheng’s Lin School. Now Xu Sheng’s strength has surpassed her too much. She is also the squad leader. She is afraid of being put on small shoes in her heart.

University course guides do not often appear, the biggest task is to understand the development of students, and then give some targeted help and tips.

Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement. The class guide only provides guidance based on what the students have told.

Although Yi was a true sage in ancient times, he was busy with affairs on weekdays, but from September 10 to now, he has not been absent every day.

But today he can’t come, let own disciple Song Miao replace himself and guide the students.

Song Liu is now familiar with the students in the champion class. He knows that although he does not seem to be close, as long as he asks a question, he will immediately give a suitable solution.

For example, before Wu Su’s development of the Wu clan fell into bottleneck, he was confused about the future road, and after learning about Wu Su’s situation, Song Chang immediately gave several different plans, and Wu Su was also successful. Spent the own bottleneck, let the strength advance by leaps and bounds.

“After your strength has developed to a certain level, you will often be confused due to some behaviors of your citizens…”

“…The opposite way of thinking can be taken…”

Song Ming was standing on the podium and talking, speaking at a moderate speed, and after his class was over, he began to ask if anyone needed help.

Someone immediately raised their hands and spoke about the problems they had recently encountered in Minor World.

Song Ming gave a solution without even thinking about it.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t ask the question, he still listened very carefully. This is the advantage of having Gao Sheng as a teacher. Under the high building, the problems encountered by these students are too simple for them.

“Xu Sheng, do you have no questions? You never asked.”

After answering everyone’s questions, Song Ming turned his head to Xu Sheng, and even took the initiative to ask.

When other people heard it, they couldn’t help but look at Xu Sheng. Yes, they had never seen Xu Sheng ask a question.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Sheng finally shook his head: “The student has no problem for the time being.”

Song Mao nodded and didn’t say much.

But when everyone was leaving after school, Song Ming called Xu Sheng down.

Everyone else is used to it, monitor.

“Your current strength is the only one in your freshman year. Do you have any ideas? Sometimes it’s not a good thing to not be close to your opponent.” Song Ming’s words were very flat, but Xu Sheng heard it. The meaning of care.

Xu Sheng said earnestly: “Xiao Feng and Fang Su are very strong. I am only leading temporarily. If I slack in the slightest, I will soon be overtaken by them.”

“It’s good to have such an idea…but I think you can put your sight a little bit farther away. There are no opponents in your freshman year. You can put your goal in your sophomore year.” Song Mao said lightly.

Xu Sheng was shocked, sophomore?

It’s not that he is arrogant, but after entering the university, he knows how important the resources of the university are to them, let alone a one-year gap, even a one-month gap is not so easy to catch up, even he Now, with such a big advantage in the territory of the Ten Thousand Races, it was only a month or so ahead of Fang Su.

“Scared?” Song Ming still had the same expression, without any emotions.

Xu Sheng was a little embarrassed: “It’s not that I’m afraid…but with the current conditions, I really don’t see the possibility of catching up with them quickly.”

Just conquering the outside world, although everything is equivalent to exchange incense, but at most widening the gap between oneself and the freshmen, it is almost impossible to narrow the gap with the sophomores.

After all, they are all accepting various tasks, and the rewards they receive will have a great Ascension for comprehension of the law.

Generally speaking, sophomore students’ law comprehension is at least 10% or more, and only a few of them fail to reach this level due to some reasons.

The strength of the four-year university is still a process of continuous acceleration, which has a lot to do with the time tower. By the sophomore year, the time flow of Minor World can already be accelerated. It is twice as fast as Ascension, and the time of the third and fourth years accelerates faster, and it is normal to feed back to yourself through the growth of the people’s world, and to soar in the law comprehension.

“Naturally not with your current conditions…but we can create conditions for you.”

Song Ming’s words made Xu Sheng forget to breathe.

What does it mean?

He looked at Song Mao and waited for Song Mao’s words to follow.

“For the average freshman, during the whole freshman year, they grow up in accordance with the standard training program… But on top of this standard training program, there are special training programs.”

Song Ming’s expression finally changed. The words Special Training Program reminded him of some past events.

“I want to ask, what are the criteria for this special training program?”

Countless thoughts flashed through Xu Sheng’s mind, and finally asked such a question.

“The standard is…”

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